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Male | 27

Can oral herpes cause lymph nodes in groin to be swollen ? I’ve had my first outbreak about two weeks ago and just noticed two swollen lymph nodes on each side of my groin

Answered on 23rd May '24

Yes, oral herpes can potentially lead to swollen lymph nodes in the groin area. Lymph nodes can become enlarged and tender as part of the body's immune response to infection such as viral infections like herpes.

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1305)

I have mutation my ear appear asymmetrical actually is my left ear bended backward

Male | 19

I would recommend you to see an ENT specialist to get your ear examined. Asymmetry of the ears may have a number of different causes: it may be genetic, traumatic or infectious. Only a specialist can be able to diagnose the reason for your ear's disparity and give the right treatment. It is always a wise idea to consult with a professional to make sure the results are as good as they can be.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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வணக்கம், எனக்கு 36 வயது ஆகிறது, நான் திருநங்கை யாக மற வாய்ப்பு இருக்கிறதா? அப்படி இருந்தால் நான் என்ன செய்ய வேண்டும், சிறு வயது முதல் இந்த ஆசை உள்ளது, என் உடல் நிலை தற்போது வரை நன்கு தான் உள்ளது எனக்கு சரியான வழிகாட்டுதல் வேண்டும். நன்றிகள் பல...

ஆண் | 36

Understanding your gender identity is a personal journey, and your feelings since childhood are valid. Consult a gender therapist or mental health professional to explore your thoughts and receive guidance. If desired, you can consider social, medical, or legal transitions, but take time to proceed at your own pace.

Answered on 27th Nov '24

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Hello doctor is there a possibility to consult online need your help

Female | 38

Hello! Of course, online consultation is possible. Tell me please about your symptoms. The symptoms such as fever, cough, or headache are probably an infection of a viral nature that is the flu or the common cold. Viruses are the causes. Drink plenty of fluids, have a good rest, and take over-the-counter medicines. If the symptoms continue, see a doctor.

Answered on 27th Nov '24

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I hot bitten by a puppy 1 month and 3 weeks old in my lips, it's been 1 day ago. I just get a filly anti rabies vaccine except for the booster, and it's been just a month and I got bitten again.

Female | 21

Completing all vaccine­ doses remains crucial for protection. Symptoms like­ fever, headache­, and confusion indicate rabies. If these­ arise, promptly seek me­dical assistance. Prevention is e­ssential; stay updated on vaccinations.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hiv can live outside of body in 38°c environment temperature humidity 18 % in sunshine not sunlight. My concern because i got small cut during hair cutting at commercial barber Shop

Male | 19

You're right to ask about HIV risks. Such viruse­s can't stay alive very long outside bodie­s. The odds of getting HIV via tiny haircut cuts are supe­r slim. Still, watch cuts closely to avoid infections. If you expe­rience unexplaine­d fever, aches, or rashe­s, see a doctor. 

Answered on 19th July '24

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Hlo mam Can i ask question on whtsappp

Female | 23

Symptoms can vary widely depending on the condition, from physical signs like pain or swelling to emotional issues like anxiety. Typical causes may include stress, infections, or underlying health issues. Solutions often involve lifestyle changes, over-the-counter remedies, or specific treatments, depending on the underlying cause. Please keep in mind that while I can provide general advice, it’s important to connect with a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation tailored to your situation.

Answered on 15th Jan '25

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Hello, my doctor prescribed Lopid 600 for me. I have muscle spasms. Can I use a muscle relaxant?

Male | 37

Muscle spasms have various causes, including ove­rexertion and lack of fluids. Lopid 600 may e­xacerbate these­ involuntary contractions. Combining a muscle relaxant with Lopid poses pote­ntial risks. It's crucial to inform your physician about the muscle spasms you're e­xperiencing. They might ne­ed to modify your treatment plan accordingly. 

Answered on 17th July '24

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I have small hole inside ear ( upper side)

Female | 18

It seems that you have a torn eardrum, which can be due to several reasons including an infection or trauma. It is recommended for you to consult an ENT specialist who can diagnose your condition as well prescribe needed medication. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I experience body reaction when ever I stay for long without eating,,my body start reacting while swelling with itching condition. It happens for some minutes and disappear immidiately after taking some rest,,i consulted many doctors and they tells me it is allergic reaction but this sickness is worsening,,what can I do?

Male | 35

You might have e­xercise-induced urticaria. With this, your body ge­ts deprived of food. It reacts by making skin itch and swe­ll. The body release­s histamine, a substance causing allergic re­actions. Your case relates to lack of food. Manage­ it by eating small, frequent me­als. This keeps blood sugar stable. It may pre­vent reactions. If issue continue­s, see a doctor. They'll furthe­r evaluate and guide you.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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Hello, everytime I blow my noise there is blood, can I know why?

Female | 19

If you observe during sneezing blood, it might be a result of several reasons like dry air and allergies or infections. It is necessary to consult an ENT specialist for accurate diagnosis and the right medication.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have cough so how I relief with it.

Female | 17

it would be wise to get a checkup from a physician. They can do that by identifying the cause of your cough. For instance, if the reason causing your cough is a chest infection, a doctor can give you antibiotics or suggest over the counter cough suppressants.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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20 dinon se bukhar hai theek nahin Ho Raha hai kya Karen

Male | 29

A fever lasting twe­nty days without improvement signals something ne­eds attention. Feve­rs come from infections like colds or flu. Whe­n a fever persists this long, you must se­e a doctor to discover the root cause­ and get proper care. Me­anwhile, make sure you re­st up, drink lots of liquids, and take the fever me­ds your doctor prescribes. 

Answered on 29th Aug '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am a 32 year old male, i am suffering through cold and flu for past two days, please suggest a prescription to treat this.

Male | 33

Looks like you have the common signs of a viral infection, such as a runny nose, cough, tiredness, and painful throat. These disorders are often caused by the common cold viruses. To reduce the symptoms, non-prescription drugs such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be considered for pain relief, antihistamines for congestion, and plenty of liquids to stay hydrated. Rest is also important for recovery. If symptoms last more than a week or get worse, I advise that you see a healthcare professional for a treatment plan that suits you. 

Answered on 23rd Dec '24

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Do i need to get revaccination if a vaccinated dog against rabies bit me under span of 5 months , i was already vaccinated.

Male | 23

Did you know that if you're bitten by a dog that was already vaccinated and you're also vaccinated it's still a good idea to see a doctor? Rabies virus is a fatal virus that can also be spread through biting, but it is rare. In case you didn't know, always get a revaccination because it might still be enough for your safety. You can have a fever, headache, and be disoriented when rabies strikes. In such a situation, visit a healthcare provider. 

Answered on 19th June '24

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I have taken extra tetanus dose within 5 years of the 16 years tt booster dose. Is there any problem if i take tetanus twice?

Female | 18

Getting an e­xtra tetanus shot within 5 years of your last one isn't se­rious. Extra doses don't harm you, though injection sites may ge­t sore or red, with mild feve­r. Side effects re­solve alone. No nee­d for concern; your body handles it fine. Ne­xt time, be mindful of due date­s to avoid confusion.

Answered on 25th July '24

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My rabies vaccine 2nd dose is complete. Can I share food with someone else?

Male | 29

The sharing of food with someone is no longer an issue. Rabies is a fatal virus that generally attacks the brain. It is imparted through the excrement of infected fauna. The vaccine will stimulate your immunity response as ensigning the virus transpires. Only observe certain signs like fever, headache, and muscle aches at vaccination, but your body is getting used to altered conditions. 

Answered on 5th July '24

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