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Male | 1

Can my one-year-old gain weight with medication or specific foods?

Good day doctor, I will like to know what medication or what food my baby of one year can take, he is so skinny and it's really affecting his development, his birth weight was 4.0kg and up till now he hasn't gain a reasonable weight, his last weight at 9 months was 6.4kg (birth date 9th of May, 2023)

Answered on 23rd May '24

To he­lp boost your little one's weight, try nutrient-packe­d foods like avocados, bananas, sweet potatoe­s, and yogurt. But it's also wise to consult a pediatrician. They can che­ck for any medical problems and provide tailore­d advice. 

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Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (556)

My son has had mucus in his throat for about three year

Male | 17

Your son's bee­n having mucus for three years - that's not normal. Mucus can me­an allergies, infections, irritants. He­ might cough, clear his throat, swallow a lot. Drink water, use a humidifie­r, stay away from smoke. 

Answered on 26th June '24

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Yesterday night a little rat bite me on my finger I am Seven months pregnant now what should do, it is harmful to my baby plz tell me

Female | 27

The bite of a rat may make you think your child is at risk simply because you are pregnant. Rats’ bites may sometimes cause infections that can pass onto the baby. If you observe any of the symptoms, such as redness, swelling, pain, or fever at the bite site, it is advisable to consult your healthcare provider. 

Answered on 2nd Dec '24

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My daughter is almost 4 years old. She had club foot by birth on left foot and left eye is also squint eye. Club foot was treated by 4 plasters early after birth. Later on, she started walking but still her left foot fingers get curved or turned when I notice. Squint eye treatment is still in progress. She is using glasses since she was one year old. Eyesight number goes varies time to time but not recovered fully. Suggestions please, I am really worried about her.

Female | 4

Your daughter likely has a clubfoot and a squint that can't be straightened. The fact that her clubfoot was treated at an early stage is a good thing, but the curved fingers may still be present. Regarding Ames squint-eye, the treatment is still in progress. The use of glasses is widespread and it is crucial to have her sight checked frequently.

Answered on 4th Oct '24

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This Rajendra from Nepal today I bring to you that my son is 7 year old. He has strayed high fever sudden i Took in the clinic which dr. Has giving som glucose and since 7 days he is not eating anything Please suggest me to what should I do he has very weakness he can’t stand all the sleeping only

Male | 7

It seems he may have a serious condition causing the fever and weakness. The glucose given by the doctor was likely to provide energy. Not eating for 7 days is quite concerning. It's important to take him back to the doctor for further evaluation and treatment. Meanwhile, ensure he stays hydrated and gets plenty of rest.

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

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Mera baby 3 year ka ho jayega 6feb ko lekin parso se wo ladki ki tarah baat kar raha hai jaise khaungi piungi soungi jaungi to aisa kyun kar Raha hai please batao

Male | 3

Kids often pick up on other people's behavior and try different speech forms as they are growing up. Your baby may be presenting new words and sounds for the first time as a way of having fun with it at the age of 3. It is a usual part of their development thus they are learning to talk. Besides, supporting their development through talking and reading to them is beneficial. Each kid is a different person and the deadlines can be reached at different ages. 

Answered on 23rd Oct '24

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Hi,I am a 35yr old mom of 2, my 2yr old daughter has been constipated for 3 weeks now, she only poops once in 7days and it all was forced poop, 1st and 2nd time I used enema and 2days ago I took her to the clinic and they gave a glycerine suppositories....I inserted 1 in her anus but I might have made a mistake by lubricating it with petroleum jelly and no poop came out it didn't work....out of panic 20 hours later I used the water and soap douche and she did poop ,so it's 3days now and she hasn't poo and she started vomited a few hours ago .

Female | 2

In a state when a child does not poop for an extended period, it may bring a feeling of uneasiness and cause vomiting in the child's body. The blockage of the colon might have been caused by the fact that your kid did not have a proper diet, had fiber deficiency, or didn't drink enough water. Give her to eat more fruits, and vegetables, and drink water. 

Answered on 4th July '24

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Child who is 7 y has inguinal hernia

Male | 7

Your 7-year-old has an inguinal he­rnia. Part of their intestine pushe­s through a weak spot near their groin. It may appe­ar as a small bulge. Sometimes, it cause­s pain or discomfort. Surgery is typically recommende­d to repair it. This quick procedure he­lps avoid potential complications. Be sure to discuss the­ optimal care option with a surgeon for your child.

Answered on 1st July '24

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My son is a year old and he fell during the night and bit the inside of his lower lip. He was bleeding but I managed to stop it, now it is swollen. I am scared, what can I do? I gave him painamol syrup for kids.

Male | 1

Your son has a common lip bite injury. Swelling is normal and should go down in a few days. To help with this, gently press a cold compress on the outside of his lip. Painamol can be effective for the pain. Keep an eye on him to ensure he can still eat and drink comfortably.

Answered on 10th Sept '24

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Hi doctor my baby 3 year burn us face saaf daag pad gya us sir par baal nahi h arya ky kar na

Female | 3

Consult an ayurveda expert for best advice

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Patient Name.Rithvika age .2 years female child ...she having neuro problem at brith time s o could you suggested me who is best children neuro Doctor in hyd

Female | 2.5

kindly visit any corporate/Government hoapital 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My son 4yrs old suffering with Dengue and black it dangerous?

Male | 4

Your son's ailments sound conce­rning. Dengue feve­r, spread by mosquitoes, causes se­vere illness. Black motion like­ly indicates gastrointestinal blee­ding, which can dangerously lower blood pressure­. Ensure he remains hydrate­d, rests adequately, and se­eks prompt medical attention for tre­atment monitoring. 

Answered on 28th June '24

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My son is 12year old his mind is ok but he can't work only he can be alright there sir

Male | 12

Your son might face muscular we­akness, making activities challenging. We­ak muscles lack sufficient strength, ofte­n from lack of exercise or prope­r nutrition. However, a healthcare­ provider's guidance, exe­rcises, and balanced diet can gradually improve­ muscle strength. Encourage active­ lifestyle and nutritious foods like fruits, ve­ggies, and whole grains for muscle growth. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My child age is one and half year, he got fever since last 5 days, and I go to hospital and they do cannula iv, (inserted half bottel glucose and give 3 bottel injection (ceftriaxone sulbactam)for three days, but now he got infaction in chest like bulgum, and nose running, kindly suggest me medicine for my child because hospital is too long from my home.

Male | 1.5 year

These symptoms can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection. To help your child feel better at home, you can give them plenty of fluids, use a cool-mist humidifier, and consider using saline nasal drops to clear their nose. Auto-intense be sure, that if your child's symptoms worsen or they have difficulty breathing, seek medical attention.

Answered on 8th Oct '24

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