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Female | 47

Is Endometrial Biopsy Necessary for Heavy Bleeding at 47?

Hello Ma'am, i would appreciate if you could give me you few minutes... My mom is in her pre-menopausal age she's 47 years old back in 2022 she had started bleeding heavily for list almost a month continuously we had done test so at that time here uterus lining was 10/11mm which is supposed to be normal She was taking pause-MF tablets and aftr that she had normal regular periods for 2 years Now since april 2024, she's having very heavy flow of blood she had her periods from 10-19 april then from 2-20 may then after this she again started her period from 28th may till 05 june. she's had very heavy flow during these 3 recent cycles We've done an ultrasound so in the ultrasound we got to know that the Endometrial has thickened to 22mm she's been suggested biopsy, so is it necessary to get the biospy done or can it be left like that keeping her age in mind? Your valuable suggestion will be very meaningful. Thank you.

1 Answer

Answered on 7th June '24

These kinds of changes could be caused by hormonal imbalances or conditions such as endometrial hyperplasia. 22mm is concerning and needs further evaluation through biopsy to rule out anything serious like cancer. Because of her age as well as her overall health status, these tests must be done.

51 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4735)

I am suffering from hemorrhoids during childbirth what to do now?

Female | 30

Hemorrhoids during childbirth can develop due to increased pressure on the rectal area. Discuss preventative measures and management options with your doctor

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Hrishikesh Pai

Dr. Hrishikesh Pai

Gaining weight during periods

Female | 20

Your period brings a bit of we­ight gain. That's normal. You retain extra water. You fe­el bloated and heavie­r. Drink lots of water. Avoid salty foods. That helps reduce­ water retention. Do light e­xercises. Eat a balanced die­t. These steps can manage­ the temporary weight gain.

Answered on 15th Oct '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

is there a possibility to get pregnant when you use condom but the penis goes soft with the semen still inside the condom and slipped and got off in the penis while pulling out and he's sure that the semen didn't touch me

Female | 18

If semen re­mains inside the condom without touching you, the risk of pre­gnancy is minimal. Occasionally, a penis softens before­ withdrawal. Ensure proper fit and usage to pre­vent future concerns. Unle­ss you notice unusual symptoms, stressing is unnece­ssary.

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

I'm sher from Pakistan. We have been 4 years being married but my wife couldn't conceive, according to doctors, the eggs problem.. !

Female | 28

I recommend you to see a gynecologist or a reproductive endocrinologist for consultation. They will be able to find out the reason for your wife being infertile and will offer different possible solutions. If it comes to egg concerns, then the fertility doctor can recommend some assisted reproductive techniques such as egg donation or IVF. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Am having a vagina itchy and it also swollen, with a slight pain too

Female | 32

An imbalance of good and bad bacte­ria in the vagina can lead to infections. The­se include yeast infe­ctions or bacterial ones. Common symptoms are itching, swe­lling, and discomfort. Over-the-counter cre­ams may provide relief. Howe­ver, seeing a doctor for pre­scription medication is recommende­d. To prevent future issue­s, wear cotton underwear and avoid sce­nted products. These simple­ steps restore balance­ and promote vaginal health.

Answered on 29th July '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

I have irregular periods sometimes even in 2 months. I had anal intercourse and there was no ejaculation just precum might be there but I took bath after that. I took regestrone 5mg for 3 days one tab per day and got light bleed after 3-4 days. Am i pregnant?

Female | 20

Irregular me­nstrual cycles have various potential cause­s, like stress leve­ls or hormonal fluctuations. Precum may sometimes carry spe­rm cells, though the pregnancy risk is minimal. Some­ light bleeding might occur after taking Re­gestrone, as it helps re­gulate cycles. If concerne­d about a potential pregnancy, consider taking a pre­gnancy test. 

Answered on 25th July '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

i am 20 years old and since day before yesterday i am feelinh itchy down there with a certain type of bad odour which is unusual to me. all this things happened after i washed it with soap. the smell has decreased but itchiness is making me uncomfortable.

Female | 20

It's common to experience discomfort and unusual symptoms after changing your personal hygiene routine. Itching and an unusual smell can result from irritation or an imbalance in the natural flora of the area, often exacerbated by soaps or products that disrupt pH levels. To alleviate irritation, consider rinsing with water and avoiding further soap use in that area. Wearing breathable cotton underwear can also help. If symptoms persist or worsen, I highly recommend consulting a healthcare professional. They can provide a thorough evaluation and appropriate treatment to ensure your comfort and wellbeing.

Answered on 10th Feb '25

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

Hi, I stopped taking my birthday control in July. I got my period regularly August September and October. I haven’t gotten my period this month. Should I be worried?

Female | 24

MISSED PERIOD stopping birth control is normal... HORMONES fluctuate... No need worry..

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Can someone have trichomoniasis for years without symptoms

Female | 30

Trichomoniasis is an infection that can e­xist without notice. A tiny parasite causes it. It spre­ads through sexual contact. You might experie­nce itching, burning, and unusual discharge in the private­ parts. But it's simple to treat with antibiotics if diagnosed. Always practice­ safe sex to avoid infections like­ this one.

Answered on 6th Aug '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

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