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Male | 29

Have CBC results indicated HIV infection risk?

Dec 2 = anal exposure condom brocken no pep Dec 16 = flu hedadache ,gas ,muscle pain freequent urination ,penis itching, sore throat, etc Jan 5 = cbc show wbc=3200 Neutriphil=23% Lymphocyte=59% Eosinophil=10% Rdw cv=14.5 Jan 12 = cbc show wbc=7800 Neutrophil=67% Lymphocyte=23% Eosinophil=3% Rdw sv=13.4 Feb24 cbc show wbc=7300 Lymphocyte=30% Neutrophil=57% Eosinophil=7% Rdw cv=13.4 What is this mean? Is sign of hiv? What is the percentage of hiv from previous experience history?

Answered on 26th Feb '25

The symptoms such as flu-like feelings, urinary changes, and skin irritation can arise from various infections but don’t specifically indicate HIV. Your lab results show fluctuations in white blood cell counts that could be due to many factors like recent illnesses or stress. While it’s wise to consider testing for HIV after a potential exposure, the risk varies individually. Please consult a physician for personalized testing and support; they can provide guidance that meets your needs. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dignostic Tests" (69)

By mistake my niece swallow bleaching powder what should we do

Female | 7

Ingesting bleaching powder can be very harmful. If your niece accidentally swallowed it, she may experience mouth and throat burns, vomiting, breathing issues, and stomach pain. Seek medical help immediately. Encourage her to sip water or milk if she can swallow, but do not induce vomiting.

Answered on 7th Nov '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Difference of finger and vein blood test

Female | 19

Blood tests involve­ two procedures: finger prick or ve­in draw. The finger prick is simpler and quicke­r. However, vein drawing give­s detailed information. If your symptoms see­m mild, a finger prick may suffice. Yet, for se­rious conditions, vein draw proves more accurate­ for diagnosis. Ultimately, follow your doctor's guidance on choosing the appropriate te­st.

Answered on 5th Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

How many times albendazole and lvermicin can I take in a year

Male | 50

Using albendazole­ or ivermectin improperly can harm your he­alth. A doctor prescribes albendazole­ one or two times yearly to tre­at intestinal worms. Meanwhile, ive­rmectin treats stubborn parasites like­ scabies or strongyloidiasis once annually. These­ medicines eliminate­ parasites causing stomach discomfort, itching, and tiredness. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Just want a opinion over the sonography report

Female | 1 month

This imaging test often helps diagnose various conditions by visualizing internal structures. Symptoms can vary greatly depending on the area examined, and potential causes might include inflammation, cysts, or other abnormalities. It’s essential to interpret these results in conjunction with your clinical history. I recommend discussing your report with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized insight and potential next steps based on your specific situation. Your health is important, and a doctor can guide you toward the best possible care and treatment options.

Answered on 18th Jan '25

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I need opinion on my lab test report

Female | 26

Please provide more details on what you have been tested for and or atleast give some indications so i can provide the right advice.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Is HIV positive confirmed at once? Or should someone get tested more than once

Female | 50

Afte­r HIV testing, the virus sometime­s doesn't appear for wee­ks or months. This means a negative initial te­st isn't final proof. To confirm the status, repeating the te­st after several months provide­s certainty. Signs of HIV include tiredne­ss, losing weight, and frequent illne­ss. Safe sexual practices and routine­ testing prevent risk. 

Answered on 25th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I hot bitten by a puppy 1 month and 3 weeks old in my lips, it's been 1 day ago. I just get a filly anti rabies vaccine except for the booster, and it's been just a month and I got bitten again.

Female | 21

Young pups rare­ly have rabies. But watch for redne­ss, swelling, or pain where it bit. Cle­an the area with soap and water. Put antibiotic cre­am on the bites. Kee­p them clean. If you get a fe­ver, headache, or tingling ne­ar the bites, see­ a doctor quickly. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hsv 1+2 igg positive 17.90 index....??

Male | 26

When the test tells you a positive IgG HSV 1+2 of 17.90 the result reveals exposure to the herpes simplex virus. However, this doesn't even indicate the presence of symptoms. Indeed, herpes simplex virus can trigger the appearance of sores around the mouth and the genital area, but many people show no symptoms. If you do have any, antiviral medicines can help control them. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Sir/Madam What's your view on DMIT test? Can I undergo through dmit test?

Female | 18

The Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) uses fingerprint analysis to identify an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, learning styles, and personality traits. It’s a safe and painless test aimed at recognizing personal strengths and preferences, rather than diagnosing medical conditions. While it can be insightful, DMIT is not a substitute for medical exams or treatments. If you’re interested and meet the necessary qualifications, you may consider taking the test, but keep in mind its purpose is for self-awareness, not medical evaluation.

Answered on 4th Nov '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Muhh ke andar challe hote hai or hospital report me vitamin B12 ki reports kar ne kaa bataya hai mene reports nai karvayii

Male | 47

You might be talking about ulcers inside the mouth. They can be quite bothersome and take the form of small sores. Sometimes having low levels of vitamin B12 in the body can be a reason for the appearance of ulcers. However, you can improve your vitamin B12 by consuming everyday meat and dairy products, and the result will be less exposure of your mouth to painful sores.

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I was tested negative on 18 sept 2024 for DENGUE IGM and dengue igg and dengue NS1 but tested positive for DENGUE IGM on 24 sept 2024

Male | 35

The test result of negative for Dengue on one day and positive on another day. Dengue is a disease caused by a virus that is transmitted by mosquitoes. The symptoms are high fever, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, joint and muscle pain, nausea, and rash. It calls for Rest, the intake of enough fluids, and the use of medications to relieve symptoms. 

Answered on 30th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Multiple small symmetrical hyperdensities are seen likely clothing artifacts. In chest xray what is this meaning

Female | 25

"Symmetrical hyperde­nsities" on the chest X-ray probably come­ from your clothes. Sometimes clothing can appe­ar in X-rays, looking peculiar. It's nothing concerning health-wise­. But next time, avoid wearing anything me­tallic like jewelry or e­mbellished clothes for X-rays. 

Answered on 4th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

So I just need to ask something related to blood test reports what does beta HCG 522.49 mIU/ML indicates

Female | 21

A pregnancy test reading of 522.49 mIU/ML may be normal for the early stages of pregnancy or be an indicator of an abnormal pregnancy if it is not accompanied by other symptoms. The pituitary gland, controlled by the increased level of the hormone involved, is responsible for promoting testosterone synthesis and release. Implantation bleeding is the light and short bleeding that may be experienced between the 6th and 12th day after conception. This hormone is secreted during the early phase of human pregnancy. The levels of bHCG are constantly changing in the first trimester. It is important to note that other symptoms such as the absence of menstruation, a feeling of sickness, or fatigue may appear. If you are presented with any uncommon signals, the first thing to do is to see a doctor for appropriate medical procedures. Therefore, an appointment with a healthcare provider will clarify the significance of this result to your health and also provide you with the next steps. 

Answered on 30th Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hello I've a report in hand now, could you please give a summary of the same

Male | 56

The signs in your file might reveal a hidden problem, mostly associated with issues such as stress, bad food, or physical inactivity. Actual cures well, in the main, are life alternations, like adhering to a proper diet, a workout session regularly, and the application of stress reduction strategies. The thing that matters the most is a conversation with a healthcare provider to receive a diagnosis and to obtain treatment options. Health is a very important matter, and direction from professionals guarantees the most dedicated services. It is important to understand that you do not have to solve this on your own—help is always available.

Answered on 28th Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I'm 23 years old and i tested chikungunya and dengue i want to show my report to you

Male | 23

Chikungunya and dengue are both viral infections transmitted by mosquitoes, causing symptoms like fever, joint pain, fatigue, and rash. While they can be challenging, most people recover well with proper care. Staying hydrated, resting, and managing pain with prescribed medications can help. I highly recommend consulting a healthcare professional who can interpret your test results accurately and provide tailored guidance. Keep monitoring your health, and don’t hesitate to reach out for support. Your well-being is important, and professional care will ensure you recover safely and effectively.

Answered on 27th Jan '25

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hi, I would like some medical reports checked. How can it be attached here?

Male | 72

Getting medical reports tested in person is the best, hence it is good to discuss them with your health care provider. That said, if you wish to share more information, you can detail any symptoms you may be going through. For example, if you are tired, dizzy, or suffering from stomach pains such as appendicitis or sigmoid colon they've been and infection, austere or stiff deficiencies, or other conditions could be the reasons. 

Answered on 12th Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel


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