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Best Psoriasis Treatment doctors in Bengaluru

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Last Updated: 3rd October 2024


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Dr. Shankar Sawant Psoriasis Treatment
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Dr. Govind Mittal Psoriasis Treatment
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Dr. Ramanjanayalu Psoriasis Treatment

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Dr. Rangarajan. B Psoriasis Treatment

Dr. Rangarajan. B

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Dr. Pawan Kumar Psoriasis Treatment

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Dr. Pooja Malipatil Psoriasis Treatment

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Dr. Shireen Furtado Psoriasis Treatment

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Dr. Varsha R Psoriasis Treatment

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Dr. Priyanka Reddy Psoriasis Treatment

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Dr. B.d. Patel Psoriasis Treatment

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Dr. S L Mohan Psoriasis Treatment

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Dr. Mukesh Ramnane Psoriasis Treatment

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Dr. Chandra Gv Psoriasis Treatment

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Dr. S C Rajendran Psoriasis Treatment

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Top 10 Psoriasis Treatment doctors Near Bengaluru

Doctor RatingExperienceFee
Dr. Shankar Sawant


23₹ 500
Dr. Govind Mittal


15₹ 500
Dr. Parthasarathi Dutta Roy


23₹ 700
Dr. Ramanjanayalu


19₹ 600
Dr. Rangarajan. B


10₹ 250
Dr. Pawan Kumar


14₹ 400
Dr. Pooja Malipatil


15₹ 400
Dr. Shireen Furtado


18₹ 500
Dr. Varsha R


12₹ 2000
Dr. Priyanka Reddy


15₹ 650

Psoriasis Treatment in Bangalore

It is a dream of every individual to get beautiful and flawless skin that's completely clean and clear. However, due to excessive pollution and unhealthy eating habits, we have become vulnerable to numerous skin diseases. With the Psoriasis treatment in Bangalore, you can get rid of this dreadful disease.

Now, you can get Psoriasis permanent cure in Bangalore, because these skin issues become so aggressive that we fail to avert them and thus the only option left with us is to get the required treatment which can cure the problem of its root.

People in Bangalore are racing against the time. Life in IT capital of India is so busy that people hardly get the time to socialize.

In fact, they don't even get the time to groom themselves. The city has an abundance of industries and vehicles which are the major reason for excessive pollution.

The population explosion and too much of pollution are not only damaging the environment but also one of the major reason for numerous health ailments. The most common health issue is the skin problem.

Nowadays, it has become really common that people are fretting and wailing due to their chronic skin problems. We should be thankful to the competent Skin Specialist and latest technology for making the cure possible.

Skin problems such Acne, Vitiligo, Psoriasis, Ageing and Skin darkening are now easily curable.

Psoriasis, one of the major skin problem is a destroying the peace of mind of Its sufferer. It spoils the appearance of an individual and is extremely painful.

But the availability of highly talented doctors has made the psoriasis treatment in Bangalore a great success. People from different parts of the country are flying to Bangalore to get their psoriasis treatment done and getting rid of it permanently.

Psoriasis Treatment in Bangalore

  1. Mild to Moderate psoriasis: Skin Specialist in Bangalore recommends topical medication such as topical corticosteroids, vitamin D analogue creams, coal tar and anthralin can be applied on the affected area. Phototherapy can also be given to treat patients suffering from psoriasis. 
    Excimer Laser is an effective psoriasis treatment which gives a desirable result in a short span, both in terms of time and number of sittings.
  2. Severe psoriasis: For severe psoriasis, immunodulator drugs, dietary supplements, light therapy are used for the treatment. There are various treatments available for psoriasis still the cure for the disease is a challenge.
    In an extreme condition, visit a nearby dermatologist. He may recommend you an oral medicine or injected drugs. Retinoid A, may decline the production of skin cells if you are suffering from severe psoriasis that doesn't respond to other therapies.

Why is Bangalore an ideal destination for psoriasis treatment?

Bangalore, the IT capital of India has an abundance of advanced technology which makes the treatment effective, efficient and pocket-friendly.

The Skin Specialist in Bangalore is highly competent and is providing one of the best treatment and prescribing the customised medicine as per the need and urgency of an individual.

The cost effectiveness of psoriasis treatment makes it an attractive spot for people in and around the city.Scalp Psoriasis treatment in Bangalore is done with the latest equipment which is better than in any other city in India.

Cost of Psoriasis treatment in Bangalore

Psoriasis treatment can be very expensive. According to a study, one in three people suffering from psoriasis finds it difficult to pay the cost of Psoriasis treatment. The cost burden basically falls onto the people with no health insurance.

The basic consultation fees of any skin specialist for psoriasis is Rs. 500 which could increase to Rs. 2000. The cost of the treatment would typically range from Rs. 50000 - Rs. 200000. The cost may increase or decrease, depending upon the intensity of the disease. The cost of medicines is also relatively high.

Thus, it is said that prevention is better than cure. For this reason, we have listed below few natural remedies which will help you to get rid of this chronic disease.

Before taking up Psoriasis treatment in Bangalore, one must know each and every aspect of the treatment. We provide you with basic information to enlighten your knowledge about Psoriasis.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a disorder of the immune system in an individual, it kills the healthy cells in the body.

These dead cells on the skin are called plaque. The basic determinant of psoriasis is extreme cold weather, stress, smoking, and throat infection, skin injuries such as a deep cut, insect bite or intense sun burn, too much consumption of hard drinks and some irrelevant or wrong medication.

A man with psoriasis has patches of raised red skin with thick shimmering scales. There is no lasting cure but can be controlled.

Types of Psoriasis:

  1. Plaque psoriasis: It is the most common type of Psoriasis. It is the thick red patches of skin, often accompanied by a silver-whitish scaly layer. These patches often appear on the: 
    - Scalp
    - Knees
    - Lower back
    - Elbow
    It is often scratchy and painful, and they can crack and bleed. These patches are large (approx.  1-10 centimeter) and at times it may cover a major part of the body. It may get worse if somebody happen to scratch the scales. The psoriasis treatment, Bangalore, can help you to get rid of the plague psoriasis due to which one becomes more prone to other forms of psoriasis.
  2. Guttate Psoriasis: Guttate psoriasis appears as small red dots on the body. After Plaque psoriasis, it is the second-most common psoriasis attacking a person body. It may sometimes take the shape of plague psoriasis. 
    Guttate psoriasis may appear due to a throat infection, stress, injury, skin infection, or wrong medication.
  3. Flexural or inverse psoriasis: Flexural or inverse psoriasis often shows up in body folds, such as under the breasts, armpits, and knees. It is red and shiny. It is often confused with fungal or bacterial infection.
  4. Pustular: Pustular psoriasis is white pustule surrounded by red skin. It is a severe form of psoriasis. It is neither contagious nor it is an infection. It can occur on any part of the body but mainly on the hands or feet.
  5. Psoriatic Arthritis: Psoriatic arthritis is a painful skin disease. It affects a number of people suffering from psoriasis. There is no cure for such type of psoriasis. It can affect joints and can be extremely intense in the hands.

Causes of Psoriasis:

The reason as to why does psoriasis affects a person is still not clear to many doctors and scientist. It is also unclear if the immune system or genes plays a role in its development. But still, it is believed that immune system and genes are the reason behind psoriasis.

The symptoms and rate of development of psoriasis are equal in case of both men and women. Psoriasis can develop at any age but mostly at the age of 14-30 years. At times, even the infants and children below 10 years old get psoriasis. However, Psoriasis is not contagious and infectious.

How is Psoriasis diagnosed?

To confirm whether you are a victim of psoriasis, you don't need to shed your blood or use any diagnostic tools to diagnose Psoriasis. The skin specialist or a physician generally test the affected skin and confirm whether it is psoriasis or not. In a rare case, the specialist examines a piece of skin under the microscope.

How severe can psoriasis be?

Psoriasis treatment in Bangalore is gaining a lot of popularity. The intensity of psoriasis may range from mild, moderate or severe. Your treatment may depend on the level of your psoriasis is. The seriousness of psoriasis depends upon its intensity. It may have a damping effect on one's day to day activities i.e. if it is present on a person's palm or below the feet.

  • Mild: Psoriasis covers around 2% of the body.
  • Moderate: Psoriasis covers around 3-10% of the body.
  • Extreme: Psoriasis covers more than 10% of the body.

Mild psoriasis can be treated with the help of over-the-counter creams, moisturizer and medicated shampoo (if it appears on the scalp). For moderate to extreme psoriasis, consult the nearest Skin Specialist as soon as possible.

Apart from Allopath, homeopathy for Psoriasis treatment in Bangalore is also gaining a lot of popularity due to its effectiveness

5 tips to treat Psoriasis Naturally

  1. Avoid Alcohol: Consumption of alcohol may sometimes lead to psoriasis. According to a study, people who consume alcohol regularly are a major victim of psoriasis. Those who drink alcohol nearly twice as others are more likely to develop psoriasis when compared to people who didn't drink.
  2. Quit Smoking: Giving up on smoking may save you from psoriasis and if you are already suffering from psoriasis, then smoking regularly will make your condition worse.
  3. Use Turmeric: Everyone widely uses Turmeric to treat various health problems like a cough, cold, wound or any kind of pain. According to doctors, the consumption of turmeric is helpful in getting rid of psoriasis. It is an effective home remedy. It is advisable to consume 1.5-3 grams of turmeric in a day.
  4. Eat healthily: Healthy diet plays an important role in controlling psoriasis. Avoid eating red meat, fatty food, cold water fish, seeds, and nuts, it reduces skin inflammation. It can be helpful in controlling psoriasis symptoms. Olive oil can also be applied to the skin directly to have soothing benefits.
  5. Avoid Fragrances: Many soaps and perfumes contain dyes and other chemicals which may irritate your skin. It can make you smell good but it can also aggravate your psoriasis. Avoid such strong perfumes and deodorant and choose the one with the label sensitive skin

Psoriasis can affect the quality of life

The victim of psoriasis may feel uncomfortable and hopeless. Too much of scratching and pain can interfere in their day-to-day activities like outing, meeting people even their loved ones and they find it difficult to sleep. Plaque psoriasis on hands and feet can limit their occupational opportunities, participating in sports and taking care of their family members or doing any household work. The cost of psoriasis treatment is very high and it can create a lot of stress in a person's work or education. People falling within the category of moderate to extreme psoriasis may feel low in confidence and become conscious about their looks. Such mental stress can also lead to depression and loneliness.

Will the sunlight help my psoriasis or make it worse?

It is noticed that people who are suffering from psoriasis feels that the sun rays is helpful in improving the appearance of their skin. In many people, the red scaly patches disappear completely during summer season. Ultraviolet light is considered so effective that doctors often use it to treat their patients under artificial light. In Hospitals, ultraviolet treatment with a sun lamp is often given to treat plaque psoriasis and guttate psoriasis. In serious cases of psoriasis, skin specialists use a treatment known as PUVA  for psoralens plus UVA.

Can psoriasis be the reason behind a person's death?

In a very rare case, a person dies due to psoriasis. The successful psoriasis treatment is possible with the help of the latest tools and techniques. Timely treatment of psoriasis helps in preventing progression of the disease. If only a small area is affected then the treatment is not required. But if it covers a larger area, then there are many good treatments available which controls the condition.

Questions & Answers on "Psoriasis Treatment" (2536)

I got burn with sulfuric acid in my left hand middle finger, i wash it with colder than room temperature water to several times. But it's hurt so much,its like burning. Because sunday all nearly clinics are closed. So what to do.

Male | 25

It can cause burns and pain by touching the skin. Cold water makes it cold. Then take Ibuprofen or other painkiller plus cover it tightly with a bandage after wrapping it with moist and cool dressing.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

I am 32 yrs old and facing very stubborn dandruff in my head and grey hairs appear so rapidly in my head and beard?

Male | 32

Yes dandruff grey hair will be cure permanently by homeopathy medicine you can consult me online for treatment

Answered on 6th Jan '25

Dr. A.Amin Homeopath Fee-2OOO Rs

Dr. A.Amin Homeopath Fee-2OOO Rs

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