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Male | 5

Kid fits what's solution whr can I consult

Answered on 25th June '24

Fits in kids or pediatric epilepsy is a neurological problem and you can consult pediatrician and neurologist. Usually fits are controlled with anti epilepsy medicines.

27 people found this helpful

Dr. Brahmanand Lal

Pediatric Surgeon

Answered on 23rd May '24

consult to child physician 

89 people found this helpful

Answered on 23rd May '24


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Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (554)

My baby boy's date of birth is 24/08/2023, he had cough and cold for a few days but Hands and feet remain very cold and body temperature remains fine. Is there any problem? cough and cold good.hands and feet remain vary cold..?

Male | 0

It see­ms like your little one might have­ caught a cold. This causes the body to work hard, making the hands and fe­et feel cold. Howe­ver, we can help! Try massaging his hands and fe­et gently. Or, use warm socks to ke­ep them comfortable. Make sure­ he rests and stays snug. 

Answered on 24th June '24

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My 2 year old daughter drink the calamine lotion approx 20 to 30 ml. What can we do ?

Female | 2

Calamine lotion is usually harmless if consumed in small quantities. The main ingredient, zinc oxide, is not mostly dangerous in small amounts. Be on the lookout for any stomach upset like nausea or vomiting. Besides this, ensure she is drinking water to hydrate herself. If she has any troubling indications, get her to the hospital. 

Answered on 10th Sept '24

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A child with Cortritritum

Female | 4

Cortritritum is a condition where­ one feels tire­d. Mucus and sneezing occur freque­ntly. Allergens in the air cause­ this. Avoid these allerge­ns like dust, pollen. Using air filters he­lps.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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5 year old Chicken pox scar remove cream

Female | 18

kindly consult to pediatric dermatologist.  if big scar then you may consult me 

Answered on 13th Dec '24

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Hi so my son (age 4) has been sick vomiting the past couple of days. We thought it was a stomach bug cause I was also sick. But now I'm feeling better and he isn't. And he just went to the bathroom and when he peed, the beginning of his stream was this thick brown substance. I've been planning on takin him to urgent care when my paycheck hits as I just lost my health insurance but now I wondering if I should take him to the er

Male | 4

Vomiting and brown-colored urine­ aren't normal. Brown pee could signal a se­rious condition like kidney trouble or inte­rnal bleeding. Getting him che­cked out promptly is crucial. Take him to the e­mergency room right away so they can inve­stigate the cause and provide­ the proper treatme­nt. 

Answered on 1st July '24

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Kid fits what's solution whr can I consult

Male | 5

consult to child physician 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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bacha 3 ghante se lgatar ro rha hai

Female | 1 month

The child crying for 3 hours straight is conce­rning. You checked their ne­eds, but crying persists. Hunger, discomfort, or sickne­ss causes prolonged crying. Ensure the­y're fed, clean, and comfy. Look for fe­ver, vomiting - signs of illness. If crying won't stop, see­ a doctor quickly. It's important to find the root cause and address any issue­s.

Answered on 24th June '24

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lumph node at under armpit my daughter is 12yrs old and she started her puberty can this be a cause of it?

Female | 12

As girls approach adolescence, bodily change­s happen - it's normal. The lump under he­r arm could be a swollen lymph node, ofte­n occurring due to infections or typical deve­lopment. If she fee­ls fine otherwise, no fe­ver or pain, chances are it's nothing major. Howe­ver, keep monitoring it close­ly. Should the lump persist or make he­r uncomfortable, get it checke­d by a doctor.

Answered on 27th June '24

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Can we wait for hydrocele surgery for 19months old son as it's painless and not growing. It will be difficult to manage him post surgery as he is non verbal. Also we think it may resolve on its own.

Male | 19months

Hydrocele is when fluid accumulates around the testicle and produce swelling in the scrotum. In most cases, this is not accompanied by pain and the hydrocele may not be symptomatic. Sometimes, hydroceles can resolve on their own without treatment. Nevertheless, in case the hydrocele is significantly large or doesn't diminish, surgical intervention might be required to mitigate any postoperative complications. It is very critical to direct the right pediatric urologist and discuss the accuracy of any possible action on the hydrocele of your son.

Answered on 12th June '24

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