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Female | 19

मुझे एक दिन का पीरियड्स क्यों हो रहा है?

एक दिन ही आते हैं पीरियड्स क्यों?

Dr Mohit Saraogi

स्त्री रोग विशेषज्ञ/प्रसूति रोग विशेषज्ञ

Answered on 6th Oct '24

एक दिन तक पीरियड्स होने का मामला ज्यादातर मामलों में सामान्य हो सकता है और कभी-कभी होता है। यह हार्मोनल परिवर्तन, तनाव, बदलती दवाएँ या एक बार की बात का परिणाम हो सकता है। ध्यान देने योग्य अन्य लक्षण अनियमित चक्र या अचानक भारी रक्तस्राव हैं। यदि यह समय-समय पर होता है, तो स्थिति आमतौर पर हानिरहित होती है। दूसरी ओर, यदि यह अधिक सामान्य हो जाता है या यदि आपको चिंता है, तो इसे ट्रैक करना और अपने साथ इसके बारे में बात करना एक अच्छा विचार हैप्रसूतिशास्रीआपकी अगली नियुक्ति के दौरान.

3 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3801)

Pregnancy abortion Bill khai hu to kaise pata Karu complete hua ya nahi

Female | 20

A successful performed abortion procedure should be revised by an authorized gynecologist.

Answered on 6th Oct '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Hello ..I am trying to conceive since June 2023 ...I have PCOD I have started taking metformin and clomiphene from Jan 2024... Still not able to conceive My height is 5'1 and weight 60 kg Please help me out

Female | 30

It is difficult to become pregnant with PCOD. This leads to irregular periods and issues with ovulation, as well as increased levels of male hormones. Metformin or clomiphene may be used for regulating the menstrual cycle and promoting ovulation. Ensure you take them according to your doctor’s instructions. Fertility in women with PCOD can also be enhanced by losing weight; therefore, it is important to stay healthy. 

Answered on 16th Aug '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Can I be pregnant of hcg levels of 3.5

Female | 18

HCG levels of 3.5 means you are not pregnant. The normal range for HCG for non-pregnant ladies is usually less than 5 mlU/ml. If you have seen some unusual symptoms, you should see a gynecologist for a proper evaluation and consultation.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

I have been have rashes like mosquito bite from few days and also had swollen lips at night yesterday this usually happens at night time

Male | 30

It is indeed probable that what you are feeling is an allergic reaction. You are advised to make an appointment with a dermatologist to diagnose and treat. In this case, they will diagnose the underlying cause of your issue and suggest the needed solution. Get medical help immediately

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Hello good evening i have been experiencing late periods exactly started from the month of August periods take almost 2 months to happened during july then August it didn't again in sept month i got it nd oct I didn't....this year also I'm facing the same problem I didn't get it in January but today that is 20th feb i got... So i have been age is 23.. height is 5'2 nd weight is 62kgs

Female | 23

As per the symptoms listed, an individual is likely to be having irregular periods. This can be attributed to hormonal imbalances, stress, or even weight changes. It is important to consult a gynecologist to establish the cause and then get the right treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

My wife pregnant status is 12 weeks now we are in sexual relationship is safe or unsafe please clear my doubt

Male | 29

Unless your doctor advices otherwise, it’s perfectly safe to have sex when you are pregnant. Your wife’s body is undergoing transformations, but sex will probably not harm the baby. However, in some cases it is necessary to refrain from sex due vaginal bleeding or premature labor and low-lying placenta. Changes may occur such as vaginal dryness, but a water-based lubricant can rectify it. Also, if it’s uncomfortable try different positions. Communication is important, discuss with your doctor and partner.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

I'm 18 years of old, female. I had an intercourse with my partner 4 days back without any protection but he has not ejacuated inside me. But I'm worried maybe I could be pregnant. What shall I do

Female | 17

Pregnancy symptoms normally do not appear until a few weeks after unprotected sex. Nevertheless, if you are experiencing some stress, you might want to take a pregnancy test around 3 weeks after the sex. 

Answered on 11th Sept '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

I am using Diane 35 pills. After 6 days of using we have sexual intercourse. It is possible Po ba that i am pregnant

Female | 28

If you have taken your Diane 35 pills correctly and consistently as prescribed then chances of becoming pregnant are very low. But if you have missed any pills or taken them late, the risk of pregnancy increases. Just to be sure you can take a pregnancy test. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

Hello,i had sex with my partner 5 days after her ovulation period stopped and we used a condom,is there any chance my partner is pregnant still?

Male | 20

Using protection during intimacy is wise, as condoms provide­ a barrier against potential pregnancy. Since­ your partner was past their fertile­ window, the likelihood of conception is re­duced. However, no me­thod offers absolute certainty. A faint possibility re­mains. Should she exhibit signs such as a delaye­d menstrual cycle or queasine­ss, a pregnancy test can definitive­ly confirm or allay concerns.

Answered on 24th July '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Had sex on 11 day after period, I pill taken after 23 hours, 11 days to go their is no periods

Female | 20

It’s fine if your period is late after taking Plan B because it messes with your cycle. Some symptoms like spotting, feeling sick, or changes in the timing of your menstrual cycle are pretty normal too. Remember that stress may also cause a delay in your period so try not to worry too much about it. Everything should return to normal soon enough.  If not though, then maybe think about getting a pregnancy test.

Answered on 7th June '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

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