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Female | 17

Can I Take Vitamin C at 17?

Can a 17 years old take vitamin c tablet?

Answered on 30th May '24

Yes, a 17-year-old can take Vitamin C tablets. Vitamin C plays a critical role in the body by keeping it healthy and boosting the immune system. If you easily get tired, prone to illnesses, or have wounds that take too long to heal, it might be an indication that you lack enough of this vitamin. You can meet your daily requirements of Vitamin C by taking tablets.

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

My baby 6 years old over 1 months in PICU i have her medical reports i want to ask if there’s a solution for her or medical please

Female | 6

Ensure that your 6 year old is availed with medical attention from a pediatrician who has proper PICU experience as the baby has stayed there for a month or more. They can help you study the medical results and inform you about the best plan for addressing your child's current health situation.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How to stop bleeding hemorrhoids on blood thinners?

Male | 33

Use stool softeners or fibre supplements

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Assalamualaikum. I used gravitate injection from from four year in iv my all veins is hide and there no blood come out i mean it's clot . Doctor give me some advice because it made me very distrub. And im going to saudi . Im wory about my medical.

Male | 25

It appears that you have created complications concerning your veins as a result of chronic Gravinate injections. This can result in vein occlusion and other conditions. I would recommend you consult a vascular expert for an accurate assessment and management.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Apke yaha ayushman card se elaj hota h

Male | 9

Haanji. Hota hai. Contact- 8639947097

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am suffering from mumps from past two days. This is not first time, this is fifth time I had mumps. Why do I often suffered from mumps? Is there any preventive measures for mumps? Which specialist doctor Ishould consult regarding this??

Female | 36

Mumps is a virus infection. It come­s in various strains. Having mumps before doesn't stop future­ infections. Getting vaccinated is advisable­. It prevents mumps effe­ctively. Speaking to infectious dise­ase specialists helps. Immunologists provide­ guidance too. Discussing past mumps helps dete­rmine ideal preve­ntion steps. 

Answered on 26th June '24

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What happens if 2ml of tetanus injection is given

Male | 30

Tetanus inje­ctions have a regular dose be­tween 0.5ml and 1ml. Getting 2ml can cause­ an overdose. An overdose­ may make the injection spot hurt, swe­ll, or redden. In bad cases, it could spark alle­rgies or other seve­re effects. Contact your doctor if you think you have too much.

Answered on 31st July '24

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I'm suffering with sore throat, flu and fever. Can you please prescribe some medication for this Thanks

Female | 26

You see­m to have a sore throat, flu symptoms, and feve­r. A viral infection commonly causes these­. To ease your discomfort, try over-the­-counter medicines like­ acetaminophen or ibuprofen for fe­ver and throat pain relief. Staying hydrate­d and resting are crucial too. Howeve­r, if symptoms persist or worsen, see­k medical attention for proper e­valuation and treatment.

Answered on 31st July '24

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Runny nose, mouth watering, white discharge, bodypains and weakness

Female | 24

According to the described symptoms, it could be concluded that the subject is suffering from a viral infection or common cold. This should be followed by a general practitioner for further assessment and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My wife is suffering with low hemoglobin, RBC , WBC & patlets count gone on decreasing .She has sufferd with viral fever for 15 days, viral fever came to normal but counts were not increasing.she has treated 20 days in KIMS, hyderabad hospital. Kims doctors told that after few days gradually counts will increase. What is her problem upto now doctors did not diagnosis, Two or three days doctors are transmitting sdp and prbc and WBC injections.I'm taken second opinion he told that there is a problem in bone marrow.without daignoses if we take bone marrow treatment does patient get any side effects.she is suffering from legs pain and swalling in legs aslo and she is becoming weak. Please what is her problem give me the clarity

Female | 36

she needs detailed hematological evaluation.and depending on all the reports, diagnosis can be made 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Is Upnandex treated in Thane Government Hospital or not

Female | 10

Yes, the government hospital of Thane provides therapy for Upnandex related cases. Common symptoms may occur, which are usually a feeling of weakness, dizziness and/or discomfort in the abdominal area. These symptoms may have a variety of origins like stress or digestion problems. It’s vital to cope with these matters as soon as possible. I advise you to go to the hospital; they have professionals who can do a thorough examination and give you appropriate treatment. Keeping a regular contact of support with your health provider will lead to the best assistance. Don't forget that asking for help is an important step to good health. 

Answered on 30th Dec '24

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I am 33 Male. Since few months I am noticing, I feel feverish in the morning when I wake up and at night, when I am about to sleep. Nose are not block, but sill cough symptoms are there. I feel tried for entire day as well. I am very much worried if it is indicating towards HIV? Because I have been seeing this symptoms on internet and also took clinical help from a local doctor, so he said blood test, although I am not able to read full, but I can see it's written ICTC. Why it is written ICTC there? :( I am a virgin, I am very much worried. Please help me.

Male | 33

The feverish feeling, cough, and fatigue you're experiencing could stem from various causes, such as infections or allergies. ICTC refers to Integrated Counselling and Testing Centre, which is where HIV tests are often conducted. It's great that you're seeking help. Since you've seen a doctor, it's vital to follow through with the recommended blood tests for clarity. These tests will provide more information and help rule out any serious conditions. Continue to prioritize your health, and don't hesitate to contact a healthcare professional for guidance and support.

Answered on 11th Jan '25

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Bukhar napte hai to nai rahta hai par dinbhar bukhar jaisa hi lagta hai

Male | 22

A low-grade fe­ver involves fee­ling feverish without significantly ele­vated body temperature­. Various factors, such as infections or inflammations, can trigger this persiste­nt mild fever sensation. Staying hydrate­d, taking rest, and consuming over-the-counte­r fever-reducing me­dications may provide relief. Howe­ver, worsening symptoms nece­ssitate promptly consulting a doctor.

Answered on 15th Oct '24

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Hi , My name is souvik Majumder,my age is 36,My uric acid level is 8.2 but not facing any issue actively, should I need to consult any doctor for that.

Male | 36

YES, YOU SHOULD consult a doctor for your URIC ACID LEVEL.. High uric acid can lead to gout, kidney stones, and other health problems. A doctor can provide proper diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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how much overdose of morphine cause death

Male | 26

Excessive doses of morphine may cause respiratory failure and finally death. The lethal dose of morphine depends on individual tolerance, age, weight, and medical history. If you have taken an excessive dosage of morphine or someone you know has done that, seek immediate medical attention from your doctor

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Is there any medicine for muscle builing quickly i am too weak

Male | 28

Building muscle quickly may seem important if you’re feeling a lack of strength. A possible cause of this weakness is insufficient muscular development. To gain muscle mass, a combination of a nutritious diet and regular physical activity is essential. There is no instant remedy or medication for gaining strength rapidly. Incorporating protein-rich foods into your diet and engaging in exercises such as weight training can gradually increase your strength over time. It’s advisable to start at a moderate pace and be patient with your progress.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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Hi, Our 1.1 year old baby did a blood test, and several abnormal values were found: IMMATURE GRANULOCYTES 0.18 k/ul IMMATURE GRANULOCYTES % 1.4 NEUTROPHILS % 16 LYMPHOCYTES 10 k/ul LYMPHOCYTES % 76.8 MONOCYTES % 4.6 HEMOGLOBIN 10.6 G/Dl MCHC 31.5 G/Dl MYELOCYTES BS % 0.9 ANISOCYTOSIS + MICROCYTES + The test was done after having several bacterial and viral infections in a row (we finished with antibiotics 2 days before the test). Is there a reason to worry? Thanks!

Male | 1

Test results suggest that your 1.1-year-old baby has viral or bacterial infection, which is still going on. Probably, you should see a pediatrician ASAP and bring the results of the test along with you. They will show you the right way of treatment. Don't put off seeking medical care too much. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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