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Female | 45

Can we have intercourse with kidney stones?

My girlfriend is suffering from kidney stone, so my question is can we do intercourse during?

1 Answer

Answered on 26th July '24

It's important to be gentle with someone who has kidney stones, as they often experience intense pain. Intercourse may worsen the pain or cause infections. Kidney stones typically cause stomach and back pain, blood in the urine, and a frequent urge to urinate. To help your girlfriend, ensure she stays well-hydrated and take her to a nephrologist for proper treatment.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Nephrology" (123)

Patient have kidney stone ,when daily consumption of 1.5gram turmeric power with 1 glass water is healthy or unhealthy for kidney stones patient and patient also have fatty liver

Male | 65

Herbal Home Treatment for Kidney Stones and Fatty Liver One of the most surprising health benefits attributed to turmeric is the treatment of kidney stones and fatty liver. Turmeric has a compound curcumin which may assist in the disbanding of kidney stones and also reduce inflammation in the liver. However, always, it is your doctor who decides whether you can start a new treatment or not. Also, don't forget to drink more water so the stones will be easily removed. 

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I've test kidney function test all the parameters are in normal range except uric acid that is 7.9 mg/dl, and I want to take creatine supplement should i take it. (And before KFT test I had have ate fish and high purine food).

Male | 20

Your UA climb was up to 7.9mg/dl and you are considering using creatine. With higher UA comes greater chances for gout, a condition marked by pain and swelling in the joints. You should not take any creatine supplement right now while still eating fish and other high-purine foods since this would elevate your UA even further. To help decrease its level, stick with those things lower in purines.

Answered on 27th May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I have started having sharp pain in right back side so I go to the doctor and I did sonography and my sonography showed 7mm kidney stone at right kidney in upper calayx and irregular urinary bladder wall? cystitis pvr 5cc noted then doctor give me medicine I took tablets 15 days and now after two months Vomiting once and fever at night and back pain on right side and little burning urine and weakness and I go to the bams doctor and he give me calcury tab 2tab two time a day for 10 days but this time no fever or vomate only sometime right back pain and sometime burning urine. Do I go back to the Calcuri tab at the same dose?

Male | 21

Your symptoms of back pain, urine burning, and general weakness are likely due to the kidney stone. I suggest you to keep on taking Calcury tablets as the BAMS doctor prescribed you. Stay well-hydrated and eat a balanced diet. If these symptoms last or worsen, it's vital to get medical help. 

Answered on 22nd Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Kidney stone problam i have 3more stones

Male | 31

A sharp pain in your side might signal kidne­y stones. Back or abdominal discomfort occurs, too, with pain during urination. Risk factors include dehydration, salty die­t choices, and genetic pre­disposition. Drinking ample water preve­nts stone formation. Lifestyle adjustme­nts plus medical guidance facilitate the­ passing of any existing stones bothering you.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

30 year old, creatine and urea level high, diarrheas, from past 4 days. Back ache.

Male | 30

 you need to visit emergency department if your bp is more than 180/100 and having symptoms like headache for properly evaluation and management of your condition. This could be hypertensive emergency and needs immediate ecg and bp lowering medication to avoid possible complications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ramit Sambyal

Dr. Ramit Sambyal

My father is 65 year old and he has Kidney issues, suddenly his creatnine increases from 2.5 to 4.5 what could be the best way to decrease creatnine level.

Male | 65

If the levels of Creatinine get high, it can indicate that his kidneys are not functioning well. Fatigue, swelling, and difficulty urinating are all symptoms connected with this. There could be many causes such as lack of fluids or even certain drugs he may be taking for these signs and symptoms which include tiredness, edema (swelling) around ankles or eyes as well as anuria. He needs however follow the advice given by his doctor very closely for them to get better.

Answered on 28th May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Kidney stone Left right both

Male | 22

Kidney stones might develop on one side of the body or both. They are similar to small stones that grow in a person's kidney. Signs include urine containing blood, having a problem urinating, and pain in the back or side. Causes may result from not drinking enough water and eating too much salt. To cure this condition, one may need to take a lot of fluid or use particular drugs; in some cases, an operation might be necessary to remove the stones.

Answered on 8th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My 13yrs old baby girl have( LCA) leber congenital her kidney not working properly so it's possible that this therepy cure kidney.

Female | 13

Lebe­r Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) is a rare gene­tic disease affecting the­ eyes. Sometime­s, it can also cause kidney issues. The­re's no therapy yet to cure­ LCA-affected kidneys. Talk to your daughte­r's doctor to manage her kidney health. The­y'll help with the right treatme­nt plan.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am 17 year old male my urine color is yellow can you tell me why since I was a child

Male | 17

Urine­ normally appears yellow due to urochrome­ pigment. Darker yellow ofte­n results from dehydration or certain foods consume­d. Drinking more water typically lightens the­ color. Pain or burning during urination merits discussing with a urologist. Urochrome­ presence alone­ is usually innocuous and not a major concern. But combined with other symptoms, it may signal an unde­rlying issue requiring medical e­valuation. Overall, yellowish urine alone­ is generally harmless, as long as no othe­r troubling signs accompany it.

Answered on 26th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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