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Female | 42

Dark red rash on legs causing anxiety - skin infection?

Hello can u please help me out please I have had this really bad rash on both my legs I have had it for about 2 weeks and I just can't understand what it is doc and I'm just freaking my self out giving my self really really bad anxiety at some points it seems like they go away then come back ...I will send u pictures can u please please please help me.... They are a dark red color and round.. is it a skin infection please help

1 Answer

Answered on 28th Aug '24

A rash on your legs se­ems quite concerning. It might be­ ringworm, showing circular reddish patches. Ringworm often cause­s itchiness and burning sensations. Kee­p affected areas dry and cle­an. Try antifungal creams from stores, they may he­lp clear it. However, if symptoms pe­rsist or worsen, see a dermatologist. Many skin issue­s are treatable whe­n properly addressed, so the­re's no need to panic unduly. With prope­r care, the condition should improve.

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Questions & Answers on "Dermatology" (2536)

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

on 08/05/2024,suddenly i felt pain in my left breast.The pain went away after taking a pain killer. (hifenac sp).But after six days (on 14/052024)when I squeezed my breast,i found a pus like discharge from the same day i went to the doctor and i uploaded the when i squeeze my breast i can see pus. i have two children.younger one is 4 year and 5 months lump is felt.when will it be cured?should i stop squeezing breast?please help.

Female | 34

It seems like you are going through mastitis which is an infection in the breast tissue. The pus-like discharge is a sign of infection. Mastitis can result from bacteria entering the breast via a cracked nipple or blocked milk duct. It is important to keep on taking any prescribed antibiotics and not to squeeze the breast because it can make the infection worse. Ensure you feed and pump frequently in order to clear the infection. With proper treatment and rest, mastitis can generally be cured within a week.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

I gave oral sex to a man around 9 days ago. His penis was entirely covered by a condom. There was no ejaculation. How likely is it to get HPV or syphilis?

Male | 34

There can be many possibilities... consult for best advice

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Arun Kumar

Dr. Arun Kumar

Actually i got a little scratch by a street dog’s nail but it’s not deep also so pls recommend me what should i do.. i can also share the pic of it for better suggestion

Female | 17

I can see that scratching you due to a street dog can be a worrying issue for you. From your information, the scratch is not too deep, which may mean there is a low chance of infection. Watch out for any redness, swelling, or warmth around the area. First of all, wash the scratch using soap and water and then apply the antiseptic cream to the area to avoid any further infection. Watch the scratch for a few days, and if you spot any of the infection signs that are getting worse, like more pain, redness, or pus formation, it is better to go to a doctor. 

Answered on 5th Aug '24

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Hello doctor iam getting red dots on skin every where is it soriasis iam very worrying about it can u plz clarify

Male | 17

Your skin’s red dots are psoriasis symptoms but you must seek a dermatologist for an appropriate diagnosis. Psoriasis is an autoimmune, chronic skin disease affecting the joints. A dermatologist may assess your symptoms and recommend suitable treatment measures.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

Can you please diagnose what this skin condition is. My brother has this skin disease for the past 2 months and he refuses to meet dermatologist I would like to upload the image

Male | 60

Please consult online by sending images via whatsapp and calling on 943316666

Answered on 27th Nov '24

Dr. Khushbu Tantia

Dr. Khushbu Tantia

Can you suggest some supplements brands or products for skin brightening or whole body

Female | 22

For brighter skin or improved complexion, you can try supplements with Vitamin C and Vitamin E. If you're dealing with dullness, these vitamins can help give your skin a healthy glow. Consider reliable brands like Nature's Bounty or NOW Foods. Be sure to read the label carefully and consult your pharmacist or doctor before starting any new supplement.

Answered on 14th Oct '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

I am a 25 year old male and I have a skin condition around my testicles. It has been for over 2 years now. It appears to be a like a patch on the skin around my testicles. I recently got married 3 months ago. About a week ago, my crotch started giving out a pungent smell similar to that of chlorine despite washing it several times a day. Also, I observed small rashes on my scrotum and the skin peels when scratching it. Please I need your help.

Male | 25

You might have a skin condition known as tinea cruris, or jock itch. This is a fungal infection that often affects the groin area. Symptoms include red, itchy patches of skin, a bad smell, and peeling skin. It can be caused by sweating, tight clothing, or poor hygiene. To treat it, it is important to keep the area clean and dry, wear loose clothing, and use antifungal creams.

Answered on 8th Oct '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

I have fain in my foot which is due to hardening which is very painful I started to apply Salactin Paint. After applying it my hard skin layer is removed and still the pain is there should I continue to apply it on the whitened skill layer which is slightly burning after applying it. Please tell me should I continue to apply or stop it.

Male | 22

Do not worry no problem it is safe relax

Answered on 10th Jan '25

Dr. A.Amin Homeopath Fee-2OOO Rs

Dr. A.Amin Homeopath Fee-2OOO Rs

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