Female | 21
मेरे पालतू जानवर में बहुत दर्द होता है। 3 दिन पहले मैंने एंडोस्कोपी की, मैं गैस्ट्राइटिस की समस्या से पीड़ित हूं। जब तक मैं दवा लेती हूं तब तक मेरा मासिक धर्म आता रहता है।
सर्जिकल गैस्ट्रोएंटेरोलॉजिस्ट
Answered on 23rd May '24
गैस्ट्राइटिस के लिए आप जो दवा ले रहे हैं वह संभावित रूप से आपके मासिक धर्म चक्र को प्रभावित कर सकती है। मार्गदर्शन के लिए अपने डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें.. यदि आप गंभीर या बदतर दर्द का अनुभव कर रहे हैं
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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterologyy" (1110)
Was having mild stinging in my throat in january and was prescribed rabeloc for one month followed by esomeprazole for another month. After the completion of my dose my throat was fine and I stopped the medication. However I noticed in one week after stopping the medcines I had severe stabbing pains in my chest stomach breast. Could it be because I stopped the ppi or something else.
Female | 25
You were taking medication to alleviate throat discomfort, and now you're experiencing chest and abdominal pain. These pains might be a consequence of abruptly discontinuing the medicine. The medication likely reduced stomach acid levels. Upon cessation, your body may have produced more acid, resulting in the pain you're experiencing. It would be advisable to consult with a gastroenterologist to determine the appropriate course of action.
Answered on 5th Aug '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Hello! I have a problem with my stomach - constant bloating and nausea, sometimes blood in stool, there are times when i’m super bloated and it really hurts. I visited a gastroentrologist yesterday, he sent me for some tests and saw a 10 mm cyst on my ovary. Whatever I eat causes pain and nausea. I have an appointment with a gynaecologist this week.
Female | 25
Experiencing discomfort is tough. Bloating, nausea, blood in stool, and pain when eating – those symptoms can stem from various causes. A cyst pressing on your stomach may be the culprit. Consulting a gynecologist is wise. They have the expertise to pinpoint the issue and recommend suitable treatment.
Answered on 25th July '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
My nme is kunti my age from 42 yesars tow day start from vomting
Female | 42
If you suddenly feel nauseous, there are several reasons for this. It could be that what you ate doesn’t sit well with your stomach, you have a stomach bug or it’s due to stress. Take small sips of water often not to become dehydrated and try eating plain things such as crackers or toast. See a gastroenterologist immediately if vomiting continues.
Answered on 12th June '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
I got too much pain inside my left abdomen..is that due to spicy food.
Male | 29
Eating spicy food might likely be the reason behind the pain in your left abdomen, yet this pain might be caused by other reasons as well. This pain could be due to stomach problems or dysfunction of your organs. If you notice the pain is severe or lasts a long time, it's advisable to consult a gastroenterologist. In the meantime, you can try eating bland food and drinking a lot of water as a means to check if the pain subsides.
Answered on 7th Oct '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
While taking potassium citrate magnesium citrate and vitamin b6 the loose motion is going so it is good to take
Male | 20
Loose motions, diarrhea as doctors call it, can be troublesome. Certain medicines like potassium citrate, magnesium citrate, and vitamin B6 may cause it. These can upset your stomach sometimes. To help, stay hydrated, eat mild foods. Perhaps ask your pharmacist about adjusting the B6 dose or trying a different form.
Answered on 8th Aug '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Can Ayurveda treatment cure Ulcer politics?
Male | 30
Ulcerative colitis leads to swelling and sores in the colon. It brings belly pain, diarrhea, bloody stools. Ayurveda may help with symptoms, but not cure fully. Eat healthy food. Reduce stress levels. Take medicines prescribed. Do consult a doctor regularly. Proper management is crucial for ulcerative colitis control.
Answered on 1st Aug '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
I'm having anal fissure and spasm and it's very painful and itchy
Female | 20
You tear the skin around your butt when you have an anal fissure. Passing a hard stool can do it or having the runs can too. This causes pain, itching, and spasms. To ease the discomfort, use creams or ointments. You should also try eating more fiber and drinking plenty of water so that your stool is soft.
Answered on 12th June '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Stomach loose motion from two days suggest best medicine
Male | 20
For stomach loose motion lasting two days, you can try taking ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution) to prevent dehydration and a probiotic like curd or yogurt. Over-the-counter medicines like loperamide can help, but it's best to consult a gastroenterologist to determine the exact cause and get proper treatment.
Answered on 9th July '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Mai jb bathroom jaati hu toh anal se blood aata hai
Female | 17
Swollen blood vessels, called haemorrhoids, might cause this. Constipation or diarrhea could also cause it. Drinking water, eating fiber-rich foods, and using medicated ointments may help. However, it is better to consult a gynecologist, as they would help identify the underlying issue and give you proper treatment plan
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
When saftypin stay my stomch since 2 years what happened
Male | 22
You have something in your stomach called a "safety pin stay," which isn't normal. This can cause pain, discomfort, or a strange feeling in your belly. You might have accidentally swallowed a safety pin or something similar. It's important to see a gastroenterologist, who will likely suggest an X-ray and possibly a procedure to safely remove the object, preventing any further issues.
Answered on 28th Aug '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
My husband has Bleeding since four days without any pain Had piles and fissure and also got operated for the same in 2010 at thane bhanushali hospital Till now there were no issues but suddenly started bleeding since 4 days without any pain Please advice
Male | 46
As prior operated please do a colonoscopy before doing anything to understand the present issue.Consult the Gasternologist with your report.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
I have mild chest pain and stomach bloating
Female | 50
There are several causes of mild chest pain and stomach bloating which may include acid reflux, gastritis or even heart attack. It is recommended to visit a gastroenterologist or cardiologist so that the underlying cause of symptoms can be identified. Do not disregard the signs, and seek medical help immediately.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
nausea after eating, hot flashes, loss of appetite, stomach discomfort
Male | 18
This could be caused by bad food, a virus, or digestion issues. Try this: eat smaller meals, avoid spicy or fatty foods, and drink plenty of liquids. If you don't feel better soon, it's best to see a gastroenterologist. They can properly assess your condition and provide medication if needed.
Answered on 31st July '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
I was prescribed by a medicine called mysucral-O. Should I consume it
Male | 23
Mysucral-O helps with stomach pain caused by acid problems. It reduces the extra acid your body makes. Follow your doctor's instructions for taking it. Take it regularly to feel better. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask your gastroenterologist.
Answered on 15th Oct '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Having problems during toilet, found pain, acidity always and blood in stool.
Male | 34
Pain and blood in your stool can be a serious thing. Trouble in passing stool plus sourness are also not exempt. For example, hemorrhoids could be the cause although there are other causes like infections or diseases of the intestine such as IBD. Seek medical attention promptly for appropriate care must be taken into account as far as this is concerned.
Answered on 30th May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
i am 31 year old i diagnosed with acute calcolus cholecystitis , my gall bladder stone size is 18 mm , my doctor already did key hole method to remove the stone but due to inflamation and infection around my gall bladder my doctor stop the surgery , while surgery they fine severly distended gallbladder, dense omental adhesions, pericholecystic fluid, frozen callots triangle, features suggestive of acute calcolus cholecystitis . so my doctor suggest to do the surgery after 2 month , my question is that gall bladder get rupture or is there any any life threatening issue
Female | 31
Problems with the gallbladder can be difficult. If they’re left untreated, there is a slight chance that it may burst which could be very serious. When this happens you’ll have piercing pain all over your stomach area, fever and feel weak all the time. Dealing with the infection before anything else is vital.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Hi what does it mean if you have lost immunity to hip b ?
Female | 33
If you have lost immunity to hepatitis B, it means that your body is no longer protected against the hepatitis B virus. Immunity to HBV is typically acquired through vaccination or prior infection.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Gaurav Gupta
||han pasado 144h desde la ingesta de 9g de paracetamol junto a 20mg de polaramine, 200mg de bilaxten, 50mg de aerius, 40mg de fuoxetina, solo tiene sintomas como palpitaciones, taquicardia, insomnio, vomitos,mareo, vision retardada, pero que se fueron a las 13h de las ingesta, sexo de adolescente femenino, peso 66.3kg , altura 164cm, sin atencion medica desde la primera ingesta, sin ningun sintoma desde las 13h de ingesta, dia 4 a las 91h de la ingesta he estado sintiendo nauseas pero no he vomitado, tampoco he tenido dolor, ademas me he dado cuenta que he bajado de peso desde la ingesta, ahora son 2.7kg , antes de la ingesta pesaba 68kg ahora 66.3kg, el adolescente a tomado 11g de paracetamol a 95h de la primera ingesta solo siente una leve presión encima de la nariz, ligero dolor de cabeza, fatiga/letargo ,mareos y nauseas ligeras que desvanecieron a las 20h d la segunda ingesta, ahora solo siente un ligero mal estar en el abdomen, a 120h de la primera ingesta a tomado 9g de paracetamol, nausas, ligero malestar en el abdomen, diarrea, letargo, como saber que tiene insuficiencia hepatica aguda irreversible? o en cuanto tiempo lo desarrollara teniendo en cuenta su historial, el dolor y nauseas están empeorando||
Female | 16
According to the signs you’ve mentioned, it seems that you might’ve overdosed on some drugs particularly paracetamol which can harm the liver. The weight loss along with persistent symptoms such as nausea, abdominal pain, and fatigue is worrying. You should see a hepatologist immediately so that your liver function can be checked.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
High blood presure and cough.. Acidity
Female | 70
High blood pressure combined with a cough that tastes acidic could signify acid reflux. The stomach acid travels upward, entering the food pipe, resulting in a burning sensation. Acid reflux can trigger coughing and exacerbate high blood pressure. To alleviate symptoms, avoid spicy and fatty foods. Consume smaller meals. Refrain from eating too close to bedtime. If necessary, your doctor may prescribe medication to reduce acidity.
Answered on 27th Sept '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
about paracetamol overdose
Female | 5
Overdosing with paracetamol can be harmful, may lead to liver damage. Speedy medical care is what to buy in case of a suspected overdose. Find a gastroenterologist for examination and cure
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
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Is a colonoscopy free after 50?
What is the average cost of colonoscopy in India?
Colonoscopy cost in government hospitals?
What is the cost of colonoscopy in Mumbai?
Why colonoscopy is costly?
What is the outcome for patients with bile duct obstruction treatment after gallbladder removal?
Is a blocked bile duct an emergency?
Is the procedure for removing gallbladder while pregnant safe?
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