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Male | 31

Does Drinking Alcohol Before Baby Planning Affect Fertility?

Sir, I was planning a baby bt 2 days before baby planning i drank alcohole only for two days, is there a problem??

1 Answer
Dr. Nisarg Patel

Social Obstetrics And Gynecologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

A two-day alcohol intake shouldn’t make any big difference in conception. But, one should take care and refrain from it while planning to conceive In case you have any pregnancy related queries or planning to have a baby feel free to consult a doctor who specializes in women’s health.

20 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4875)

Late period. Not using protection.

Female | 22

Periods can  be delayed not only due to pregnancy but also other factors like stress and anxiety, etc. Try a pregnancy test if you're concerned.. if the test is negative then visit a gynec for irregular periods problem.


Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello doctor. Me and my partner didn’t had sex but on 4th July 2024, I gave him oral and then kissed him on the lips with his precum on my lips. And then he went down on me. Is there a chance of pregnancy? I took unwanted 72 under 48 hours. My periods due date is near. I saw very light bleeding in my vagina in the morning thinking it’s periods but I don’t get very light periods and my periods are irregular. So I took the pill and after 6 hours of taking the pill , I can still see some light red blood spots on the toilet paper. Is it normal or is it ovulation bleeding? Is it because I took the pill on the day of my period? And will i have withdrawal blood if the sperm didn’t went inside my vagina? I’m feeling very dry vagina with minimum discharge. Should I take a pregnancy test? And why am I facing these blood spots?

Female | 19

The probability of pregnancy from the situation you described was quite low because you took the necessary measures after the unprotected encounter. Although light bleeding might have been caused by the pill's side effects, like irregular bleeding, this is not a sign of pregnancy. This idolizes the truth that hormonal changes can cause such and such. It is common and does not mean you are pregnant. If you're worried, taking a pregnancy test can provide reassurance. 

Answered on 12th July '24

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After 10 days of periods is there any chances of getting pregnant

Female | 24

After your periods for 10 days, it is less likely but still possible to get pregnant. Some women may have an ovulation disorder that will lead to them being pregnant in the early cycle. Symptoms such as abdominal pain or spotting may indicate that ovulation has occurred. To avoid the risk of pregnancy, you can either use contraception or refrain from engaging in unprotected intercourse during this period.

Answered on 7th Oct '24

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Hi I did a pregnancy test ealry afternoon it was positive I got my pwriods 4 hours later test again in the morning also positive what do i do

Female | 24

It is advisable to make an appointment with your obstetrician/gynecologist for confirmation of your pregnancy and for any prenatal care as soon as possible. A pregnancy specialist will be sent to direct you on the journey and give any clarification on questions or worries you have.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm missing my period for two days should I take pregency test

Female | 30

Missing your period for two days is not necessarily an indication of pregnancy. But if you are sexually active and have missed your period, taking a pregnancy test is a good idea. Otherwise consult with a gynecologist or obstetrician for further evaluation and guidance on how to proceed.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Mam Naku ఎడమవైపు చాతి కింద నొప్పి వస్తుంది. సూదుల్లా గుచ్చుతున్నట్టు ఉంది. వెనుక ముందు నడుము లాగుతుంది. అలాగే యూరిన్ లో చిన్న చిన్న పొంగులా వస్తుంది. డాక్టర్ గారు ఈ మధ్య నేను కొన్ని మందులు వాడాను అవి ఏంటంటే.pantop,zerodol,omez antacid 200ml liquid. వాడను మేడంగారు. ఈ మందులు మొదలుపెట్టి మూడు రోజులు అవుతుంది.అప్పటినుంచి చిన్న చిన్న బుడగల్లాగా పొంగు లాగా వస్తుంది కారణాలు ఏమిటి డాక్టర్ గారు. Nenu period అయ్యి today's అవుతుంది డాక్టర్ గారు.

Female | 30

Answered on 4th Nov '24

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wound in mons pubis, redness sweeling pain

Female | 19

This can be a signal of a mons pubis infection. It is necessary to consult only a gynecologist or a skin specialist to get a proper diagnosis and treatment. Neglecting the symptoms might cause other problems.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 21 years old, and I’ve been having an itch in my vagina but it’s not regular. I just realized now that my discharge is yellow but it doesn’t smell bad. What type of infection is this?

Female | 21

A yeast infe­ction might be causing your symptoms. Itching and yellow discharge are­ signs. Moisture, tight clothing, antibiotics – these can le­ad to yeast infections. Ove­r-the-counter antifungal creams or suppositorie­s can provide relief. But if symptoms pe­rsist, see a gynecologist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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LIVER: Is normal in size (15.5 cms) and echotexture. No focal lesions are seen. No dilatation of intra-hepatic biliary radicles present. Portal vein is normal. Common bile duct is normal. GALL BLADDER: Is distended. Normal in wall thickness. No calculus or mass. PANCREAS: Visualized head and body appears normal. Rest obscured by bowel gas SPLEEN: Is normal in size (9.9 cms) and echotexture. RIGHT KIDNEY: Measures 9.2 * 3.7 cms. Normal in size and echotexture. Cortico medullary differentiation is well maintained. No calculus, hydronephrosis or mass. LEFT KIDNEY: Measures 9.9 * 3.6 cms. Normal in size and echotexture. Cortico medullary differentiation is well maintained. No calculus, hydronephrosis or mass. URINARY BLADDER: Is distended. Normal wall thickness. Few echogenic particles noted in the lumen. No obvious calculus or mass. No vesical diverticulum present. UTERUS Measures 8.3 * 4.3 * 5.8 cms. Normal in size. Small hypoechoic lesion of size 8.5 * 5.5 mm noted involving the posterior myometrium - possibly fibroid. Endometrial thickness measures 5.6 mm Right ovary measures - 52.7 * 19.6 * 42.2mm volume- 22.8 cc Left ovary measures - 45.5 * 23.2 * 44.4 mm, volume - 24.5 cc Both ovaries are slightly bulky in size and shows mild increase in stromal echoes with multiple small follicles of size 3-5mm. No dominant follicle noted in either side. No adnexal mass lesion seen. No free fluid in POD. Both iliac fossae appear normal and there is no obvious evidence of bowel mass or bowel wall thickening present. IMPRESSION: Few echogenic particles in the urinary bladder lumen. Suggested urine routine correlation Small uterine fibroid. Polycystic appearance in both ovaries. Suggested follow up & clinical correlation

Female | 32

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Im having pinkish brown watery discharge for 3 days and I've been trying to get pregnant, my last menstral period was on 29th jan 2023 and from 6th feb to 12th feb( till my ovulation )we are trying for a baby and now from 13 feb to till date(16th feb) im having these discharge so am i pregnant? When should i take a test?

Female | 26

It's probably a sign of implantation bleeding, which occurs when a fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine lining. To get the most accurate results, it is recommended to wait until about a week after your missed period to take a pregnancy test. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Does salpingitis heals on its own the doctor prescribed antibiotics but it's not working the antibiotics they prescribed are metronidazole cap 500mg apo and doxycycline

Female | 24

Fallopian tubes be­come swollen, an illness name­d salpingitis. Aching in your belly with fever plus we­ird discharge may occur. Untreated se­xual infections or germs often cause­ it. Metronidazole or doxycycline antibiotics ge­t prescribed freque­ntly. However, if those me­ds aren't helping, tell your doctor. The­y might switch antibiotics or consider different tre­atments instead.

Answered on 16th Aug '24

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