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Female | 43

Is Sudden Chest Thump and Dizziness a Sign of Cardiac Issue in 43-Year-Old Females?

I'm 43 year female, who just had a sudden thump knocking feeling to chest, accompanying heavy breathing. Other symptoms is dizziness and pain under left breast which started 2 days ago

Answered on 23rd May '24

These symptoms could be a sign of heart related problems and may demand emergency medical care. It is better to consult with a cardiologist for proper diagnosis and therapy.

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1305)

Is there any medicine for muscle builing quickly i am too weak

Male | 28

Building muscle quickly may seem important if you’re feeling a lack of strength. A possible cause of this weakness is insufficient muscular development. To gain muscle mass, a combination of a nutritious diet and regular physical activity is essential. There is no instant remedy or medication for gaining strength rapidly. Incorporating protein-rich foods into your diet and engaging in exercises such as weight training can gradually increase your strength over time. It’s advisable to start at a moderate pace and be patient with your progress.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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I'm feeling very weak daily, my diet is perfect and my health is also good but why i don't know, I'm really feeling very weak and lazy.

Female | 20

Fee­ling lazy happens sometimes, e­ven with a good diet. Many things cause this. Not sle­eping enough could tire you out. Be­ing inactive might drain energy too. High stre­ss and low water intake sap vigor as well. So, aim for be­tter sleep, e­xercise regularly, stay hydrate­d, and find ways to destress. These­ steps may restore your pe­p.

Answered on 14th Aug '24

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I have a bit fever headache stomachache bidypain and laziness. Can you please recommend which tablet is more effective?

Male | 17

Based on the­ things you feel, it seems you might have­ the flu. Sickness from flu comes from a tiny ge­rm. You can take pills like paracetamol to he­lp make the body less hot and have less ache­. These common pills help make­ the flu better. Rest a lot too. Drink ple­nty of water and eat light, good foods. If you still fee­l sick, talk to a doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Taurine overdose side-effects

Male | 34

Too much taurine can cause issues—jittery nerves, shaky hands, sleepless nights, stomach upset, and headaches. It often happens from excess energy drinks or supplements. Skip the taurine pills and drink plenty of water to flush it out.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

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Biateral otosclerosis.had stapedotmoy in 2004of left hearing is v low n rt ear.dr advise me for surgery of r ear

Female | 42

Bones in the middle ear grow abnormally in bilateral otosclerosis. Stapedotomy is a surgical technique that is used to treat this disease. In case you feel like your right ear is not hearing as well as it should, you should consult an ENT doctor who will examine you and suggest relevant treatment methods.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Whenever nightfall happens I feel weak,my skin looks dull,dark circle,body pain, joint pain and vision is getting worse it getting worse with every night.I haven't went to any doctor.What should I do?

Male | 22

It appears that you are encountering several symptoms like lack of energy, lifeless skin, dark circles, body pain, joint pain, and vision losses that are worsened by the night. These symptoms might arise from medical conditions like inadequate rest, an improper diet, or hidden health problems. One must adopt new habits including getting enough sleep, eating balanced meals, and exercising frequently. In case of the continuation of symptoms, you should meet your doctor to make an evaluation and treatment plan.

Answered on 3rd July '24

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Am weak , I can’t eat or sleep and losses weight

Female | 19

It could be because of many factors which needs in person evaluation. Talk to your healthcare provider

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can I eat non veg after completing third dose rabies vaccination

Male | 22

It is ok if you eat non-veg after completing the third dose of rabies vaccination. Food intake is not limited after the rabies vaccination. Nevertheless, in the event that you face any adverse reaction or symptom after vaccination then at once rush to see a doctor. Concerning questions regarding rabies, see an infectious disease specialist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Why am I having frequent body weakness what could be the problem

Female | 25

Frequent body weakness can be caused by many factors . . Stress, lack of sleep, and dehydration are common culprits. Nutritional deficiencies, like low levels of IRON or vitamin D, can also be a cause. Certain medical conditions, such as hypothyroidism and anemia, may lead to weakness. Consult a doctor to evaluate underlying causes and to develop a treatment plan.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I want to ask if its safe to take my medications together

Male | 25

It is crucial to note that various combinations of drugs can be harmful to your health. For instance, some may lead to adverse reactions when taken together. Common signs of taking medications that do not mix well include feeling lightheaded, experiencing stomach upsets, or suffering from severe side effects. Therefore, consult with pharmacists or health practitioners before using multiple drugs simultaneously because they will advise you accordingly thus preventing any mishap.

Answered on 27th May '24

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Hello doctor is there a possibility to consult online need your help

Female | 38

Hello! Of course, online consultation is possible. Tell me please about your symptoms. The symptoms such as fever, cough, or headache are probably an infection of a viral nature that is the flu or the common cold. Viruses are the causes. Drink plenty of fluids, have a good rest, and take over-the-counter medicines. If the symptoms continue, see a doctor.

Answered on 27th Nov '24

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My rabies vaccine 2nd dose is complete. Can I share food with someone else?

Male | 29

The sharing of food with someone is no longer an issue. Rabies is a fatal virus that generally attacks the brain. It is imparted through the excrement of infected fauna. The vaccine will stimulate your immunity response as ensigning the virus transpires. Only observe certain signs like fever, headache, and muscle aches at vaccination, but your body is getting used to altered conditions. 

Answered on 5th July '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have dog Scratch taken 3 rabies vaccine in Arms and last dose of 1 rabies vaccine in buttocks will it be effective, also 4 years ago I have taken my all 4 doses of rabies vaccine from dog bite.

Male | 16

Receiving the vaccine first in your arm and then in your buttocks remains effective at preventing rabies. Best to always ask healthcare professionals for any concerns or symptoms especially when treating it at home. High fever, headache, or painful swallowing are the possible signs that the injection occurred at the site. 

Answered on 8th July '24

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4g of paracetamol 30 minutes ago, is that dangerous?

Male | 19

Taking 4 grams of paracetamol in one dose is within the recommended limit for most adults, but it's important to be cautious. Common symptoms of an overdose may include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, confusion, or yellowing of the skin. If you experience any of these signs, please seek medical attention promptly. Staying hydrated is also beneficial. It's always wise to consult a healthcare professional if you're uncertain about dosage or if you have any underlying health issues. 

Answered on 22nd Jan '25

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