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10 Best Kidney Failure doctors in Kandivali East

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Dr. Rupesh Singh Kidney Failure

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Questions & Answers on "Kidney Failure" (129)

Right nephrolithiasis. - Findings s/o clot in POD & right adhexa and moderate hemoperitoneom. Wo falnt UPT eve status possibility of ruptured right adnexal estopie needs to be considered unless proven othervise. DVD rupture hemorthagic cyst. Minimal eterogenous collection within endoeterial cavity likely blood clot

Female | 35

The symptoms are similar to a clot that is apparently located in the right lower stomach according to your description. These are a variety of factors such as a burst cyst or it's possible that the right ovary is affected. The common signs that may occur are pain, bloating, or abnormal bleeding. It is necessary to perform additional tests for identification and then plan the appropriate treatment accordingly.

Answered on 12th Dec '24

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medullary definition is maintained. Right kidney measures 10.2 X 3.5 cms. KIDNEY: Both kidneys are normal in size, shape, position and axis. Homogenous normal echogenecity is seen bilaterally. The cortico Left kidney measures 10.3 X 3.6 cms. Splitting of central echoes is seen in right kidney. No calculus is seen. URETERS: Right upper ureter is dilated. However, obstructive lesion could not be visualised. VESCICO URETERAL JUNCTIONS: Both vescico ureteral junctions are normal. URINARY BLADDER: The urinary bladder is well distended. Its wall is not thickened. No intraluminal echogenic areas are seen. The prevoid volume measures 100 ml. Sonography report IMPRESSION: Findings suggestive of right sided hydronephrosis and right upper hydroureter. However, obstructive lesion could not be visualised. Follow up and further investigations are suggested to confirm the above findings.

Female | 20

The report suggests, however, that there seems to be a little issue with the right kidney and ureter. The right kidney is a little bit swollen (hydronephrosis) with fluid which is also a bit widened (hydroureter) in the upper ureter. This may be caused by something blocking the urine from the kidney to the bladder. The positive thing is, there are no stones that are causing the blockage. Further tests will help us in this matter, to know what's the cause of the problem. It's vital to do the follow-up tests, to find out exactly what's happening, and to get the proper treatment.

Answered on 10th Oct '24

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ultra sound is showing 20 percent swelling in my left kidney for the past 2 year not getting response from doctors

Female | 66

Swelling in the kidney can stem from various factors, such as infection, fluid accumulation, or structural abnormalities. Symptoms might include back pain, changes in urination, or swelling in your legs. It’s crucial to address this with a healthcare professional for appropriate evaluation and management. They may recommend imaging studies or blood tests to identify the underlying cause. Don’t hesitate to seek a second opinion if you feel your concerns aren't being addressed. Your health is important, and ensuring clear communication with your doctor will help guide you toward the best treatment options.

Answered on 15th Jan '25

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