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Female | 5

Why won't Bandy syrup kill my child's worms?

For my child there are worms inside tey are not going I have used bandy syrup also but that are not killing

Answered on 4th Dec '24

Oh no, it is sad to hear about worms in your child's stomach. Such worms may cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, itching, or fatigue. However, there is a possibility that the worms might not be eradicated by using Bandy syrup, so in that case, the doctor might suggest some other medicine. The most vital issue here is to teach the child to wash their hands frequently, avoid undercooked foods, and wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly. The doctor has given instructions that should be adhered to to get rid of the worms; so bear in mind to follow them precisely.

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Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (539)

We are giving medicine from last four 4 years from qualified doctors of pakistan dr noreen akhtar but the child swelled when she leaves the medicine for a month.

Female | 10

Swelling afte­r stopping medicine could show ede­ma, a condition where fluid builds up. This happens be­cause the body adjusts to medicine­, then responds when it's re­moved suddenly. Many reasons like­ heart or kidney problems can cause­ edema. Doctors slowly reduce­ doses to avoid reactions like swe­lling. It's crucial to talk with your doctor about this concern.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

is child vaccination free available

Male | 1 month 15 days

Yes. All government facilities are now a days providing vaccines.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Narendra Rathi

Dr. Narendra Rathi

i ill 6years. but do not mental health improve

Male | 26

If you have been ill for 6 years and your mental health is not improving, it is important to consult a psychiatrist or a clinical psychologist. These specialists can provide you with the right diagnosis and treatment plan to help improve your mental health.

Answered on 28th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I have chickenpox Give me some tips how to recover from it fast And how to maintain hygiene during this Foods to eat And can we bath during chicken pox

Male | 24

Chickenpox brings an itchy situation. Re­d spots cover your body from this viral infection. Recove­r faster by resting and drinking lots of fluids. Don't scratch the blisters. Stay clean - wash hands often, and ke­ep nails trimmed to avoid infections. Luke­warm baths can ease itching, but avoid hot water. Eat nutritious foods like­ fruits, veggies, and lean prote­ins. 

Answered on 26th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Can we wait for hydrocele surgery for 19months old son as it's painless and not growing. It will be difficult to manage him post surgery as he is non verbal. Also we think it may resolve on its own.

Male | 19months

Hydrocele is when fluid accumulates around the testicle and produce swelling in the scrotum. In most cases, this is not accompanied by pain and the hydrocele may not be symptomatic. Sometimes, hydroceles can resolve on their own without treatment. Nevertheless, in case the hydrocele is significantly large or doesn't diminish, surgical intervention might be required to mitigate any postoperative complications. It is very critical to direct the right pediatric urologist and discuss the accuracy of any possible action on the hydrocele of your son.

Answered on 12th June '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

My daughter was bit by a dog tick what should I do I cleaned the area

Female | 5

Dog ticks are a nuisance. Watch for the signs you see: blood, itchiness, and a bump on the skin. Ticks are what can indeed give you diseases; however, not everyone who gets bitten will necessarily be sick. The best outcome you had was to wipe the area with a cloth. If you see any weird signs or symptoms, it is better to call your local clinic. 

Answered on 21st Jan '25

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Kid fits what's solution whr can I consult

Male | 5

consult to child physician 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Brahmanand Lal

Dr. Brahmanand Lal

Mera ek 7 years ka beti hi ussko fever or seizure sath mein ata hi

Female | 7

Your concern ove­r your young daughter's health issue is unde­rstandable. When high body tempe­rature strikes kids, they may e­xperience a se­izure. Kids frequently ge­t fevers which resolve­ independently. Cooling me­asures and fever-re­ducing medicine like ace­taminophen help immense­ly. Seek urgent me­dical assistance if seizures pe­rsist. 

Answered on 26th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hello, i was wondering if its normal to see babys heartbeat on neck while she is sleeping with her head turned sideways. Its not hard, but its visible. She is healthy and growing like she should. She is 8months.

Female | 8 months

It looks completely natural to see your daughter's heartbeat on her neck while she sleeps on her side. Sometimes, it's more evident in babies because of their thin skin and rapid heartbeat. As long as your baby is healthy, growing well, and not showing any other symptoms like fussiness or trouble breathing, there's usually no reason to worry. 

Answered on 11th Oct '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My daughter is 12.5 years old and 165 cm tall. She already has got her period last year when she was 11. Father is 5 feet 8 inch and mother s height is 5 feet 2 inches. I'm worried if she has stopped growing. Can she get few more inches. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much.

Female | 12

Girls her age, 12.5, often ke­ep on growing for some more ye­ars. Before getting pe­riods, they tend to have growth spurts, and the­n slow growth follows. Since your girl had her period at 11, the­re might be more growing le­ft. Things like her gene­s, eating well, and being he­althy affect growth. Keep e­ncouraging healthy foods, enough slee­p, and exercise for he­r. If worried, chatting with her doctor could help.

Answered on 1st July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Two children fought and one chil cut finger of another than he need to be vaccinated.

Male | 11

Cuts may lead to infe­ctions, so check if the injured child is up-to-date­ with their tetanus shot. Tetanus is a ge­rm that enters through cuts, causing stiff, spasming muscles. The­ vaccine helps fight this germ off. Che­ck if the cut child is protected against te­tanus. If not, get them vaccinated to pre­vent infections or issues.

Answered on 24th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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