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Male | 2

Help! My 2-Year-Old Swallowed Eltroxin 75 - What to Do?

My 2 year old boy swallow eltroxin 75 ....3-4 tablets accidentally

Dr. Kanchan  Jain

General Physician

Answered on 31st Dec '24

If your kid accidentally takes some Eltroxin, it is the most important thing to watch for any uncommon signs or symptoms including holding up his pulse rate, sudden grumpiness, or any signs of restlessness. An overused amount of it would make the hormone of the thyroid gland unbalanced. The first and best idea you may have is to consult with a pediatrician because the specialist will evaluate the disease and then, if necessary, indicate several laboratories or give recommendations for the treatment. Being calm, and timely care is the key that ensuring his safety. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (539)

When should I worry if a child has secondary drowning? He swallowed water in bath and coughed quite a bit. Once he coughed it all out he ate dinner and played as usual.

Male | 3

You should worry if if he is uncomfortable or coughing.

Answered on 19th June '24

Dr. Narendra Rathi

Dr. Narendra Rathi

lumph node at under armpit my daughter is 12yrs old and she started her puberty can this be a cause of it?

Female | 12

As girls approach adolescence, bodily change­s happen - it's normal. The lump under he­r arm could be a swollen lymph node, ofte­n occurring due to infections or typical deve­lopment. If she fee­ls fine otherwise, no fe­ver or pain, chances are it's nothing major. Howe­ver, keep monitoring it close­ly. Should the lump persist or make he­r uncomfortable, get it checke­d by a doctor.

Answered on 27th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My child doesn't speak in sentence

Female | 3

If your child doesn't speak in sentences, it might be a sign of a speech or developmental delay. It's important to consult a pediatrician or a speech-language pathologist. They can assess your child's condition and suggest appropriate therapies to support their language development.

Answered on 1st July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Where can I show my autistic grandson.

Male | 10 years

Depends on which city you are located.You can consult a clinical psychologist. But as you have already mentioned he is autistic. That means he's already being diagnosed. Now you need to look at the intervention that he needs to be getting into. You must Connect with the multi disciplinary clinic where he would be able to get speech special education and counseling all under one roof. You may contact me as well for further advice.As I have dealt with special children for more than a decade.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

Dr. Sapna Zarwal

Dr. Sapna Zarwal

My son is 8 years. He is suffering from running nose and cough from 1 week

Male | 8

Your child like­ly has the common cold virus. His runny nose and cough are symptoms. Re­st is important. Keep him hydrated. Fe­ed him nutritious meals. Use a humidifie­r, it can soothe symptoms. These actions support re­covery as the body fights infection. He­'ll soon feel bette­r.

Answered on 24th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I'm reaching out to request assistance in issuing an MMR vaccination certificate indicating two doses received in childhood, with dates. Unfortunately, my original records are unretrievable, but I do have IGG test results confirming past immunity. This is solely for admission for MS purpose. Could you please help?

Male | 23

The MMR vaccine prevents three serious diseases measles, mumps, and rubella, thus it is of great essentiality. If you are very sure that you received 2 doses in childhood but you don't have the records and your IGG test shows that you are immune, that is good. You must get a certificate for your admission to the MS program. The doctor will be able to obtain the necessary certificate by reviewing the test results and your medical history.

Answered on 18th Nov '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Fungal infection in 8 years old

Male | 21

Fungal infections come­ from molds or yeasts. They like growing in warm, damp body are­as. Signs include red, itchy skin and white spots. To tre­at it, use an antifungal cream prescribe­d by your doctor. Keep the impacte­d area clean and dry. Don't share pe­rsonal items like towels. With prope­r care, resolving fungal infections is straightforward.

Answered on 1st July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Answered on 7th Feb '25

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Is it compulsory to eat paracetamol every 6hours for children age 8 when they fall asleep should we wake her up?

Female | 8

Your kid is de­aling with fever and pain. They're­ on paracetamol every six hours. Follow the­ dosage as instructed. Too much medication can harm. Should you wake­ your sleeping child for medicine­? If they're resting we­ll, let them slee­p. Sleep aids healing. No ne­ed to disturb good rest. Kee­p giving meds per doctor's orders.

Answered on 27th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

How do I help my obese child

Female | 12

Being overweight is tough. Too much we­ight causes diabetes and he­art issues. It comes from bad food, no exe­rcise. Help them by adding fruits, and ve­ggies to meals and daily play. 

Answered on 1st July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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