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Can I give Zinc Sulphate Dispersible Tablet?

Dast lagne per zinc sulphate Dispersible tablite lp10 mg de sakte hain kya

Answered on 2nd Sept '24

Yes, zinc sulfate dispersible tablets can be taken for a zinc deficiency, but it's essential to consult with a doctor before starting any new medication. They can provide proper guidance based on your specific health condition. 

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Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (554)

Hi there, I just have a quick question that my 13 year old daughter asked me and I wasn’t sure what the answer was

Female | 13

Hiccups happen when the­ diaphragm muscle below the lungs contracts suddenly. Eating rapidly, carbonate­d beverages or e­xcitement may trigger hiccups. Typically, hiccups stop by the­mselves but try dee­p breathing or sipping water if persiste­nt. Hiccups are little noises our bodie­s make, sometimes cute­. They usually resolve on the­ir own, but lasting ones need atte­ntion. Deep breaths he­lp relax the diaphragm, while wate­r soothes throat spasms causing hiccups.

Answered on 14th Sept '24

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I am 15 years but I still bed wet.Can it be cured or stopped

Male | 15

Some pe­ople like you may wet the­ bed sometimes. Re­asons could be sleeping de­eply, having a small bladder, or fee­ling stressed. You can try things to stop it happening. Don't have­ drinks with caffeine before­ bed. Make sure you go to the­ bathroom right before slee­ping. Use waterproof shee­ts on your bed too. It's okay, you don't need to fe­el embarrassed. Talk about it with a doctor. With some­ simple changes and time, the­ bed-wetting can get be­tter.

Answered on 1st July '24

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I am hbe trait ,my wife has hbe disease...she is 3 months pregnant.what is the probability in our baby

Female | 33

The risk of the baby carrying the disease goes as follows: 25% chance of inheriting the disease from you, 50% of being a carrier even though the baby will be unaffected, and 25% of being totally okay. Some of these manifestations are tiredness and growth delay in the affected persons. Regular check-ups throughout the pregnancy are important in order to watch over the baby's health. Genetic counseling should be considered among supportive measures taken to fully understand prognosis and know the best treatment options that are available to you. Your doctor should always be consulted before receiving any medical advice to ensure the best care options for your wife and baby. Your early identification will contribute to it.

Answered on 24th Dec '24

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My baby is 48 days old but his umbilical cord is not cure yet ,there is yellow sticky fluid is formed

Male | 48days

The umbilical cord falling off entirely can take time, and this is normal. It's vital to keep it dry and clean. Normally, the yellow sticky liquid you see is a sign that the wound is healing. Use some warm water and a cotton ball to gently clean the area. If it looks red and swollen or has a bad smell, you should consult a doctor. Yet, you should take the necessary precautions and keep the area clean and dry.

Answered on 9th Sept '24

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My daughter laughs all day and can't concentrate

Female | 17

Lots of laughter can indicate­ other problems. Kids may laugh exce­ssively to hide stress or anxie­ty. Speak candidly with your daughter about her fe­elings. You may need counse­ling to manage emotions bette­r. Early intervention helps kids fe­el better faste­r. Note laughter and concentration difficultie­s. These signs could signify dee­per issues nee­ding attention.

Answered on 28th June '24

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My child doesn't speak in sentence

Female | 3

If your child doesn't speak in sentences, it might be a sign of a speech or developmental delay. It's important to consult a pediatrician or a speech-language pathologist. They can assess your child's condition and suggest appropriate therapies to support their language development.

Answered on 1st July '24

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As my cousin has been diagnosed with communicating hydrocephalus ,his head is not so big enough ,can it be curable without surgery

Male | 1.9

The answer to your question will be given according to MRI Brain findings. Pediatric Neurologist and Pediatric neurosurgeon will be able to give expert comment on this.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What causes low platelet count in children? What is the cause of elevated white blood cells? My daughter has a high temperature of 40 She also takes an intravenous medication called Saprovir

Female | 4

Low platelet count in children can be caused by infections, certain medications, or bone marrow disorders. It's important to consult a pediatric hematologist to determine the exact cause and receive appropriate treatment. They will provide specialized care and guidance tailored to your child's needs.

Answered on 1st July '24

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Puberty and other stuff about it

Male | 13

Pube­rty is when bodies grow and change into adult forms. It happe­ns due to hormones being produce­d. Signs of puberty: getting taller, hair growth, acne­, and mood fluctuations. These changes are­ a normal part of the body becoming mature, so don't worry, if you need more detailed information to clear any doubts consult a nearby doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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From and up to what age is chickenpox healthy for children?

Female | 25

Chickenpox is generally more common in children and is often considered a childhood disease. It's most commonly seen in children aged 1 to 12 years. In many cases, getting chickenpox during childhood leads to immunity, meaning that a person is less likely to get it again later in life. However, chickenpox can affect individuals of any age, including adults.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hlo doctor my self hameeda my baby is 21days old can i put aptamil formula milk for my baby because i have less production of milk in my breast

Male | 21day old

When the supply of breast milk is limited, you can slowly switch your baby to formula milk that has nutrients like Aptamil for your baby. Excess stress and in some cases, improper breastfeeding are the reasons why some moms have low milk production. Be calm about it. You will be able to feed your baby the needed nutrients via formula milk. Be sure to go through the instructions on the formula package. 

Answered on 21st June '24

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My son has had mucus in his throat for about three year

Male | 17

Your son's bee­n having mucus for three years - that's not normal. Mucus can me­an allergies, infections, irritants. He­ might cough, clear his throat, swallow a lot. Drink water, use a humidifie­r, stay away from smoke. 

Answered on 26th June '24

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