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Female | 18

Dizziness, Headache, Stomach Pain, Chest Pain: Causes and Relief

Dizziness, headache, stomach pain, chest pain

1 Answer

Answered on 30th July '24

You see­m overwhelmed by many fe­elings happening togethe­r. Dizziness, headaches, stomach pain, and che­st pain can result from stress, lack of slee­p, or dehydration. To improve, rest, drink wate­r, and eat small, gentle me­als. If symptoms continue, get professional advice­ and care to figure out the cause­.

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

I have migraine and Hello. OK, so the symptoms are my headache has become more frequent, like more frequent. Before it used to come like in two weeks once, but now it is like in a gap of two days maximum something. And it has become more intense, very intense. It has become like, you know, very, very much intense. Secondly, the painkiller doesn't seem to help at all.Before it used to work, now it doesn't help.Lastly, not exactly Lastly, it lasts much longer. You know like Pehle, it used, it used to go away in one day, but now it lasts for two to three days. And then I'm also experiencing ear pain which is behind my ears also and then inside the ear also, like my whole ear is paining with ear behind also.Then I get extremely nauseous, OK, and then sometimes even a bit dizzy. And then I have sensitivity to light and sound OK, motion sensitivity one side.It paints more and there's more frequent other side. It is not frequent. Doesn't mean it is not there. It happens other side also. It pains but one side is more frequent.And then while in headache I do try to sleep it off, but due to pain sleeping it off becomes difficult and if by chance I get sleep then there are chances it will go away. And then after it goes away still there is weakness, like I feel extreme weakness. What can it be?

Female | 18

The type of headaches you are having, which more often than not, are very intense, with earache, dizziness, and hypersensitivity to light and sound, all symptoms suggest a likely migraine. Migraines occur when your brain is hypersensitive to the things that your body would normally be able to cope with such as stress, lack of sleep, or even something you eat. To achieve the goal of migraine control, you can use a headache diary, stay hydrated, be well-rested, and avoid the triggers. Even if the symptoms get more serious or become a major obstacle in your everyday activities, it's always a good move to seek medical advice from a healthcare practitioner. 

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

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I have pain in my head in one side only and pain side face swelling also and some times pain side eye vision is getting dull

Female | 38

It feels like you might have sinusitis. Sinusitis can make one side of your head hurt, swell up your face, or affect your sight. This occurs when the sinuses in your face become infected or inflamed. Try putting warm wet towels on your face, drinking lots of water, and using saline nasal sprays. If it still hurts, contact a healthcare provider for further treatment.

Answered on 28th May '24

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Muje bht tej sr dard h, ye daily rhta h lgbhag /7-8l din se thoda thoda but abhi 2 din se bht heavy horakha h Ek medical h paas me but medicn smj nhi aarhi muje or reasn ki kyu dard h

Male | 22

The causes of these types of headaches are lack of adequate sleep, stress, dehydration, or even certain foods. To ease the pain, you may make sure you drink enough water, have proper sleep, do not allow stress to take over, and stay away from trigger foods. If the symptoms persist, it is good to visit a doctor

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hellp! I am someone with MS. I have very low vitamin D levels and have had that flr a while. I an currently experiencing pain in my left leg. In both knee and thigh. I have pain and can not stand on it as usual. It is the second time in less than 2 weeks (my knee, first time)

Female | 25

Lack of vitamin D levels in the case of multiple sclerosis patients may be responsible for muscle pain on some occasions. You should be getting enough vitamin D from sunlight or a supplement of vitamin D. Besides that, you can try to make the tension loosen or apply a warm compress to stop the pain. If the pain continues, go to a doctor to get professional advice.

Answered on 11th Nov '24

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One more question my ears are ringing it's been 2 months to my accident and having a slight hearing loss in left ear it will go away or not ?

Male | 23

Ringing in the ears and deafness after an accident can result from injury to the tiny hairs in the inner ear. This might occur if there is an abrupt loud noise or trauma. It is necessary to consult with an audiologist. They will be able to determine what would be most helpful for your situation in terms of hearing improvement methods. Do not be afraid because there are treatments that can be used for you to be able to hear well again.

Answered on 29th May '24

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میری ماں بیمار ہیں شوگر بلڈ پریشر کی مریض ہیں اکثر وقت سر پر بوج اور درد سا ہوتا ہیں

Female | 65

اپکی ماں کے سر میں درد اور بھاری پن کا تجربہ بلڈ پریشر اور شوگر کی حالت کی وجہ سے ہو سکتا ہے۔ یہ علامات اکثر جسم میں سوزش، تناؤ یا پانی کی کمی کی وجہ سے پیدا ہوتی ہیں۔ روزانہ کی معمولات میں تمام دواؤں کا صحیح استعمال، صحت مند غذا، اور مناسب پانی پینا بہت مددگار ہو سکتا ہے۔ انہیں اپنی طرزِ زندگی میں آرام، ورزش اور سوادج خوراک کی عادت ڈالنے کی کوشش کرنی چاہئے۔ تاہم، بہتر علاج کے لیے ڈاکٹر کی مشاورت اہم ہے۔ یہ یقینی بناتا ہے کہ ان کی صحت کو خاص دیکھ بھال اور رہنمائی حاصل ہو۔

Answered on 16th Mar '25

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why am I weak every time, dizzy,and sometimes collapse with headache and lose of appetite..

Female | 25

You may be wondering if you have an iron deficiency. Anemia is a condition that develops when your body does not have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen. This may result in fatigue and strange symptoms of dizziness and headaches. A decrease in appetite is another situation that is often found. Intake of green leafy vegetables like spinach, seeds high in protein like beans and lean meat may be helpful. Besides, your doctor may also bring up the consumption of iron supplements to improve your red blood cell count.

Answered on 1st Nov '24

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My grandfather age is 69 he had second brain strike and he unable to eat and speak but after 3 month now he able to speak slow slow and today he got anger and eat food by himself without asked anyone after I asked him is any problem to swallow food he said no problem and easy to swallow so please doctor suggest me can we start giving him food by mouth

Male | 69

The symptoms of difficulty eating and speaking are the general ones that occur after a brain stroke. It may be attributed to the muscles used for swallowing being weak. Seeing that he mentioned no problem swallowing and eating by himself, you can slowly start to give him food by mouth. Begin with soft, easy-to-swallow foods and keep track of his progress. Do not forget to communicate with his healthcare team along the way.

Answered on 10th July '24

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Why do my eyes and legs feel paralyzed whenever I mastrubate

Male | 20

Masturbation can lead to chemicals being released into the body that may make muscles and other nerves feel weak. Sometimes, it can cause temporary paralysis in your eyes or legs. It’s common and usually harmless. If it continues or bothers you, talk to someone you know like your parent or a doctor, and if it continues or bothers you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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