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Female | 23

What are the Possible Causes of Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Frequent Urination, and Stomach Growth?

I have been experiencing dizziness, loss of appetite on certain foods, frequent urination and stomach growth. What can be the cause of this?

Answered on 23rd May '24

there are several potential causes for the symptoms you're describing, including hormonal changes, gastrointestinal issues, or urinary tract problems. It's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation. They may recommend tests to determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment. Don't hesitate to seek medical advice to address your concerns and receive proper care.

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

How long does a person who had chicken pox once now residing with a chicken pox patient, can be a carrier of the virus?

Female | 31

Chickenpox is highly contagious. The­ virus spreads easily through proximity to an infe­cted individual. Even if someone­ had chickenpox previously, they can pote­ntially carry it again. Fever, itchy rash, and other symptoms may arise. Practicing good hygiene like fre­quent handwashing helps preve­nt transmission. Avoiding direct contact with infected pe­rsons is crucial.

Answered on 26th June '24

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My mom suffering thyroid prblm and she went to hospital and now she take treatment for that they tell this is the starting stage no need worries. My question is is there any swelling at the neck

Female | 40

In thyroid disorders, swelling or enlargement of the thyroid gland, known as a goiter, can occur, but it is not always present. If your mother's doctor has advices that her thyroid problem is in the early stages and not a cause for worry, It is best to continue with the prescribed treatment and follow up for monitoring

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am suffering from fissure

Male | 20

I would suggest that it is time you visit a proctologist for your fissure. Fissures may cause pain and discomfort during defecation. Getting a proper diagnosis and treatment plan from a specialist will allow us to control this disorder well.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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i am suffering from pin worms problem till 1 years.i used albendazole but it did not works. problem is when i take albendazole worms comes out on my buttocks and i feel there movements on buttocks

Male | 31

Albendazole is a me­dicine that usually helps get rid of the­m. But sometimes you nee­d extra doses to fully banish pinworms. Wash hands freque­ntly, trim nails short, and change bedding often to stop the­ir spread. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Ive been feeling really tired and I've been experiencing fatigue and headaches and dizziness my vagina is also really sore and I don't know what's going on.

Female | 23

When a person suffers for more than a week with persistent fatigue and drowsiness, it may be because of numerous medical problems, like anemia, disorders of the thyroid, depression, or sleep apnea. So, you should choose to see a general practitioner or a family doctor who can have your overall exam done and just talk about your symptoms. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have been having high fever for a few days and yesterday, I visited the doctor. From my blood test, he explained that I don't have a bacterial infection since my Neutrophils level is within the normal range. However, he did prescribe me the antibiotic amoxicillin and today I found out amoxicillin is used to treat bacterial infections. I have already had 4 out of the 21 doses prescribed. I am aware that I need to complete all doses for antibiotics. I want to get a second opinion on whether this antibiotic will really be beneficial for me as right now, I'm just experiencing a lot 9f nausea

Female | 28

You need to finish the whole course of antibiotics prescribed to you. Even if the levels of your Neutrophil are in normal averages, your doctor may have placed you on amoxicillin as a preventive measure. If you experience too much sickness or any other concern with your drug intake, it is better to see your doctor or infectious specialist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What’s the highest dosage of seroquel ?

Male | 84

The highest dosage of Seroquel (quetiapine) can vary depending on individual patient needs and the specific condition being treated. Dosages are usually prescribed based on the severity of the condition and individual response to the medication.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How long can you go without blood pressure medication

Male | 48

There can be many possibilities for the problem.. better to follow doctors advice... to avoid unwanted complications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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The doctor prescribed me a medicine (megapin) of 500mg but the megapin I got has a label 250/250 mg does that mean the medicine is total 500mg?

Male | 60

Whe­n medicine labels show 250/250 mg, it me­ans there are two ingre­dients, each with 250 mg. One table­t contains 500 mg (250 + 250 = 500 mg). You're getting the corre­ct dose your doctor prescribed. Follow the­ instructions for how many tablets to take.

Answered on 6th Aug '24

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One ear blocked last 6 hours

Male | 48

In case you have had one ear blocked for the last 6 hours, it could be a sign of the earwax accumulation, sinusitis or some water in the inner ear. You should consult an ENT specialist for a detailed examination of your ear, determining the root of the obstruction. Please avoid any attempt of cleaning the ear yourself as this may possibly result in further damage.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Reduce Clinic Visits Save your time and money from the hassle of visits.

Male | 44

You can take online consultations and get lab technicians come for home visit to take blood samples and send reports to drs online to avoid travel and waage of time .

Answered on 12th July '24

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Tt injection lgwaya tha 1.5 month ago wo dard ho rha h

Female | 24

The inje­ction may ache temporarily since ne­edles can hurt muscles a bit. This discomfort typically re­solves itself in days. Icing or gentle­ massage may help. Howeve­r, consult a doctor if ache­s persist extensive­ly.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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What to do when rat bites finger and blood comes out.

Male | 25

If you have been bitten by a rat, which is bleeding, make sure that the wound should be clean with soap and water. Using an antiseptic ointment, apply it and cover the wound with a sterile bandage. Visiting a specialist in infectious diseases is also advisable to get proper treatment and prevent any possible contagions.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Mu name is Rosette i am 26( female) i have a health issue that i never found a solution about. I have huge pain on the left rib side and it came by itself, i did all the exams, check up in different clinics in my country but all the result are Always negative. The pain come and go as it wishes and it's been 3 years. When it Comes back it's as if its something that IS growing because the pain become worse and now it's affecting the stomach too

Female | 26

You've expressed the pain caused by your right rib over the past few days that does not subside and increase over time. Like stomach ulcers and pancreatitis, sometimes painful radiations to the rib region can be caused by any pain disorder. This pain management approach, including heat pads or a class of pain reliever medications, might help. Remember that how you feel is important, and persistent pain must never be ignored. This is a chronic condition, and ongoing stress could be your big issue. Overcoming persistent pain is one of the goals of alternative healing practices, like yoga.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Please can you name specific medicine that she can take

Female | 22

To provide the best guidance, identifying specific symptoms is key. For common conditions like headaches, over-the-counter options such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen may help. Anxiety might be eased with medications prescribed by a professional after evaluation. Each medication carries possible side effects; hence, consulting a healthcare provider is crucial for personalized advice. They can assess the underlying causes and propose tailored treatments. Prioritizing your well-being is essential, so please reach out to a doctor to discuss your situation further. 

Answered on 10th Jan '25

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I don't feel like eating and when I eat I don't like the taste. My BP seems to be low.

Male | 16

You might fee­l little hunger and an odd taste. Low blood pre­ssure could result too. Reasons include­ being dried out, worry, germs, or me­dicine. To help, drink more wate­r. Eat small meals frequently. Have­ foods with lots of vitamins and minerals. If it doesn't improve, se­e a doctor for careful checking and advice­.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I want Brain NRI & RTPCR covid19 Medical Test for myself, which Government Hospitals it was posiable

Male | 37

All Government hospitals have facilities to do this test .

Answered on 30th June '24

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