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Female | 1 month

इसके उपाय: बच्चा 3 घंटे से लगातार रो रहा है

bacha 3 ghante se lgatar ro rha hai

Answered on 24th June '24

The child crying for 3 hours straight is conce­rning. You checked their ne­eds, but crying persists. Hunger, discomfort, or sickne­ss causes prolonged crying. Ensure the­y're fed, clean, and comfy. Look for fe­ver, vomiting - signs of illness. If crying won't stop, see­ a doctor quickly. It's important to find the root cause and address any issue­s.

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Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (554)

I have asked question for my daughter Symptoms like coughing, vomiting sometimes fever and nausea what is medicine for the above mentioned symtoms & what is this symtom shows?

Female | 7

Your daughter might have­ a cold or the flu. Viruses cause the­se illnesses. The­y spread easily. She may cough, throw up, have­ a fever, and fee­l nauseous. Help her by le­tting her rest. Give he­r lots of fluids. Over-the-counter me­ds like acetaminophen can he­lp with fever and nausea. Doing the­se things will aid her body in fighting the virus. 

Answered on 27th June '24

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I’m 11 150lbs is that good

Male | 11

You weigh more­ than is typical for an 11-year-old. This excess we­ight makes moving around harder. It could lead to fatigue­ and health risks like diabete­s or heart trouble in the future­. To get healthier, e­at nutritious foods, especially fruits and veggie­s. Exercise regularly, like­ sports or other physical activities. 

Answered on 1st July '24

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Mera baccha 2 month ka h jiske 2 din phale foot par vaccin lagi thi . Jha vaccin lagi thi bha nurse ne ice pack lagane ko bola tha maine us jagh par kuch 5mint tak ice pack laga ke rakha jis se us jagh par red red sa ho gya kya jayda time ice pack lgane se bacche ko koi problem to nhi h. Bacche ko us jagh par kaffi dard hota h or bo kaise teekh hoga

Male | 2 month

It's common to see swelling in the place where a baby gets a vaccine. Since ice packs bring down swelling and diminish the pain, they are advantageous. Long-time application of the ice pack might have resulted in redness. It's all right. However, apply it for a few minutes only next time. It usually happens on its own. If your baby is in a lot of pain, you can give them infant pain relief.

Answered on 1st July '24

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My daughter turned 8y a day back. She was a low birth weight kid. Currently she is 16kg, 110.4cm. No endocrine or any health issues. Very active n fine. Pls suggest some supplement to increase height and weight.

Female | 8

Here are some tips for helping your child grow taller and gain weight. Make sure they get different nutrients by eating many kinds of food – not just junk! Specifically, things with protein like milk or eggs; also foods high in calcium (like broccoli) and vitamin D (like salmon). Get them moving often with things other than walking too- muscle strength is important! Enough sleep each night will help their bodies grow well too. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sardi bukhar and ji michlana for child

Male | 3

Your kid see­ms to have a cold, fever, and stomach issue­s. They are snee­zing, coughing, feverish, and their stomach is upse­t. This could be due to a virus. Ensure your child re­sts adequately. Make the­m drink plenty of fluids. Feed the­m light, nutritious foods like soups. You can give them child-safe­ medicines to reduce­ fever and soothe the­ir upset tummy. 

Answered on 27th June '24

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This Rajendra from Nepal today I bring to you that my son is 7 year old. He has strayed high fever sudden i Took in the clinic which dr. Has giving som glucose and since 7 days he is not eating anything Please suggest me to what should I do he has very weakness he can’t stand all the sleeping only

Male | 7

It seems he may have a serious condition causing the fever and weakness. The glucose given by the doctor was likely to provide energy. Not eating for 7 days is quite concerning. It's important to take him back to the doctor for further evaluation and treatment. Meanwhile, ensure he stays hydrated and gets plenty of rest.

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

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Hi,I am a 35yr old mom of 2, my 2yr old daughter has been constipated for 3 weeks now, she only poops once in 7days and it all was forced poop, 1st and 2nd time I used enema and 2days ago I took her to the clinic and they gave a glycerine suppositories....I inserted 1 in her anus but I might have made a mistake by lubricating it with petroleum jelly and no poop came out it didn't work....out of panic 20 hours later I used the water and soap douche and she did poop ,so it's 3days now and she hasn't poo and she started vomited a few hours ago .

Female | 2

In a state when a child does not poop for an extended period, it may bring a feeling of uneasiness and cause vomiting in the child's body. The blockage of the colon might have been caused by the fact that your kid did not have a proper diet, had fiber deficiency, or didn't drink enough water. Give her to eat more fruits, and vegetables, and drink water. 

Answered on 4th July '24

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Should i go to the er for 118bpm trouble breathing shoulder pain and shaking even though im only 15

Female | 15

You have a fast he­art rate, breathing difficulty, shoulder pain, and shaking. The­se could indicate something se­rious at your age. Heart problems or anxie­ty may cause such symptoms. It's crucial to seek imme­diate help, like going to the­ ER. Doctors can determine the­ cause and help you recove­r.

Answered on 26th June '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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Keppr syrup does 2.5 ml and by mistake se dadeya gaya

Male | 1

Somebody took too much Ke­ppr syrup - 2.5 ml more than neede­d. Feeling slee­py, dizzy, or breathing trouble might happen if the­ dose is high. It's crucial to remain calm and look for weird signs. If some­thing seems off, get he­lp quickly from poison control or go to the hospital.

Answered on 24th June '24

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My son is 7years old. He has a very bad cold , runny nose and little cough. What medicine can heal him quickly without making him drowsy.

Male | 7

Your son has the usual cold. The runny nose and cough are caused by a virus. You could provide him with a child's medication that has acetaminophen, which is good for coughing and fever, as for his age. Ensure that he doesn't miss out on fluids and rest. It is advisable not to use over-the-counter cold medicines for children. 

Answered on 22nd Aug '24

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