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Best Nebulisations doctors in Vileparle West

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Dr. Avinash Walawalkar Nebulisations

Next available - Wednesday

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Consult Dr. Avinash Walawalkar


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Dr. Suresh Sawardekar Nebulisations

Available Tomorrow

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Consult Dr. Suresh Sawardekar


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Dr. Harshad Limaye Nebulisations

Dr. Harshad Limaye

General Physician

21 years of experience

Available Tomorrow

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Consult Dr. Harshad Limaye

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Dr. Mihir Raut Nebulisations

Available Tomorrow

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Consult Dr. Mihir Raut


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Dr. Sr Garg Nebulisations

Dr. Sr Garg

General Practitioner

48 years of experience

Available Tomorrow

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Consult Dr. Sr Garg


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Dr. Vilas Kulkarni Nebulisations

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Vilas Kulkarni



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Dr. B. R. Ramesh Rao Nebulisations

Dr. B. R. Ramesh Rao

Nephrologist/Renal Specialist

39 years of experience

Available Tomorrow

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Consult Dr. B. R. Ramesh Rao


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Dr. Bhupendra S Avasthi Nebulisations
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Consult Dr. Bhupendra S Avasthi


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Dr. Avinash Deo Nebulisations

Available Tomorrow

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Consult Dr. Avinash Deo


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Dr. Anilkumar Singal Nebulisations

Available Tomorrow

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Consult Dr. Anilkumar Singal

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Dr. Babita Goel Nebulisations

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Babita Goel

+91 9833519025


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Dr. Snehal Jhaveri Nebulisations

Available Tomorrow

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Consult Dr. Snehal Jhaveri


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Dr. Shilpa Kulkarni Nebulisations

Available Tomorrow


Consult Dr. Shilpa Kulkarni


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Dr. Swapnil M Thorve Nebulisations

Available Tomorrow

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Consult Dr. Swapnil M Thorve

WhatsApp Logo WhatsApp 9869041559


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Dr. Amrita  V Verma Nebulisations

Available Tomorrow

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Consult Dr. Amrita V Verma

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Top 10 Nebulisations doctors Near Vileparle West

Doctor RatingExperienceFee
Dr. Avinash Walawalkar


41₹ 1000
Dr. Suresh Sawardekar


34₹ 1000
Dr. Harshad Limaye


21₹ 1000
Dr. Mihir Raut


20₹ 1000
Dr. Sr Garg


48₹ 500
Dr. Vilas Kulkarni


46₹ 1000
Dr. B. R. Ramesh Rao


39₹ 1200
Dr. Bhupendra S Avasthi


37₹ 1000
Dr. Avinash Deo


34₹ 1500
Dr. Anilkumar Singal


30₹ 1500

Questions & Answers on "Nebulisations" (1298)

Best treatment and care for Foot corn. Patient age 45 & sugar patient, Male

Male | 45

The BEST treatment for foot corn in a 45-year-old male with diabetes is to wear comfortable shoes with soft insoles.. Always keep the feet clean and moisturized to prevent FURTHER corns.. AVOID self-treatment or using corn plasters, as it may cause skin DAMAGE.. Consult a podiatrist for PROPER treatment..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I want to ask if its safe to take my medications together

Male | 25

It is crucial to note that various combinations of drugs can be harmful to your health. For instance, some may lead to adverse reactions when taken together. Common signs of taking medications that do not mix well include feeling lightheaded, experiencing stomach upsets, or suffering from severe side effects. Therefore, consult with pharmacists or health practitioners before using multiple drugs simultaneously because they will advise you accordingly thus preventing any mishap.

Answered on 27th May '24

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My brother is 19 years old and he get fever every month it stays for around two days and it get cured easily from paracetamol what it could he he is getting it from last six month

Male | 19

Many re­asons exist like infections or body inflammation. Re­curring fevers indicate an unde­rlying problem. Brother should see­ a doctor to find the precise cause­. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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