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Female | 21

Can iPhone flashlight harm eyes with dermatillomania and myopia?

Can an iphone flashlight damage my eyes? I have myopia and that's ok, but since august now I have problems with my vision and I'm really scared. I have dermatillomania (skin picking) and since 5 years now I'm watching my skin really close on my face in the mirror. I have crisis that can last few hours. Sometimes, I've used my iPhone flashlight close to my eyes side to the mirror to watch my skin. I wasn't staring directly at the flashlight but it was close to my eyes and my field of vision. Now I'm scared that I've damaged my vision with the flashlight used a lot of times and long period of time close to my eyes

1 Answer
Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon

Answered on 26th Dec '24

Noting that using the flashlight of your iPhone near your eyes is not a desirable situation, it is highly unlikely to be the cause of any significant damage to your vision. Being exposed to bright light can bring about temporary discomfort or glare; however, it is usually not the cause of long-term damage. Also, the visual impairments that you noticed lately can be brought by other reasons like eye distress and stress. At the same time, remember that your eyes should not be looked at very closely without a break. I think you should go and see an eye specialist to get your vision checked and also to talk about the symptoms You feel.

3 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Eye" (190)

I have redness in my right eye and headache as well .i checked the bp it was 80/132. Kindly guide.what is the reason behind it.and what sort of bp us it,normal,or high

Female | 37

Redness in your right eye, along with a headache, can result from various factors such as eye strain, allergies, or mild infections. Your blood pressure reading of 80/132 indicates slightly elevated diastolic pressure, which is generally considered acceptable, though this can vary depending on individual health. It’s essential to rest your eyes, stay hydrated, and apply a cool compress if needed. For persistent symptoms or discomfort, please consult a healthcare professional for a personalized evaluation. They can provide more detailed insights and treatment options tailored to your situation. 

Answered on 17th Jan '25

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

My left eye is swollen, just the skin. What type of medicine do I use

Male | 37


Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

My name Is Rikah I'm from Papua New Guinea age 25. I have been experiencing intense and severe both my two eyes for 1 year. I have been put on trail for TB medicine and it work, is it I'm a positive to Tuberculosis.

Male | 25

Yes, eye pain can be a sign of TB infection if your eyes are infected with it. TB can infect the eyes which in turn can lead to various health problems. Typical symptoms are the presence of eye pain, redness, and blurry vision. The medication for TB treatment should be followed strictly as prescribed by your doctor. Also, it is recommended to have regular check-ups to track your progress. 

Answered on 19th Sept '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

My eye I woke up and and try looking at my light bulbs and I saw something like rainbow color’s around it and also my eye ball is red since morning

Male | 16

You are experiencing an ailment called eye strain. Nowadays, it is common for people to experience problems with their eyesight. When your eyes are overworked they might be showing kaleidoscope colors or red. This is possible when the eyes are staring at light bulbs for too long. To help, rest your eyes by looking away from screens and lights. Eye drops or glasses may also be useful. 

Answered on 7th Sept '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

Why my eyes are red and feeling weak and pain in all over body

Male | 21

You probably have the­ flu, a virus that spreads easily. Flu makes your e­yes red and irritated. It cause­s weakness and body aches too. The­se comes from your immune syste­m fighting the virus. Get lots of rest, drink fluids, and take­ pain meds. That can help you fee­l better soon.

Answered on 12th Aug '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

My dad is 75+ and have catract want free operation

Male | 76

Welcome to sanjivani eye hospital , you have visited sanjivani, any query related cataract surgery, Topical phaco surgery No anaesthesia No injection No stitches 5 minutes surgery time 3 rd all activities Ozil technology phaco machine Cashless facility Cghs All corporate TIE UP Still any query call me

Answered on 8th Sept '24

Dr. Rajesh Shah

Dr. Rajesh Shah

I take ashwagandha daily, can I donate my blood? And I had a Lasik eye surgery 3 years ago.

Male | 21

Yes, you can give blood if you take­ ashwagandha every day and had Lasik surgery 3 ye­ars ago. The ashwagandha herb is safe and will not impact your blood donation. The­ Lasik eye operation you had some­ time ago also does not stop you from giving blood. Just make sure­ you feel good on the day you plan to donate­ blood. 

Answered on 27th Sept '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

I have so called Amplyopia in my left eye, and I am 54 years old , is possible to treat that

Male | 54

Amplyopia, known as lazy eye­, can happen because childhood vision didn't de­velop right. Or it can be caused by othe­r eye issues. Signs may be­ blurry sight, or eyes not working togethe­r well. At 54, treating lazy eye­ is harder, but vision therapy or glasses might he­lp improve eyesight some­. Getting eyes che­cked regularly is very important.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

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