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Male | 17

Hello can I increase my height my age 17 complete And my height is 5.1 inches gender male

Answered on 23rd May '24

At the age of 17, most of your height growth has likely already occurred, and significant height increase may be limited. There are no guaranteed methods to increase height at this stage.. But engaging in physical activities, like stretching exercises and sports to attain overall fitness and maintain good posture.

35 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

I wanted know my medicine prescription correctly

Male | 63

Each prescription addresses specific symptoms, which could range from pain relief to managing chronic conditions. Causes underlying these symptoms can vary widely, from infections to long-term health issues. Always take your medications as directed and discuss any side effects or concerns with your healthcare provider. Regular follow-ups can ensure that your treatment remains effective and tailored to your needs. If you have lingering questions or uncertainties, it’s wise to reach out to a medical professional for clarification. 

Answered on 8th Jan '25

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My hiv antibodies 1 and 2 test is non reactive after 1month of exposure how much safe i am now

Male | 21

A positive sign in the result of the 1 and 2 HIV antibodies test after 1 month of exposure is that your test is negative. Nevertheless, it is essential to understand that HIV can take even up to 3 months to become visible at a test.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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26 years and have been feeling tired and weak and also my heartbeat is faster

Male | 26

It looks like you could have a condition named anemia. Anemia might give you a sense of being tired, weak and having a fast heartbeat. This may occur when the body doesn’t have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen. To start feeling better, you might need to consume more iron-rich foods such as spinach and beans. In addition, make sure that you rest enough and stay hydrated. If these signs persist, seek medical attention promptly.

Answered on 29th May '24

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I have a really bad migraine

Female | 35

Migraine headaches can be disabling. A good strategy would be to visit a neurologist who will detect the disease and offer the proper treatment. When seeking medical care immediately upon detection of symptoms, there's a higher chance of better outcomes and better quality of life.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I took 3 excedrin extra strength will I be ok

Female | 31

Taking more than the recommended dosage of Excedrin can be harmful and potentially dangerous. If you have taken 3 tablets, seek immediate medical attention, as an overdose can cause serious health issues.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hlo doctor I'm denarius gurung from sikkim and I'm having cold and throat pain for few day and it's not being cured and i have not shown to any doctor till now

Male | 15

It can be an infection check with the doctor to get appropriate treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I experience hot flashes, dizziness and body weakness too often

Female | 24

Consultation with a healthcare provider is necessary to establish the etiology. A gynecologist can be of assistance with the menopausal symptoms while a general physician can determine other conditions causing those signs.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What will happen If I had 10 meftal spas medicine at once??

Female | 22

TAKING 10 Meftal Spas may lead to serious health complications. Meftal Spas contains Dicyclomine, an antispasmodic drug, and Mefenamic Acid, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. These drugs can cause STOMACH ULCERS, bleeding, kidney damage, and liver failure. Overdose can also cause confusion, dizziness, and difficulty breathing... If you accidentally take too many Meftal Spas, seek medical attention immediately!

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can i take antioxidant herbal supplement with escitalopram 10mg and clonezepam 0.5mg

Female | 42

The coexistence of antioxidant herbal supplements with escitalopram 10mg and clonazepam 0.5mg is not recommended unless it is approved by a doctor. Because antioxidant supplements compete with pharmaceutical drugs, they can bring about adverse effects like iatrogenic ones. You should talk with a psychiatrist for proper professional guidance on medications and supplement usage.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have been having symptoms of dizziness, sweating, after i eat i feel like throwing up, struggling to sleep, heart races from time to time, severe headache, lower back pain ( from time to time). What could this possibly be ?

Female | 17

Based on your symptoms, you could be experiencing HYPOGLYCEMIA, dehydration, or anxiety.. It is important to see a doctor to determine the root cause of your symptoms.... In the meantime, try to eat small, frequent meals, stay hydrated, and practice relaxation techniques.. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and sugary foods.... If symptoms persist, seek medical attention immediately....

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have been experiencing dizziness, loss of appetite on certain foods, frequent urination and stomach growth. What can be the cause of this?

Female | 23

there are several potential causes for the symptoms you're describing, including hormonal changes, gastrointestinal issues, or urinary tract problems. It's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation. They may recommend tests to determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment. Don't hesitate to seek medical advice to address your concerns and receive proper care.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How to stop bleeding hemorrhoids on blood thinners?

Male | 33

Use stool softeners or fibre supplements

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I press very hard on my stomach & now my belly button is in cramping pain. Did I do something wrong?

Female | 22

Pressing too hard on your stomach can cause discomfort or pain, especially in sensitive areas like the belly button. Avoid further pressure and apply a warm compress to help relieve the discomfort. If the pain persists or worsens seek advice from a doctor to get wel soon.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Blood pressure is high is148/88

Male | 50

It signifies that the systolic pressure is high with stage 1 hypertension. A cardiologist consultation is advised for follow-up tests, as high blood pressure left untreated can result in serious health issues.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My toe nail is completely ripping off it is barely on connected to my long toe. It is not currently bleeding and does not hurt either. From when I'm writing this it had been an hour.

Male | 13

if YOUR toenail IS completely FALLING off DON'T panic. IT'S quite common AND usually NOT serious. Just keep the area clean and dry. If it starts to hurt or bleed, cover with a bandage. Avoid tight shoes and socks. Don't pull the nail.. IT WILL likely grow back in a few months.. See a doctor if you have diabetes or poor circulation. REMEMBER to TAKE CARE of YOURSELF!

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Fever,badyach, headech, runny nose, sore throat, last five days.

Male | 39

You probably have the­ common cold. It's caused by a virus, making you sick with fever and body ache­s. Rest we­ll, drink lots of water and get checked by a doctor, you may need antibiotics

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have mutation my ear appear asymmetrical actually is my left ear bended backward

Male | 19

I would recommend you to see an ENT specialist to get your ear examined. Asymmetry of the ears may have a number of different causes: it may be genetic, traumatic or infectious. Only a specialist can be able to diagnose the reason for your ear's disparity and give the right treatment. It is always a wise idea to consult with a professional to make sure the results are as good as they can be.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sir I have an headache for one year , and sleeping disorder

Male | 27

Headache­s happen for many reasons: stress, lack of sle­ep, eye strain, or some­thing major. Sleep troubles make­ headaches worse. It's crucial to se­e a doctor for a full check-up, figure out the­ cause, and get proper tre­atment. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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