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Male | 30

Effects of 2ml Tetanus Injection Dosage Explained

What happens if 2ml of tetanus injection is given

Answered on 31st July '24

Tetanus inje­ctions have a regular dose be­tween 0.5ml and 1ml. Getting 2ml can cause­ an overdose. An overdose­ may make the injection spot hurt, swe­ll, or redden. In bad cases, it could spark alle­rgies or other seve­re effects. Contact your doctor if you think you have too much.

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

Hey ive been diagnosed with low iron around a month ago, I’ve been taking iron supplements once a day as suggested by the dr, I have had some time off work as it’s been affecting my ability to do my job, I felt as though I got to a point where I could return to work so I went back Monday and I was okay but come Tuesday I felt really wobbly, dizzy out of breath and just awful, it’s quite a physically demanding job where I’m up and down stairs, ladders, carrying heavy paint, using paint machines, its really affecting my mental health, I’m worried about my financial situation if I lose my job (my employer has mentioned it’s a possibility) I’m worried about my ability to return to work and how it’s affecting not only myself but everyone around me.

Female | 25

 It seems like your persistent iron deficiency anemia is still troublesome. Low iron levels can cause symptoms like weakness, dizziness, and shortness of breath, especially during physical activities. This can affect your work and mental health. Please consult your doctor if symptoms continue, as there may be issues with iron absorption or another underlying condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can oral herpes cause lymph nodes in groin to be swollen ? I’ve had my first outbreak about two weeks ago and just noticed two swollen lymph nodes on each side of my groin

Male | 27

Yes, oral herpes can potentially lead to swollen lymph nodes in the groin area. Lymph nodes can become enlarged and tender as part of the body's immune response to infection such as viral infections like herpes.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My son has been suffering from cough cold. Nasal and chest congestion. Which course breathless cough

Male | 3

I recommend that you, together with your son, go and see a pediatrician for the accurate diagnosis and best treatment. Symptoms of cough, common cold, and chest congestion may be due to a host of medical issues, and a specialist will be more proficient in finding the source of the problem and suggesting the best treatment option.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I ate a vitamin and about 20-25 minutes i drink a lil bit of wine (yellow tail) i don't know if this cause it but my symptoms is I get cold a lil while I started to see blurry white and the after wards I start seeing green and purple , dizzy, my head start hurting throat, behind my ears ... I'm afraid

Female | 20

It seems likely that you experienced an adverse reaction when you mixed the vitamin with wine. Blurred vision, dizziness, headache and throat pain are symptoms that could be caused by such an action. This mixture affects the central nervous system which leads to those signs. To help yourself, take lots of water and rest without taking any alcohol. If they continue consult a doctor for further assistance.

Answered on 30th May '24

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पौरुष जिवन और सोरबिलाइन सिरप साथ में खाया जा सकता हैं???

Female | 26

सोरबिलाइन सिरप आमतौर पर कफ और थकान के लिए इस्तेमाल होता है। अगर आप किसी विशेष समस्या का अनुभव कर रहे हैं, जैसे कि सांस लेने में कठिनाई या अत्यधिक थकान, तो यह महत्वपूर्ण है कि आप एक चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें। वे आपकी स्थिति का सही आकलन कर पाएंगे और उचित सलाह देंगे।

Answered on 7th Jan '25

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An accident occurred last night there elbow bleeding

Female | 45

A mishap occurred with your e­lbow last night. If bleeding, red blood e­merges. Cuts or scrapes. To halt it, apply pressure using a cle­an cloth. However, if blee­ding persists severe­ly, seeking medical aid is wise­.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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All Body pan and weakness

Female | 29

Various potential underlying medical conditions that can cause body pain and weakness include viral infections, anemia or autoimmune diseases. It is recommended to seek advice from a physician.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Headache all day in school yery pain full

Male | 13

The cause of headaches could be various factors like stress and tension, dehydration, or eye strain. Visiting a physician may be necessary if the headaches last for a long time or have a recurring nature.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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suffered chicken guneya 2 months treatment & relieved again symptoms of chickenguneya been observed.

Male | 25

It is possible that a second episode can occur if you are still weak. The indications comprise fever, joint pain, muscle pain, headache, nausea, and rash. The primary source is getting bitten by a mosquito carrying the virus. Instead, to aid in easing the conditions, it is necessary to slow down, drink enough fluids, and use painkillers. In case the symptoms are getting worse, or last for a longer time, please get medical treatment. 

Answered on 25th Oct '24

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Excessive hiccups is troubling me too much.Please give some remedies.

Male | 25

Hiccups are annoying, but the­re are things you can do. The diaphragm muscle­ contracts suddenly, maybe from eating fast, gulping air, or ge­tting thrilled. To help hiccups stop, inhale slowly and de­eply, sip cold water, or hold your breath brie­fly. These easy fixe­s usually work!

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm facing fever last 3 days and headache please give suggestions

Male | 27

This may be the flu or cold. Rest is ve­ry important. Drink lots of liquids too. Take medicine that will help the­ fever and headache­. However, if symptoms worsen or stay long, you must se­e a doctor. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Is tinnitus in one ear is dangerous

Female | 19

One-sided tinnitus can be a symptom of a condition, like an ear injury, an ear infection or age related hearing loss. Even if it may not be a serious problem, you should consider consulting an ENT. They will carry out a comprehensive examination and recommend a treatment plan appropriate to the nature of the condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Iam 23 yrs olf female. Iam suffereing with the following symptoms for the past 2 days., Headache,nausea,numbness and tingling in legs and hands,back pain, aches in back area, body aches, LOw fever and chills.

Female | 23

These complaints can be symptoms of many ailments, ranging from common colds to severe neurological problems. I would suggest consulting a general physician who would be better placed to describe the condition and give you the appropriate treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Swelling near anus aria after hemorrhoids and fisser surgery

Male | 20

Post-surgery swe­lling around the anus is normal. This occurs while healing from he­morrhoid or fissure procedures. You may e­xperience discomfort, pain, or itchine­ss. The swelling should reduce­ within days. Contact your surgeon if swe­lling worsens or persists.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello, I would like to know if i can take zinc capsule, magnesium capsule, vitamin D capsules, biotin b7 capsules although that I’m active at sport activities.

Male | 25

Nutrients like zinc, magnesium, vitamin D, and biotin are­ beneficial. Howeve­r, be cautious with excessive­ intake. Too many supplements may le­ad to stomach discomfort or nausea. Prioritize a balanced die­t first. Consult a healthcare professional if issue­s arise. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How to get back virginity ?

Female | 19

This is an impossible task. If your acts of sex give you any uneasiness or you have any worries about reproductive health, it is important to see a gynecologist. They may tailor their care and offer personal treatment plan.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Is it ok to smoke a thc pen, NOT A NICOTINE VAPE, after surgery it’s been 14 days.

Male | 21

Smoking is prohibited after surgery by any mind-altering substance including THC pens. Complications in the case of smoking can also be the development of infection and delay in healing. Your surgeon will probably advise you to go smoke-free until he decides you can start smoking again.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I got a kitten a few days ago and she bit me pretty hard on my middle finger and it cause my thumb, pointer and middle finger to tingle for a little while afterwards. I am now feeling ill and unsure if it has to do with the bite or not so I'm just trying to see if I need to go get antibiotics or some testing/ shots done. She is unvaccinated and 11 weeks old.

Female | 30

You should consult with your doctor tomorrow because cat bites may cause infections if left untreated. Cat bite infections are secondary to bacteria found in the cat’s mouth. I suggest consulting an infectious disease specialist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Suffering from Typhoid can you please suggest some medication

Male | 27

Typhoid sufferers need to see a physician without delay. They will be able to diagnose the condition and provide medication accordingly. Generic treatments for typhoid include ciprofloxacin and azithromycin.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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