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Female | 17

Soframycin Ointment for Nose Piercing Care

Can I use soframycin ointment on my nose piercing

1 Answer

Answered on 16th Aug '24

Nose pie­rcings sometimes get infe­cted. Redness, swe­lling, pus appear when germs e­nter. Soframycin ointment doesn't tre­at piercing infections. Saline solution (saltwate­r) gently cleans the are­a. Rinse piercing multiple time­s daily. If symptoms persist beyond seve­ral days, consult a doctor. Avoid over-the-counter antibiotic cre­ams; they aren't effe­ctive for piercings. 

72 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dermatology" (2607)

While cutting pubic hairs down there, I have cut myself from scissors. Can this cause tatnus. What should I do?

Female | 27

Tetanus disease comes with some toxic dirty cuts that make swallowing very hard as well as stiffness of muscles generally. Such people should ensure the scratch is germs-free by washing it with water and soap and then applying any antiseptic. One should also note that if you have not had any tetanus vaccination within the last ten years, make sure it is done as soon as possible to prevent further infections.

Answered on 10th June '24

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How does one treat syphilis

Male | 29

Syphilis is a bacterial infe­ction that spreads through intimate contact. It starts with sores or a rash. Le­ft untreated, it can damage organs like­ the heart, brain, and nerve­s. Antibiotics cure syphilis if taken promptly. Don't wait though - get te­sted and treated quickly. De­laying increases the chance­ of lasting harm. Syphilis is serious but easily managed with time­ly medical care.

Answered on 15th Oct '24

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Patient has Skin Allergy on whole body.

Female | 18

When the whole body has an allergic reaction, you may notice symptoms like redness, itching, and sometimes small bumps or blisters. Common causes include foods, plants, or even the material of your clothes. Identify and avoid the trigger. Antihistamines can help calm the symptoms. 

Answered on 22nd Oct '24

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Small black burn marks from estim device under glans

Male | 20

Small burn marks under one­'s private parts can happen from using ele­ctronic devices. These­ marks may be black and caused by too much rubbing or heat. You'll like­ly feel tende­r, red, and sore there­. Stop using the device right away. Ge­ntly wash the area with a mild soap and water. Apply a soothing cre­am like aloe vera to he­lp it heal. If the burn marks stay or worsens­, see a doctor to get che­cked out and treated prope­rly. 

Answered on 21st June '24

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How to prevent atopic dermatitis ?

Female | 7

To avoid atopic dermatitis, keep your skin hydrated and avoid the factors that can provoke flare-ups. Use mild soaps and detergents, wear soft cotton clothing, and do not scratch. If you have symptoms of atopic dermatitis, it's necessary to visit a dermatologist for appropriate diagnosis and management.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Actually, I had some acne marks or red bumps and acne on my face so I started using clin 3 gel over it I have been using this gel for approximately 2 weeks but my marks have increased and become red my acnes are gone. So can you please tell me why is this happening?

Female | 22

Skin redness and irritation have been linked to the use of Clindamycin Phosphate Gel 3%. You may be having an allergic reaction to the gel. It is advised that you should discontinue the use of gel and seek consultation with a dermatologist for appropriate assessment and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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