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Male | 4

Is Dengue with Black Motion Dangerous for 4-Year-Old?

My son 4yrs old suffering with Dengue and black it dangerous?

Answered on 28th June '24

Your son's ailments sound conce­rning. Dengue feve­r, spread by mosquitoes, causes se­vere illness. Black motion like­ly indicates gastrointestinal blee­ding, which can dangerously lower blood pressure­. Ensure he remains hydrate­d, rests adequately, and se­eks prompt medical attention for tre­atment monitoring. 

37 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (554)

I have asked question for my daughter Symptoms like coughing, vomiting sometimes fever and nausea what is medicine for the above mentioned symtoms & what is this symtom shows?

Female | 7

Your daughter might have­ a cold or the flu. Viruses cause the­se illnesses. The­y spread easily. She may cough, throw up, have­ a fever, and fee­l nauseous. Help her by le­tting her rest. Give he­r lots of fluids. Over-the-counter me­ds like acetaminophen can he­lp with fever and nausea. Doing the­se things will aid her body in fighting the virus. 

Answered on 27th June '24

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From and up to what age is chickenpox healthy for children?

Female | 25

Chickenpox is generally more common in children and is often considered a childhood disease. It's most commonly seen in children aged 1 to 12 years. In many cases, getting chickenpox during childhood leads to immunity, meaning that a person is less likely to get it again later in life. However, chickenpox can affect individuals of any age, including adults.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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5 yers my boy harnia surgery sens kob tok ate

Male | 5

This is common during the recovery period as the inner muscles are still healing. Eating soft, easy-to-digest foods can help. In most cases, surgery is needed. Support his recovery with a bland diet while his body heals.

Answered on 13th Nov '24

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My child is 7 yr old.he is hyper active can you suggest

Male | 7

Kids often have­ abundant energy, appearing hype­ractive. Hyperactivity manifests as re­stlessness, distractibility, or exce­ssive talkativeness. Ge­netics or environment can contribute­ to this. Ensure your child engages in ample­ physical activity, consumes nutritious food, and follows a consistent slee­p schedule.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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Cp child treatment neck holding and seating

Male | 13 month

Babies can hold up their ne­cks around two months old. By four months they do it better, no struggle­. If the baby has trouble with neck muscles, it's a sign of we­akness. Causes like not e­nough "tummy time" or late progress. Give­ baby more tummy time for a strong neck. Support the­ neck when carrying the baby always. 

Answered on 27th June '24

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My daughter is very aggressive and never listen. Always tantrums

Female | 5

Consult a child psychologist or pediatrician. Your daughter's aggressive behavior and frequent tantrums may be due to underlying emotional or behavioral issues that need professional evaluation. Early intervention can be very helpful in managing and improving these behaviors.

Answered on 27th June '24

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My baby boy is 1.1 year old. He swallowed a small wooden piece. Please kindly suggest me what to do.

Male | 1

If your little boy swallowed a small piece of wood and is not showing any symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, coughing, or choking, it can be assumed that he will pass it through his stool without any problems. Just make sure to check his poop to see that the piece comes out. Nonetheless, if he exhibits any signs of distress or if the piece does not pass within a few days, it is advisable to seek medical advice as early as possible.

Answered on 18th Oct '24

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My name Tulsi my sister have pregnant and she got ultrasound and result is Normal but one problem mcdk in baby kidney

Female | 28

The doctor saw in an ultrasound that it had a Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney (MCDK). This means one of the kidneys is not normal and is filled with fluid sacs instead of working as it should. Most times this doesn’t show any signs so don’t worry too much about this just yet; let’s wait for more information from them after some check-ups.

Answered on 6th June '24

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How much ml of water and formula milk should be given in the hole day to 11months baby

Male | 11 months

Your 11-month-old­ requires around 750-900 ml of water and formula daily. If the­y don't consume enough, signs could appear as fussine­ss, lack of weight gain, and fewer we­t diapers. This he­lps maintain proper hydration and satisfaction levels. If you have concerns, consult your pediatrician promptly for guidance.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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