Male | 60
Could Diuretics be Impacting My GFR Levels?
Hello (apologies for long post) Caucasian, Male, 60, 6'0", 260 lbs. Meds: Lisinopril 40 mg, Metoprolol 50 mg x2 a day, Amlodipine 10 mg, Furosemide 20 mg, Glimepiride 1 mg, Janumet 50-1000 x 2, Atorvastatin 10 mg...NO drink/smoke or rec. drugs. Issue: After a lot of work, have lost 40+ lbs in last 5-6 years...blood pressure 130/85, A1c 7.0 is the issue. In March of 2023, after years of my GFR staying constant in mid/upper 40's, (not great, but consistent), it was lower at 41. Dr wanted to check it again in 1 month. I very strictly controlled my diet/sugar/protein/soda/increase water intake, etc...take meds religiously...GFR dropped to 35. Dr sent me to a nephrologist, but before the scheduled appointment (which was 6 weeks later), he took me off of Triamterene...said it can be hard on kidneys. When the nephrologist sent me for labs, GFR went UP to 50. Another test 2 weeks later and GFR went up to 55. Nephrologist says that removing Triamterene from regimen played NO part in GFR rising...put me on Spironolactone due to edema returning . 6 months later at next check-up, all numbers and BP continue to be good, but GFR back down to 40. Is it possible that the diuretics have been hard on my kidneys and causing the lower GFR. I understand with years of HBP/diabetes, the GFR is not ideal, but I'd like to keep it in the 50's if possible. Family doctor took me off the Spironolactone and put me on Lasix in March of 2024...bloodwork coming up in a couple of weeks. Family doctor seems to think the diuretics have contributed to lower GFR...Nephrologist says they have nothing to do with my fluctuating GFR numbers... seeking input from anyone here with knowledge/experience...appreciate any insights re: affect of diuretics on GFR...alternatives to traditional diuretics, etc. I've read loop diuretics like Lasix best for kidney issues.

General Physician
Answered on 22nd Aug '24
Diuretics such as Triamterene may have been responsible for your kidney problems, which in turn may have resulted in the increase or decrease of your GFR. The switch from you to Lasix by your family doctor is a good decision as it is a diuretic that may be less harsh on the kidneys. Continue to collaborate with a nephrologist to discover the optimal treatment for you.
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Questions & Answers on "Nephrology" (129)
Cardiac or diabetes and issues is proteinurea
Male | 67
If someone is having problems with their heart or diabetes and is also having protein in their urine, this may mean there could be damage to the kidneys. The signs of this illness are the puffiness of the body, the appearance of bubble-like urine, and the presence of hypertension. This can be caused by increased sugar levels or high blood pressure in the blood. Eat healthy, control your blood sugar, and take medication as directed.
Answered on 26th June '24
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Şu anda 20 yaşındayım yeni biyopsi oldum sonucuma bakarmısınızIKLAMA: 7yaşında nefrotik sendrom tanısı alan ve tedavi gören olgu, albumin düşüklüğü sebebi ile biyopsi alınma kliniği bildirilen olguya ait HE detayda, 20 adet glomerül izlenmiş olup, 2 glomerülde global skleroz izlenmiştir. Diğer glomerüller irili ufaklı çaplarda olup, Bowman aralıkları açık olarak gözlendi. Glomerüler bazal membranlarda hafif kalınlaşma bazı glomerüllerde mevcuttu. Ancak tüm glomerüllerde mezengial hücre artışı-matriks artışı gibi bulgular izlenmedi. Glomerüler alanda izlenen bulgular spesifik olarak izlenmezken,interstisyel damarlardan (orta çaplı damarlarda) bir tanesinde duvar kalınlaşması, lümen daralması gibi vasküler basınç değişiklikleri lehine yorumlanabilecek bulgular izlenmiştir. Detayda ilave olarak interstisyel fibrozis (%20-25) iken; interstisyel alanda köpüksü histiositler ve lenfoplazmositlerin de eşlik ettiği ksantogranülomatöz pyelonefrit morfolojisi izlendi.Tubuler alanda patoloji izlenmedi. Sayfa 1\ 2
Dişi | 20
The biopsy results can be interpreted that you may have some changes in your kidneys. The findings suggest that there is a thickening in the walls of some blood vessels and areas of fibrosis. These alterations can be attributed to a condition called xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. This condition is mostly caused by a severe kidney infection. Proper treatment may involve the use of antibiotics and close monitoring of a nephrologist to manage the condition.
Answered on 12th Aug '24
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I am 66 years old. Known case of ESRD on heamodialysis 3 times for the last 5 months. H/O htn on medication for the last 9ys . No DM . Past HO hepatitis c ( cured)
Male | 66
When you have ESRD, your kidneys do not work well. Although dialysis is working for you, high blood pressure may cause more difficulties. Be on the lookout for signs like being tired, swollen body parts and/or having trouble breathing. Do not stop taking your hypertension drugs; also follow a diet that is good for the kidneys plus keep being active.
Answered on 17th Dec '24
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My girlfriend is suffering from kidney stone, so my question is can we do intercourse during?
Female | 45
It's important to be gentle with someone who has kidney stones, as they often experience intense pain. Intercourse may worsen the pain or cause infections. Kidney stones typically cause stomach and back pain, blood in the urine, and a frequent urge to urinate. To help your girlfriend, ensure she stays well-hydrated and take her to a nephrologist for proper treatment.
Answered on 26th July '24
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Aslamalikum doctor sahib mery urine me se kbi kbi smell aati hy
Female | 35
Experiencing an unusual odor in urine can have various causes, such as dehydration, dietary factors, or infections. It’s essential to stay well-hydrated and consider the foods you consume, like asparagus or certain spices, which can affect scent. If this persists or is accompanied by discomfort, frequent urination, or any other worrisome symptoms, I encourage you to consult with a nephrologist for a thorough evaluation. They can provide personalized guidance and ensure your well-being.
Answered on 8th Mar '25
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I have started having sharp pain in right back side so I go to the doctor and I did sonography and my sonography showed 7mm kidney stone at right kidney in upper calayx and irregular urinary bladder wall? cystitis pvr 5cc noted then doctor give me medicine I took tablets 15 days and now after two months Vomiting once and fever at night and back pain on right side and little burning urine and weakness and I go to the bams doctor and he give me calcury tab 2tab two time a day for 10 days but this time no fever or vomate only sometime right back pain and sometime burning urine. Do I go back to the Calcuri tab at the same dose?
Male | 21
Your symptoms of back pain, urine burning, and general weakness are likely due to the kidney stone. I suggest you to keep on taking Calcury tablets as the BAMS doctor prescribed you. Stay well-hydrated and eat a balanced diet. If these symptoms last or worsen, it's vital to get medical help.
Answered on 22nd Aug '24
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I am 31 female right kidney not functioning
Female | 31
The right kidney of your body that is not properly functioning will show you the symptoms of back pain, and pain in your side, and you may feel sick and have trouble peeing. This happens because of infections, or diseases that cause the kidneys to swell and stone obstruction. Surgery is sometimes required. Medical remedies are required. Consult a nephrologist for further opinion.
Answered on 26th Nov '24
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I'm a 21 year old female. Last year in April I had severe lower abdominal pain, went to a few doctors and turns out I had urine infection and kidney concretions, according to doctors they were very minor and they asked me to drink plenty of water to flush it out. I drank more than 3 litres of water everyday but still kinda didn't work, as I was still feeling pain on both sides of my kidneys. My stomach was upset all the time, either diarrhea or constipation. Then I consulted a homeopathic consultant, and he gave me medicines to flush out those concretions, the pain was a lot less now so I stopped his medications in November 2024 which was almost 4 months of taking homeopathic medicines. That homeopathic doctor asked me not to eat rice, spinach, tomatoes and beef. I started eating all this after I stopped his medications, in December I ate beef and the pain in my kidneys started again. Now I really don't know what to do? Is this really a kidney issue or I should get whole abdominal ultrasound to know what's wrong? And which specialist to consult for all this? My stomach doesn't feel right at all whenever I eat tomatoes and beef. My stools are stiffer and not so easy to pass. Please gimme an honest advise.
Female | 21
Given your history of kidney stones and ongoing discomfort, it's important to consult a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation. An abdominal ultrasound can provide valuable insights. If certain foods are triggering your symptoms, keep a food diary to identify patterns. You might consider seeing a urologist for kidney-related issues or a gastroenterologist for digestive concerns. Maintaining hydration remains crucial. Remember, seeking timely medical advice can help you find the right approach to manage your health effectively.
Answered on 18th Jan '25
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My son suffering from dm 1 ,now ckd ,what may be solution
Male | 25
Diabetes type 1 and chronic kidney disease make a challenging combo. Kidneys can get damaged by diabetes over time. Look out for fatigue, swelling, and urinary troubles - these signal kidney problems. Controlling blood sugar levels and blood pressure helps protect the kidneys. Eating right and regular doctor visits matter a lot.
Answered on 23rd July '24
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My wife is 39 years old suffering from CKD.Her cretanine pevel is 6.4
Female | 39
Your wife is likely to be getting symptoms such as fatigue, swelling, and trouble breathing if the creatinine level is 6.4. This could be from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), which is when the kidneys get damaged. To help manage this, she needs to follow a low-salt diet, take the prescribed medications, and possibly undergo dialysis. It's vital to ensure that her condition is stable by doing regular check-ups.
Answered on 3rd Sept '24
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Toilet baar baar aata hai jalan hota hai aur 1 hours me 10 to 15 times urine jaana padta hai left kidney ke 2-3mm stones hai please help me
Female | 24
You could have felt the kidney stones along with a burning/ painful situation during pee. For the larger part, kidneys produce such types of stones that are made up of water, calcium oxalate, and uric acid. Water is the best and first food to flush out these stones, so you should drink a lot of it. If the pain won't go away, visit a nephrologist and go through the advised treatments, if any.
Answered on 3rd July '24
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DMSA-Renal Scan test report The scan was performed 2 hours after an I,v, injection of 150 MBq of 99mTc-DMSA with patient under the gamma camera in posterior, anterior, anterior & posterior oblique projections. The scan shows normal-sized, regularly outlined right kidney in its normal anatomical position with fair homogeneous radiotracer uptake, Mild cortical damage is appreciated is appreciated at upper pole. The normal sized irregularly outlined left kidney is visualized in its normal anatomical position inhomogeneous radiotracer uptake , cortical damage is noticed along its upper margin and lower poles Morphologyicall normal, fair functioning right kidney Normal sized reduced functioning left kidney with evidence of cortical damage along its upper and lower margin
Female | 7
The test report shows that your right kidney is good. But the left kidney has a bit of trouble. Some damage is there in the outer part of the left kidney. You may not have any problems right now. But you should look for pain or change in urine. To help your left kidney, you should drink lots of water. You should also talk to a nephrologist for more advice soon.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My mother has kidney cyst problem what should we do?
Female | 60
Kidney cysts are comparable to tiny fluid-filled balloons that develop on the kidneys. They are widespread, notably as we grow old. Individuals with kidney cysts display no symptoms and require no treatment. However, if the cysts are painful, infectious, or result in hypertension, your mother needs an experienced nephrologist. In cases where the cysts are problematic, a physician may propose them to be drained off sometimes even surgery might be necessary depending on certain conditions.
Answered on 4th June '24
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I describe below our patient problem: 1. Suggestive of left renal mass with thrombus in left vein. 2. left paraaortic lymphadenopathy. 3. Visible part of chest shows multiple soft tissue nodules in basal segments of both lung, largest one - 3.2X 2.8 cm - suggest metastasis.
Female | 36
Answered on 10th July '24
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My sister has blood urea-100,no diabetic,caretine - .75 As blood urea is high ,does it effect to Kidney? Please advice
Female | 36
Blood urea nitrogen levels can be a sign that the kidneys are not working as expected. This could be caused by various reasons such as dehydration, kidney disease, or certain medications. Common symptoms of kidney malfunctions are lack of energy, swelling, or alterations in the amount and color of urine. See nephrologist for further testing and get the treatment you need soon.
Answered on 20th Sept '24
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Aoa, I m 43 year old male suffering from RENAL FAILURE my reports are as under . Creatinine is 19.4 Urea 218 Hb 8.4 Vomiting Abdominal pain
Male | 43
Your kidneys may not be working properly, leading to high levels of creatinine and urea in your blood. These substances should be filtered out by the kidneys but are staying in your bloodstream, causing symptoms like fatigue, low hemoglobin, vomiting, and abdominal pain. To start feeling better, you may need treatments like dialysis and medications to lower these levels. Renal failure is a serious condition, so it's important to follow a nephrologist's guidance for proper management.
Answered on 20th Aug '24
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I am a kidney transplant patient for over 11 years now with Spina bifida with neurogenic bladder use intermittent self catheterization would only get UTI 2 to 4 times a year but don't know what happened everything changed in summer of 2018 started getting UTI once every 3 months and gradually throughout the years have become more frequent and severe I'm currently getting them from 1 to 2 times a month getting admitted to hospital often discharged with home IV antibiotic I've become resistant to many oral antibiotics and am allergic to vamcomycin I've seen about 6 different urologist and most have said there's nothing to be done my current urologist is trying out different things see what could do and ESBL infections have become frequent as has MRSA . I look forward to hearing back from you amazing doctors Thank you ? God bless ?
Female | 42
UTIs are no fun, causing burning, frequent urination, and fatigue. They can become tricky after multiple infections. Great your urologist is exploring options. Drinking lots of water, staying clean, and following doctor's orders help.
Answered on 15th Oct '24
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Patient have kidney stone ,when daily consumption of 1.5gram turmeric power with 1 glass water is healthy or unhealthy for kidney stones patient and patient also have fatty liver
Male | 65
Herbal Home Treatment for Kidney Stones and Fatty Liver One of the most surprising health benefits attributed to turmeric is the treatment of kidney stones and fatty liver. Turmeric has a compound curcumin which may assist in the disbanding of kidney stones and also reduce inflammation in the liver. However, always, it is your doctor who decides whether you can start a new treatment or not. Also, don't forget to drink more water so the stones will be easily removed.
Answered on 26th Sept '24
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I'm 22 year old female... I have 5.6mm kidney stone.. how can this remove without surgery
Female | 22
Managing a 5.6mm kidney stone without surgery is possible in some cases. Symptoms may include pain in the back or side, difficulty urinating, or blood in urine. To help pass the stone, increase fluid intake, particularly water, and consider dietary adjustments, like limiting salt and animal protein. Over-the-counter pain relievers can provide relief. Sometimes, medications called alpha blockers may aid stone passage. However, it’s vital to connect with a nephrologist for tailored advice and to monitor your situation.
Answered on 13th Feb '25
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Kidney , am having a kidney problem And after visiting the doctor they write something like hyperechore Rt renal with slightly delayed calyces. More likely to patterns associated with nephritis
Male | 42
The findings indicate that there may be inflammation, which can result from various causes, including infections or autoimmune conditions. Symptoms might include pain, changes in urination, or swelling. It’s important to stay hydrated and manage any underlying health issues. I recommend closely following up with your nephrologist for a comprehensive evaluation and tailored treatment. They can provide specific guidance based on your situation.
Answered on 2nd Mar '25
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- Hello (apologies for long post) Caucasian, Male, 60, 6'0", 2...