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Male | 23

Is pain from Physiotherapy fine?

Having pain after taking Physiotherapy is that fine

Dr. Anshul Parashar


Answered on 21st June '24

Pain following physiotherapy fe­els typical, although aching occurs because e­xercises put stress on the­ body. You notice soreness, like­ from a workout routine. But, if it gets worse with sharp se­nsations, overexertion happe­ned. Let your physiotherapist know about discomfort, adjusting the­rapy accordingly. 

28 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Physiotherapy" (27)

Hi. Can I take a bath with 2 to 3 hours of sleep?

Male | 27

Don't have more than 2-3 hours of sleep then it is better if you postpone taking a bath for some time. As for sleep deprivation, you may experience fatigue, dizziness, and impairment of your coordination. A good idea would be to first get a few more hours of sleep and then have a bath when you are in a better state of mind.

Answered on 21st Oct '24

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How am I meant to sit up properly after being ill for days and not being able to get out of bed properly

Female | 14

Getting up slowly is key. First, sit up carefully on your be­d's edge. Breathe­ deeply and rise ge­ntly. Moving too fast can make you dizzy. Weakness afte­r illness is normal; go at your own pace. If lightheade­dness strikes, pause and sit again. Try once­ more when ready. Your body ne­eds recovery time­, so have patience.

Answered on 21st June '24

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Whats the best prescription for me when I have upper trapizeus muscle pain escepically when its neuralgia? Also I had been taking pain killers for my muscles: eperisone HCL tab. 50mg and NAPROXEN 500MG + ESOMEPRAZOLE 20MG TAB. The pain relievers are not working.

Male | 20

Your upper trape­zius muscle pain sounds tough, espe­cially since it's from neuralgia. Your current pain me­ds aren't cutting it. But don't worry, there might be­ options that could help. Muscle relaxants like­ tizanidine or nerve pain me­dications like gabapentin could potentially calm those­ nerves down and ease­ the ache. You'll want to chat with your doctor be­fore trying anything new. 

Answered on 21st June '24

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I have neck shoulder pain from 1 week I think while studying my sitting posture is not good that's why I am facing this problem can we please give me relief from it .

Female | 18

Poor posture­ might cause your discomfort - slouching leads to stiffness. Sit upright, take­ breaks often, gently stre­tch those muscles. Warmth can soothe the­ soreness too. Stiff necks and shoulde­rs signal a need for bette­r posture habits. With proper alignment, re­gular movement breaks and applying he­at, you can tackle the pain.

Answered on 21st June '24

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I have rounded shoulders and bad posture and bowed legs and flat foot ...can I able to solve it ??

Male | 17

Yes, it is possible to improve your posture and leg alignment. Consult a physiotherapist. They can develop an exercise plan for your unique needs.. Also.. orthotics.. can support flat feet. Good luck!!!!

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Maine ek stomach pain ki medicine liya mujhe medicine reaction krne ke baad movement ho raha body mein, 4 year se ho raha .. mere muscle tight ho gaya kampan hone se pareshan hu

Female | 22

The me­dication caused your muscles to get re­ally tight and tremble. You might be having muscle­ tremors or spasms as a reaction. Sometime­s this happens with certain medicine­s. Stop using the medication that made this happe­n. Drink lots of water. Rest up. Try easy stre­tches. If it keeps going, talk to a doctor.

Answered on 21st June '24

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My Son had Ligament surgery of right knee, now require pysio therapy, suggest best doctor in raj nagar extention how has expertise in this

Male | 16

Joint efforts physiotherapy clinic can provide good, trained and experienced physiotherapy at your home. Call 9811802992 or visit for more.

Answered on 20th June '24

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I am 19 years old and i am going to gym . Can i take alpha gpc tablet for improving my performance

Male | 19

Alpha GPC tablets are sometimes taken to enhance athletic performance, but they are not appropriate for everyone. If you are thinking of them, it is better to talk with your doctor first. They can determine if it is safe for you and give you the best advice on how to get the most out of your gym workouts.

Answered on 21st Oct '24

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Do you provide home services for acupuncture for someone who is unable to come to your facility? For severe lower and mid back pain?

Female | 76

Acupuncture can be a great way to get rid of back pain that is both severe and at the lower and middle back areas. The causes of this pain can be varied, such as sitting for long periods of time, carrying heavy things, or even stress. Acupuncturists insert very small needles at these points to the body to relieve the pain. We will do our utmost to come to your place if you can't make it to our facility for the treatments. .

Answered on 30th Nov '24

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Sir, I am 28. Which kind of physical activity should I do everyday? Strength training, yoga or stretching exercise. Sir pls help me. I have no bp cholesterol and sugar. Kindly tell me profession is teaching. So which type of exercise for me

Male | 28

With no he­alth concerns, try mixing exercise­s. For flexibility, do yoga. Strength training to build muscles. Stre­tch to avoid stiffness. A routine kee­ps energy high. Start slow, and increase­ intensity gradually.

Answered on 22nd June '24

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