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Best Prp Treatment doctors in Anna Nagar

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Last Updated: 3rd October 2024


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Dr. Lakshmi Durga M. Prp Treatment

Available Today

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Dr. Lakshmi M Prp Treatment

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Dr. Hari Priya A Prp Treatment

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Hari Priya A


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Dr. N. Gomathy Prp Treatment

Available Today

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Dr. Marie Kolandai Prp Treatment

Dr. Marie Kolandai


32 years of experience

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Dr. T. Vanathi Prp Treatment

Available Today

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Dr. Rufus Vasanth Raj Prp Treatment

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Dr. R. Sudha Prp Treatment

Dr. R. Sudha


32 years of experience

Available Today

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Dr. Gayathri Devi Prp Treatment
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Dr. Aftab Matheen Prp Treatment
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Dr. Rajkumar Kannan Prp Treatment

Available Today

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Top 10 Prp Treatment doctors Near Anna Nagar

Doctor RatingExperienceFee
Dr. Lakshmi Durga M.


19₹ 700
Dr. Lakshmi M


21₹ 700
Dr. Hari Priya A


9 ₹ 700
Dr. N. Gomathy


53₹ 300
Dr. Marie Kolandai


32₹ 200
Dr. T. Vanathi


16₹ 250
Dr. Rufus Vasanth Raj


16₹ 500
Dr. R. Sudha


32₹ 400
Dr. Gayathri Devi


29₹ 300
Dr. Aftab Matheen


20₹ 250

Hair loss may be distressing and unpleasant for both men and women. Prp is a therapy that may be beneficial to you. PRP treatment is a non-surgical medical procedure that entails injecting concentrated plasma rich in growth factors and nutrients derived from your own blood into regions of the scalp where hair growth is required. It's a simple and quick way to stop hair loss and encourage new hair growth and we have a list of best Prp Treatment doctors in Anna Nagar & nearby areas in Chennai, who can help you to solve your doubts and helps you to regrow your hairs.


Frequently Asked Questions


1)What are the average consultation fees of the Prp Treatment doctors in Anna Nagar & nearby areas in Chennai?

The consultation fees of Prp treatment doctor range from Rs.500 to Rs.1000 ($7 to $14). Furthermore, it may vary depending on the location. 


2) How much it cost for Prp treatment?

Each session of PRP treatment might cost anything from $5,000 to $15,000. The entire cost of treatment may be anything from 20,000 and 1.5 lakhs. Depending on the number of sessions required. It's a pricey operation that takes several sessions to accomplish correctly.


3) Is there any side effects of Prp treatment?

Because PRP involves injecting a chemical into the skin, there are dangers involved. PRP is autologous, which means it's created completely of your own body's components. This reduces the risk of an unfavourable reaction to other medications administered, such as cortisone or hyaluronic acid. However, there are risks from the injection itself, including:

  • infection
  • nerve injuries
  • pain at the injection site
  • tissue damage


4) Is Prp treatment effective?

In recent years, hair loss has become a major worry for both men and women, and many are looking for quick fixes and hair restoration procedures. Platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) is the latest recent craze, with promising results in reversing hair loss. Not only does this treatment encourage hair development, but it also strengthens hair follicles. On the other hand, the treatment is determined by the stage of hair loss, which is assessed after a thorough examination by a qualified dermatologist and we have a list of best Dermatologists in Anna Nagar & nearby areas in Chennai, who can help you to regrow your hair.

Questions & Answers on "Prp Treatment" (2536)

I got burn with sulfuric acid in my left hand middle finger, i wash it with colder than room temperature water to several times. But it's hurt so much,its like burning. Because sunday all nearly clinics are closed. So what to do.

Male | 25

It can cause burns and pain by touching the skin. Cold water makes it cold. Then take Ibuprofen or other painkiller plus cover it tightly with a bandage after wrapping it with moist and cool dressing.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

I am 32 yrs old and facing very stubborn dandruff in my head and grey hairs appear so rapidly in my head and beard?

Male | 32

Yes dandruff grey hair will be cure permanently by homeopathy medicine you can consult me online for treatment

Answered on 6th Jan '25

Dr. A.Amin Homeopath Fee-2OOO Rs

Dr. A.Amin Homeopath Fee-2OOO Rs

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