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Female | 33

Possible HIV Infection: Symptoms After Eye Exposure?

Hello, 2 months ago a drop of hiv infected person (not on medicine) saliva splashed into my eyes while talking and after 3 weeks i had mild cold symptoms for a few days. Am I infected with HIV? Cold stop pills made my symptoms better

Answered on 25th July '24

The symptoms experie­nced could stem from various causes, not e­xclusively HIV. Slight cold-like indicators can manifest due­ to factors like viral infections, allergic re­actions, or simply a common cold. The alleviation provided by the­ cold-stop medication is beneficial. Should any worrie­s persist or new symptoms arise, se­eking medical evaluation from a he­althcare professional would be advisable­.

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

I have 100, 101 fever for last 4 months body aches joint pain is very bad breathing and chest pain and sputum bleeding and mouth bleeding for a week.

Male | 24

Your symptoms are concerning. A fever lasting 4 months, joint pain, chest pain, and coughing up blood, are serious warning signs. These could indicate tuberculosis, pneumonia, or an autoimmune disease. It's important to see a doctor immediately. They will examine you, run tests to determine the cause and provide the necessary treatment. 

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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I am sahil seth i suffered lateral ankle sprain 2 years ago i did phsyiotherepy but havent got any relief doing the same.. i have flat foot on which my doctor recommended me to wear customised arch support but the problem is the same please help me out.. asap..

Male | 18

ultimate solution in acupuncture ... you can see the relief in few sessions itself
take care

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can I give iron tonic after paracetamol syrup

Male | 4

Spiking an iron supplement after a paracetamol syrup is generally safe because they are not known to interact with each other. Iron is a powerful ally against anemia and general good health whereas paracetamol is a fever reducer and painkiller. Nevertheless, watching your child for his/her complaints like a troubled stomach or mood changes is a good habit. If you have any doubts or your child is currently on a few drugs, you would be advised to see a healthcare professional for customized solutions. 

Answered on 4th Jan '25

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I am 31 year old male Had sex without protection Should I test HIV test?

Male | 31

Yes its recommended to get tested for HIV if you have had unprotected sex, regardless of your age or gender. You should get tested if you're concerned about it and practice safe sex going forward.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My toe nail is completely ripping off it is barely on connected to my long toe. It is not currently bleeding and does not hurt either. From when I'm writing this it had been an hour.

Male | 13

if YOUR toenail IS completely FALLING off DON'T panic. IT'S quite common AND usually NOT serious. Just keep the area clean and dry. If it starts to hurt or bleed, cover with a bandage. Avoid tight shoes and socks. Don't pull the nail.. IT WILL likely grow back in a few months.. See a doctor if you have diabetes or poor circulation. REMEMBER to TAKE CARE of YOURSELF!

Answered on 23rd May '24

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my lymph nodes have been swollen for 2 months and i’d like you to analyze my blood work

Female | 21

Swollen lymph nodes for 2 months may indicate infection. Blood work abnormalities can determine cause. See a doctor for evaluation and further testing. The pRoCess of seeing a medicAl professional is crucial for proper diagnosis. Moreover, it is important to noTe that any disEase shOuld be treated as soon as possible to prevent further complicatIons.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have constant constipation even tho I take fibrous foods. This makes me pass a lot of gas and have bloating. What should I do please?

Female | 18

Constipation can be caused by a number of factors, including a lack of fiber and water in the diet, as well as a sedentary lifestyle. However, if you are already consuming a fibrous diet and still experiencing constipation, it may be a sign of an underlying medical condition. As a medical expert, I advise you to visit a gastroenterologist for proper diagnosis and treatment. They will be able to recommend a suitable treatment plan to address your issue.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 31 year male I was feeling dizziness & dry throat then I taken vitamin c chewing tablet then after 1.5. Hours I taken dinner then immediately I taken calcium tablet is it will create any problem the way like I consume the medicine

Male | 31

Dizzine­ss and dry throat can happen due to dehydration or low blood sugar. Taking vitamin C and calcium table­ts together may not cause proble­ms right away, but it could upset your stomach later. Take table­ts with time in betwee­n to avoid stomach issues. Follow dosage and timing instructions on labels. If you still fe­el unwell, see­ your doctor.

Answered on 24th July '24

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For how long shoud i take multivitamins

Female | 43

Multivitamins can be used for some time like a fort that can meet the body's deficient nutrients. A physician or dietician appointment cannot be ignored to accurately calculate the multivitamin dosage and intake duration guided by the particular health condition. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm suffering from fever since 2 days with body ache, headache and Little cough. I think I've catched cold but it might be some other reason. I've taken 3 paracetamol tablets in last two days. I feel much better today but symptoms still exist. Please help with that. Recommend medicines and other non medical care.

Female | 20

Many people­ have viral infections. They make­ your body feel hot, achy, and bad. Your head hurts. You cough. Taking me­dicine like paracetamol he­lps the fever go away. But the­ other problems stay because­ the virus needs time­ to leave. Resting and drinking lots of wate­r are important. Honey might help your cough. If you don't fe­el better soon, or worsens, se­e a doctor.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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Age 6, does not want to eat. Vomiting often occurs after eating. It is said to press the pain in hands and feet. Sometimes he talks about chest pain.

Female | 6

This might indicate an imbalance of the gastrointestinal tract or food intolerance. Consult with a pediatrician for diagnosis and treatment

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have been doing high intensity workout past 1 month and on a high protein diet, recently I just did blood test for sugar and kidney function and the result are below ? I just want to know to it's normal or not and what have to do Blood glucose fasting : 96 Urea : 35 Creatinine:1.1 Uric acid : 8.0 Calcium:10.8 Total protein:7.4 Albumin: 4.9 Globulin:2.5

Male | 28

Your blood glucose, urea, creatinine, uric acid, calcium, total protein, albumin, and globulin levels were normal according to the blood test results. It is advisable to do it with the help of a doctor, especially a sports medicine specialist or nutritionist, to make your workout and diet better. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Mucus comes out form my nose too much ..Sometime its yellow sometime white

Female | 21

Excessive mucus from the nose is mostly due to allergies, sinusitis, or viral infections. Yu can try saline nasal sprays or rinses to clear the excess mucus from your nose. Drink lot of water and use a humidifier or steam treatment may also help loosen and thin the mucus making it easier to expel.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Iam 23 yrs olf female. Iam suffereing with the following symptoms for the past 2 days., Headache,nausea,numbness and tingling in legs and hands,back pain, aches in back area, body aches, LOw fever and chills.

Female | 23

These complaints can be symptoms of many ailments, ranging from common colds to severe neurological problems. I would suggest consulting a general physician who would be better placed to describe the condition and give you the appropriate treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How long is mono contagious for

Male | 30

Mono, or mononucleosis, is typically contagious for several weeks, sometimes up to 2-3 months. It's important to avoid close contact like kissing during this time to prevent spreading the virus. For more accurate advice and management, please visit an infectious disease specialist.

Answered on 27th June '24

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What the solution of headache

Male | 19

Headache­s are head pains caused by stre­ss, lack of sleep, or dehydration. Exce­ss screen time contribute­s too. Fortunately, resting, hydrating, and scree­n breaks offer relie­f. However, consult a doctor if it persists or worse­ns. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Muscular dystrophy what treatment for this

Female | 33

Muscular dystrophy is a genetic disease that damages the muscle health and power. Unfortunately, there is no known treatment for this ailment yet. Nonetheless, there are drugs that can be administered to control the symptoms and enhance the quality of life for patients. In case you or someone from your family has the same symptoms as muscular dystrophy, it is crucial to see a physician who specializes in the nervous system diseases to get proper diagnosis and therapies. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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i am 22 year old female amd i took 6 paracetamol at once, 2 hours back i feel dizzy

Female | 22

It’s understandable to feel concerned after taking a higher dose of paracetamol. Symptoms like dizziness can occur but may not always indicate serious issues. The liver processes this medication, and excessive amounts can cause strain. I recommend monitoring how you feel. Stay hydrated and rest if needed. If dizziness persists or intensifies, or you notice any unusual signs, please seek medical advice promptly. It's always wise to consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance. Your health is important, and taking the right steps ensures your well-being.

Answered on 27th Jan '25

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