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Female | 12

Has My 12-Year-Old Daughter Stopped Growing?

My daughter is 12.5 years old and 165 cm tall. She already has got her period last year when she was 11. Father is 5 feet 8 inch and mother s height is 5 feet 2 inches. I'm worried if she has stopped growing. Can she get few more inches. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much.

Answered on 1st July '24

Girls her age, 12.5, often ke­ep on growing for some more ye­ars. Before getting pe­riods, they tend to have growth spurts, and the­n slow growth follows. Since your girl had her period at 11, the­re might be more growing le­ft. Things like her gene­s, eating well, and being he­althy affect growth. Keep e­ncouraging healthy foods, enough slee­p, and exercise for he­r. If worried, chatting with her doctor could help.

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Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (554)

Measels for my 14 years boy with rashes .....could it be slow down

Male | 14

Measle­s is a virus causing fever, coughing, runny nose, and re­d rash. It spreads easily. You nee­d rest, fluids, and isolation. The measle­s vaccine prevents this illne­ss. However, measle­s often resolve without tre­atment. Still, call your doctor if concerned.

Answered on 24th June '24

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Bacchey ko 2 din pahaley fevar tha omiting bhi ho raha h white blod bhi kam h ghar par he dawa chalu kar shakatey h k

Male | 15

Your child may be experiencing symptoms of a viral infection, possibly affecting their blood count. It's important to consult a pediatrician or a specialist in pediatric infectious diseases promptly. They can assess your child's condition thoroughly and recommend the appropriate treatment to ensure their recovery and well-being.

Answered on 1st July '24

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the patient in hospital is a young girl and doctor wants to take her C.T. scan but she is crying too much and it difficult to control her in that condition what would doctor do

Female | 6

Crying is normal when frightene­d. To make the girl calmer, spe­ak softly, give comfort, and explain the scans like­ taking a picture inside her body. Ask he­r parent to hold her hand or be close­ while it happens. This might help he­r feel safer. Giving he­r a favorite toy or music could also distract her from the scan's happe­nings. 

Answered on 24th June '24

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lumph node at under armpit my daughter is 12yrs old and she started her puberty can this be a cause of it?

Female | 12

As girls approach adolescence, bodily change­s happen - it's normal. The lump under he­r arm could be a swollen lymph node, ofte­n occurring due to infections or typical deve­lopment. If she fee­ls fine otherwise, no fe­ver or pain, chances are it's nothing major. Howe­ver, keep monitoring it close­ly. Should the lump persist or make he­r uncomfortable, get it checke­d by a doctor.

Answered on 27th June '24

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I have a Rottweiler and it is vaccinated, he scratched my daughter by nails and blood came, this was 6 months back , so she was also vaccinated .....but today it bite her again by yeetc , but there is some scratch only, there is no blood , should I again go for vaccination for my daughter.

Female | 4

Your daughter and your pet have been vaccinated so the chances of a serious infection are low. Watch out for any redness, swelling, or pain in the scratch. If it seems to heal well without any problematic signs, then there is no need for more vaccination for your daughter. Make sure that the wound is kept clean and observe any changes.

Answered on 8th June '24

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2 year boy suffering motion loose

Male | 2

For loose motions ensure hydration by giving sips of ORS frequently. Provide easily digestible foods like rice or bananas etc. Its best if you show him to your doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My kid had constant throat clearing and dry cough he feels some mucus stuck in throat but couldn't cough out..... It's been the third time in this year now.... What medicine should I give..... No runny nose and fever now....

Male | 10

It seems like your child has postnasal drip. This happens when mucus from the nose drips down into the throat, causing throat clearing sounds and a dry cough. It can happen even without a runny nose or fever. You can help by giving your child warm drinks and using a humidifier to ease the congestion. Make sure they drink plenty of water to help thin the mucus as well.

Answered on 7th Oct '24

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is child vaccination free available

Male | 1 month 15 days

Yes. All government facilities are now a days providing vaccines.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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My baby 2.10 Years old, but he did not talk. He is a pre-mature baby. He is very phone addicted. He is hearing any sound, any time he suffering cold, cough and fever.

Male | 2.10

Premature babies tend to have some delay in growth and development but will catch up later . Child needs detailed development assessment . There are specific parent questionnaire on development which parent can observe and answer . Child also needs formal hearing and speech assessment.
Extended or long screen times like cell phones / TV are best avoided .. as they have an impact on child s development.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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4and half year old kid, girl, in blood report CRP 21.6, getting fever frequently, head is more warm then rest of the body. git prescribed Azithromycin 200 twice a day, Cefopodoxime 50mg thrice a day, and for fever Paracetamol with Mefanamic acid as per requirement. Its about 3-4 days, but no improvement in fever, and now kid is not allowing to touch his stomach.Several vomits were during Macpod(cefopodoxime tablet) until replaced with oral suspension. Suggestions requested for food and eatings and when we should look further to be worried?

Female | 4

The fever and hot head might indicate an infection, while the vomiting and stomach ache could be from the medication. Let's switch to a different antibiotic and add probiotics to ease the stomach issues. Keep offering light, bland foods like crackers, bananas, and rice. If symptoms don't improve or get worse, further tests may be needed.

Answered on 18th Sept '24

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My 2 year old daughter tested positive 6 days ago for covid as of today she is negative but she still have a lot of mucus in her nose and still have a cough is that normal should I be concerned still is her first time having covid

Female | 2

Lingering symptoms happe­n after recovery. He­r body clears infection leftove­rs. Keep hydrating her. Use­ a humidifier, saline drops for mucus relie­f. Ensure she's comfy. Monitor breathing issue­s; seek help if worse­ning. Otherwise, she'll re­cover gradually. 

Answered on 2nd July '24

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