Female | 33
Significance of Urine Albumin in Culture Results
Urine culture albumin-p resent in tracces,,,,ka matlab
General Physician
Answered on 5th Sept '24
If your urine has trace amounts of albumin, it means a small amount of protein got into it. This might show your kidneys have trouble or infection. It could cause swelling, frothy pee, or feeling tired. Make sure to drink lots of water, eat healthy, and skip salty foods. But if this goes on, you should see a nephrologist so they can check it out and treat you right.
75 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Nephrology" (119)
medullary definition is maintained. Right kidney measures 10.2 X 3.5 cms. KIDNEY: Both kidneys are normal in size, shape, position and axis. Homogenous normal echogenecity is seen bilaterally. The cortico Left kidney measures 10.3 X 3.6 cms. Splitting of central echoes is seen in right kidney. No calculus is seen. URETERS: Right upper ureter is dilated. However, obstructive lesion could not be visualised. VESCICO URETERAL JUNCTIONS: Both vescico ureteral junctions are normal. URINARY BLADDER: The urinary bladder is well distended. Its wall is not thickened. No intraluminal echogenic areas are seen. The prevoid volume measures 100 ml. Sonography report IMPRESSION: Findings suggestive of right sided hydronephrosis and right upper hydroureter. However, obstructive lesion could not be visualised. Follow up and further investigations are suggested to confirm the above findings.
Female | 20
The report suggests, however, that there seems to be a little issue with the right kidney and ureter. The right kidney is a little bit swollen (hydronephrosis) with fluid which is also a bit widened (hydroureter) in the upper ureter. This may be caused by something blocking the urine from the kidney to the bladder. The positive thing is, there are no stones that are causing the blockage. Further tests will help us in this matter, to know what's the cause of the problem. It's vital to do the follow-up tests, to find out exactly what's happening, and to get the proper treatment.
Answered on 10th Oct '24
Dr. Babita Goel
I have started having sharp pain in right back side so I go to the doctor and I did sonography and my sonography showed 7mm kidney stone at right kidney in upper calayx and irregular urinary bladder wall? cystitis pvr 5cc noted then doctor give me medicine I took tablets 15 days and now after two months Vomiting once and fever at night and back pain on right side and little burning urine and weakness and I go to the bams doctor and he give me calcury tab 2tab two time a day for 10 days but this time no fever or vomate only sometime right back pain and sometime burning urine. Do I go back to the Calcuri tab at the same dose?
Male | 21
Your symptoms of back pain, urine burning, and general weakness are likely due to the kidney stone. I suggest you to keep on taking Calcury tablets as the BAMS doctor prescribed you. Stay well-hydrated and eat a balanced diet. If these symptoms last or worsen, it's vital to get medical help.
Answered on 22nd Aug '24
Dr. Babita Goel
How many points can my creatinine increase with GFR increase after 30 days with stage 4 ckd eating low phosphorus potassium protein and sodium. I have lost some weight using peddler. In the past 30 days my blood pressure and blood sugar have been stable
Male | 76
This means less creatinine in your system. Lower creatinine is good - it shows less strain. High creatinine brings tiredness, swelling, trouble urinating. Keep tracking your progress carefully. If new worries arise, like changes in how you feel, let your nephrologist know right away.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Babita Goel
What type of disease is this symptoms, 1.swollen legs and hands 2.internal joints pain 3.feet and finger pain 4.smelly urine when peeing during swollen legs
Female | 27
Swelling of the legs and hands, painful joints inside your body, and also hurting feet and fingers can be caused by a condition called Rheumatoid Arthritis. The immune system gets confused and starts to attack the joints which are the reasons for the pain and inflammation. Smelly urine during swollen legs might be a sign of kidney problems. Enough water intake and medication are the ways to manage symptoms.
Answered on 23rd Sept '24
Dr. Babita Goel
I am a 31 year-old male. I think I had food poisoning last friday night. I had stomach aches, vomited like 3 times but also my urine was brown-ish and what felt like my right kidney hurt. After ~14hrs of rest most of the symptoms were gone and by monday i felt as good as new and returned to eat normally. This morning I woke up with that kidney pain again. Should I go see a doctor or or will this get better by itself?
Male | 31
It sounds like you had a tough time last week with food poisoning. If you're noticing brownish urine and pain in your right kidney, it could be a sign of a kidney infection. This can return without proper treatment, so it's best to see a nephrologist for an examination and the right medication to help you recover.
Answered on 18th Sept '24
Dr. Babita Goel
Good morning sir , this is Altamas , son of Ms Sabina Khatoon (who is also the patient ) ,I am from Varanasi . sir , for about 18 months , protein is leaking from my mother's urine , there is also some issues in the stomach . She is also having Bp and Suger and some other diseases, at what time , we can consult you. It will be very helpful if you reply.
Female | 48
Sorry to hear that your mother is struggling with her health issues. Protein in the urine, stomach discomfort, high blood pressure, and diabetes are notable ailments. Her kidney problems can also be explained by these symptoms. Your mother must go to the hospital as fast as possible to receive a proper diagnosis and a treatment plan. Please arrange an appointment with a health professional.
Answered on 30th Nov '24
Dr. Babita Goel
I am 66 years old. Known case of ESRD on heamodialysis 3 times for the last 5 months. H/O htn on medication for the last 9ys . No DM . Past HO hepatitis c ( cured)
Male | 66
When you have ESRD, your kidneys do not work well. Although dialysis is working for you, high blood pressure may cause more difficulties. Be on the lookout for signs like being tired, swollen body parts and/or having trouble breathing. Do not stop taking your hypertension drugs; also follow a diet that is good for the kidneys plus keep being active.
Answered on 17th Dec '24
Dr. Babita Goel
Hello, i am a 29 year old wit diabetes and stage 3 kidney disease with an egfr of 34. How can I stop the damage progression in the kidneys
Male | 29
Hello, managing diabetes carefully is crucial for slowing kidney damage. Keep your blood sugar and blood pressure under control, follow a kidney-friendly diet, and avoid nephrotoxic medications. It is important to consult a nephrologist for personalized treatment and advice. Regular check-ups with your doctor will help monitor your condition and adjust your treatment as needed.
Answered on 19th July '24
Dr. Babita Goel
Kidney stone which tablets taking
Male | 36
Kidney stones may cause a distress signal, mostly that of severe, sharp back or side, nausea, and changes in urination. This is when some substances in your urine are forced together to create something solid. The easiest way to prevent this disease is to drink plenty of water, stay away from salt, and handle dietary calcium. Furthermore, by using over-the-counter painkillers, such as ibuprofen, you may be able to relieve temporary pain. despite all you should consult a nephrologist for the proper treatment.
Answered on 19th Dec '24
Dr. Babita Goel
I am 31 female right kidney not functioning
Female | 31
The right kidney of your body that is not properly functioning will show you the symptoms of back pain, and pain in your side, and you may feel sick and have trouble peeing. This happens because of infections, or diseases that cause the kidneys to swell and stone obstruction. Surgery is sometimes required. Medical remedies are required. Consult a nephrologist for further opinion.
Answered on 26th Nov '24
Dr. Babita Goel
Şu anda 20 yaşındayım yeni biyopsi oldum sonucuma bakarmısınızIKLAMA: 7yaşında nefrotik sendrom tanısı alan ve tedavi gören olgu, albumin düşüklüğü sebebi ile biyopsi alınma kliniği bildirilen olguya ait HE detayda, 20 adet glomerül izlenmiş olup, 2 glomerülde global skleroz izlenmiştir. Diğer glomerüller irili ufaklı çaplarda olup, Bowman aralıkları açık olarak gözlendi. Glomerüler bazal membranlarda hafif kalınlaşma bazı glomerüllerde mevcuttu. Ancak tüm glomerüllerde mezengial hücre artışı-matriks artışı gibi bulgular izlenmedi. Glomerüler alanda izlenen bulgular spesifik olarak izlenmezken,interstisyel damarlardan (orta çaplı damarlarda) bir tanesinde duvar kalınlaşması, lümen daralması gibi vasküler basınç değişiklikleri lehine yorumlanabilecek bulgular izlenmiştir. Detayda ilave olarak interstisyel fibrozis (%20-25) iken; interstisyel alanda köpüksü histiositler ve lenfoplazmositlerin de eşlik ettiği ksantogranülomatöz pyelonefrit morfolojisi izlendi.Tubuler alanda patoloji izlenmedi. Sayfa 1\ 2
Dişi | 20
The biopsy results can be interpreted that you may have some changes in your kidneys. The findings suggest that there is a thickening in the walls of some blood vessels and areas of fibrosis. These alterations can be attributed to a condition called xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. This condition is mostly caused by a severe kidney infection. Proper treatment may involve the use of antibiotics and close monitoring of a nephrologist to manage the condition.
Answered on 12th Aug '24
Dr. Babita Goel
I am a 64 year old female who was diagnosed with IGA nephropathy in 1992. I am now Stage 4. My creatinine hovers around 2.38 and my GFR is 23. I do not have protein spillage or blood in my urine. I have lost 124 lbs over the last 12 months with the assistance of Zepbound? Please help me understand what is causing my Creatinine to continue to rise? Could the Zepbound be causing this? I eat 1200 calories a day and stay within my sodium and potassium goals. I run 3 miles a day. But my kidneys are continuing to worsen. Please help me understand what else I can do. What is causing my creatinine to continue to rise? Should I get another kidney biopsy since my last biopsy was 32 years ago? Thank you so much for your help.
Female | 64
Considering your circumstance with IGA nephropathy, it is usual that creatinine levels may increase as kidney functions get worse. Also, rapid weight loss may affect kidney function. It is good that you are committed to eating right and exercising, but running 3 miles every day could strain your kidneys more. You should talk about these worries with a nephrologist. A further kidney biopsy might be able to tell what is happening to your kidneys now.
Answered on 7th June '24
Dr. Babita Goel
hi in age of 75 years female the kidney gfr is 8.4 can live without dialysis how much time is there to live
Female | 75
In a 75-year-old female with a GFR of 8.4, kidney function is severely compromised, and dialysis is usually necessary for survival. Without dialysis, life expectancy can be short, often a few weeks. It's important to consult a nephrologist for proper treatment and guidance.
Answered on 28th June '24
Dr. Babita Goel
I was having stomach ache, that's why I found kidney stones on ultrasound, what should I do to remove it?
Male | 58
For kidney stones, drink plenty of water daily as it can help small stones pass naturally. Avoid high-salt and high-oxalate foods, like spinach and nuts, which may make stones worse. Please consult a urologist for proper treatment options based on the stone's size and location.
Answered on 28th Oct '24
Dr. Babita Goel
Sir my dad kidney serum creatinine is 7.54 what is the solution
Male | 60
Your kidneys are having trouble. A creatinine level of 7.54 is too high. This means they aren't functioning properly. You may feel tired, puffy, or notice changes in how you pee. It could be kidney disease or another health issue causing this. You need to see a nephrologist right away. They'll likely prescribe medicine, recommend diet adjustments, or suggest dialysis.
Answered on 16th Aug '24
Dr. Babita Goel
I have 5.5mm kidney stone lower pole left kidney asymptomatic... What to do
Male | 29
A small stone in your left kidney, which isn't causing any symptoms, seems manageable. These tiny stones form when minerals stick together. Often, they'll pass on their own without causing any trouble. Keep drinking water regularly, cut back on salty snacks, and consult your nephrologist for advice.
Answered on 13th Aug '24
Dr. Babita Goel
I'm a CKD Patient. The creatinine level is 1.88. Meditation is going on under a nephrologist but, creatinine progression is continued. please need your guidance & meditation.
Male | 52
CKD patients with constantly rising levels of creatinine are a concern that can cause fear. This could be the case of some factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or even medication problems. It is vital to strictly adhere to the nephrologist's advice, adopt a strict kidney-friendly diet, control blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and drink enough water. Your nephrologist may require you to change your medications or suggest dialysis.
Answered on 12th Aug '24
Dr. Babita Goel
I am a kidney transplant patient for over 11 years now with Spina bifida with neurogenic bladder use intermittent self catheterization would only get UTI 2 to 4 times a year but don't know what happened everything changed in summer of 2018 started getting UTI once every 3 months and gradually throughout the years have become more frequent and severe I'm currently getting them from 1 to 2 times a month getting admitted to hospital often discharged with home IV antibiotic I've become resistant to many oral antibiotics and am allergic to vamcomycin I've seen about 6 different urologist and most have said there's nothing to be done my current urologist is trying out different things see what could do and ESBL infections have become frequent as has MRSA . I look forward to hearing back from you amazing doctors Thank you ? God bless ?
Female | 42
UTIs are no fun, causing burning, frequent urination, and fatigue. They can become tricky after multiple infections. Great your urologist is exploring options. Drinking lots of water, staying clean, and following doctor's orders help.
Answered on 15th Oct '24
Dr. Babita Goel
Hi I have a kidney cyst and it's been 8 months since I attended to it is this really not good or what should I do I'm scared
Female | 33
Discovering kidney cysts can be frightening, but stay calm—they're usually harmless and symptom-free. However, if you experience back pain, blood in your urine, or high blood pressure, see a nephrologist promptly. They will likely order tests to assess the situation properly. Delaying care for eight months is inadvisable; prompt evaluation ensures your well-being. Though usually benign, ignoring potential issues can lead to complications. With timely check-ups and appropriate treatment, kidney cysts are manageable.
Answered on 27th Aug '24
Dr. Babita Goel
I m in great problem. Pelvicalyceal system of left kidney is collaspsed calculas at right uretero-vesical junction, resulting obstructive uropathy (size : 4.9 mm) Small calculus within mid polar calyceal complex of right kidney (size : 8.0 mm) Right adrenal lipoma (size : 25.9 mm) and left side testis pain too.
Male | 41
The obstruction in the ureter which is causing the kidney stones can be the reason for the symptoms like pain while urinating, the presence of blood in the urine, or discomfort in the back. Furthermore, the small stone in your right kidney can result in pain as well. On the other hand, the lipoma in your right adrenal gland most probably doesn't cause any symptoms. Testis pain is a symptom that can indicate several different issues. You should consult a nephrologist for the best course of treatment.
Answered on 7th Oct '24
Dr. Babita Goel
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