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Male | 1

Fever over a week, CRP 39

Fever more then a week started antibiotics based on crp value is 39

Answered on 30th July '24

A feve­r lasting over a week is alarming. High CRP (39) signifie­s inflammation somewhere in the­ body. Possible causes: infections, autoimmune­ issues, inflammatory disorders. Antibiotics treat bacte­rial infections. It's crucial to complete the­ prescribed course. Re­st, stay hydrated and follow up with your doctor for further evaluation and manage­ment.

35 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

I am suffering from cough before 10days I used tablet and syrup but no use It's nonstop and I have bady pain what can I do I am feeding mother

Female | 32

I recommend that you should attend to the pulmonologist about your chronic cough because it might suggest some other issue that needs thorough medical care. However, it is important to seek medical advice before taking any medicine when nursing.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Pani pine ke bad bhi gala aur mouth sukhna h aur head thanda sa lgta h ander se

Female | 25

You might expe­rience throat and mouth dryness, de­spite drinking water. Additionally, you might fee­l a slight coolness inside your head. The­se symptoms could result from inadequate­ water intake throughout the day. Ensure­ regular, ample water consumption to maintain throat and mouth hydration. Sucking on sugar-fre­e candies may also help alle­viate dryness. 

Answered on 23rd July '24

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How much water should you drink in a day?

Male | 15

For most pe­ople, drinking about 8 cups of water a day is good. If you fee­l dizzy, tired, or have dark pee­, these could mean you are­ not drinking enough water. Drinking lots of water he­lps your body work well and can stop headaches and constipation. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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lid madicin kya lane ha batliya

पुरुष | 67

If your eyes are burning, dry, or red, these could be signs of allergies, infection, or overuse. Before you try any treatment at home, do not forget to see a doctor to get the correct diagnosis. They can examine your condition and give you the right medication or prescribe eye drops. Keeping your eyes clean, reducing screen time, and getting enough sleep are also beneficial. 

Answered on 13th Dec '24

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Why have i been feeling nauseous for 3 days

Female | 16

Nausea lasting thre­e days could signal different he­alth issues. A stomach infection or contaminated food may trigge­r nausea. Stress, migraines pre­sent valid causes too. Vomiting, loss of appetite­, dizziness sometimes accompany nause­a. Try ingesting bland meals, staying hydrated with wate­r. Persisting nausea require­s consulting someone who provides re­lief.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Headache all day in school yery pain full

Male | 13

The cause of headaches could be various factors like stress and tension, dehydration, or eye strain. Visiting a physician may be necessary if the headaches last for a long time or have a recurring nature.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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suffered chicken guneya 2 months treatment & relieved again symptoms of chickenguneya been observed.

Male | 25

It is possible that a second episode can occur if you are still weak. The indications comprise fever, joint pain, muscle pain, headache, nausea, and rash. The primary source is getting bitten by a mosquito carrying the virus. Instead, to aid in easing the conditions, it is necessary to slow down, drink enough fluids, and use painkillers. In case the symptoms are getting worse, or last for a longer time, please get medical treatment. 

Answered on 25th Oct '24

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On 20 may I donote blood. But now I am feeling headache, suffocation, vomiting. And Tomorrow is my exam also. Please help what shout I do?

Male | 20

Take rest, have enough water and eat a light meal if possible. If symptoms persist or worsen, seek immediate medical attention.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What does grey zone mean in HIV test . The result is negative but says grey zone

Male | 28

A "grey zone" in an HIV test means the result falls between positive and negative, indicating uncertainty. It could be due to early infection, test issues, or other factors. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm having a premature white hairs

Male | 20

Experiencing premature white hair is common and can be influenced by genetics, stress, health, and age-related factors. Consult a doctor for proper treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I press very hard on my stomach & now my belly button is in cramping pain. Did I do something wrong?

Female | 22

Pressing too hard on your stomach can cause discomfort or pain, especially in sensitive areas like the belly button. Avoid further pressure and apply a warm compress to help relieve the discomfort. If the pain persists or worsens seek advice from a doctor to get wel soon.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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my lymph nodes have been swollen for 2 months and i’d like you to analyze my blood work

Female | 21

Swollen lymph nodes for 2 months may indicate infection. Blood work abnormalities can determine cause. See a doctor for evaluation and further testing. The pRoCess of seeing a medicAl professional is crucial for proper diagnosis. Moreover, it is important to noTe that any disEase shOuld be treated as soon as possible to prevent further complicatIons.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have armpit lump like peas l notice it 3,4 days ago its not pain me, l feel it when l touch it lam so worried is it breast cancer , excuse me could you help me

Female | 33

According to the lymph node you state, your armpit lump may be a swollen lymph node. I recommend you see a family doctor or a specialist in internal medicine in the first place to acquire an accurate assessment and the necessary recommendations.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Trouble gaining weight - Weight gaining

Female | 17

Weight gaining may be cause of different conditions such as genetics, hypothyrodism etc. Talk to your healthcare professional for some tests and thorogh treatment

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am suffering from fever for 6 days which medicine should I take.

Male | 42

It is necessary to identify the underlying cause of the fever. Fevers are a clear indication of your body fighting an infection. Frequent causes of it are a cold, flu, or, in rare cases, a disease caused by a bacterium. To help relieve fever take acetaminophen or ibuprofen just make sure that you have an adult who is supervising you. Never forget to drink lots of fluids and sleep. If your fever does not go away or you start experiencing other new symptoms, seek medical help.

Answered on 6th Sept '24

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I mistake eat the food eaten by monkey should I have to take rabbies vaccine for it or not

Female | 25

Rabies, being the virus that is mainly spread through bites or saliva from infected animals, is not going to be transmitted through food. Symptoms of rabies, which include fever, headache, and confusion, generally, occur within several weeks of exposure. If you were bitten by or came into direct contact with a monkey, it is safe to say that you should see a doctor immediately.

Answered on 7th Mar '25

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I'm 10 years old of age and I accidentally smoked a vape and I'm scared to vomit what do I do?

Female | 10

I am worried by the fact that you tried smoking a vape at such a young age. Nicotine in vapes often triggers nausea, vomiting and many other problems. If you are feeling any such issue talk your parents first, they will take you to doctor

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have been doing high intensity workout past 1 month and on a high protein diet, recently I just did blood test for sugar and kidney function and the result are below ? I just want to know to it's normal or not and what have to do Blood glucose fasting : 96 Urea : 35 Creatinine:1.1 Uric acid : 8.0 Calcium:10.8 Total protein:7.4 Albumin: 4.9 Globulin:2.5

Male | 28

Your blood glucose, urea, creatinine, uric acid, calcium, total protein, albumin, and globulin levels were normal according to the blood test results. It is advisable to do it with the help of a doctor, especially a sports medicine specialist or nutritionist, to make your workout and diet better. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I’m not feeling good today

Female | 39

Make sure to pay attention to your body's signs and do any required caution. Finding out the reasons of your symptoms without a proper diagnosis would able difficult for you. I would recommend that you get in touch with your family physician who can do your health checkup and redirect you to the specialist in case of need.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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