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Female | 25

Why do I have burning sensation while urinating?

Hi good morning , i m Ankita from uttar pradeah. Mujhe two days se mere urine wale jagah pr under Jalan si ho rhi please suggest me.

1 Answer

Answered on 24th July '24

You might have an infe­ction in your urinary system. The burning fee­ling when you pee sugge­sts germs entere­d that area. Drink lots of water to help flush the­m out. Avoid spicy foods and try cranberry juice, which could help. If burning pe­rsists, antibiotics from a urologist may be neede­d to clear the infection fully. 

29 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Urology" (1149)

I want to make sure if i have varicocele because my left testicle is little down

Male | 18

Varicocele is an abnormal dilation of veins in the scrotum. It causes pain, swelling, and discomfort. You should see a urologist to be properly diagnosed. Treatments may include medication or surgery to fix the problem and any symptoms you may be experiencing could be relieved.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

Why penis can’t stay erected hard?

Male | 29

There are numerous reasons for a penis to not stay hard as for instance stress, anxiety, physiological issues such as diabetes or hypertension, and some drugs. It's crucial to see the urologist or sex specialist, if this problem persists. They can examine your individual condition and tailor the proper treatment plan.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

Hello, I know this question I’m going to ask is odd but it’s a large concern of mine. . My testicular and penis size has been the exact same size at age 8 that it now is at age 18. Delayed puberty was a thought, however, I have very high test levels, lots of body hair and facial hair, and a deep voice. I tried looking up information for this concern, but I cannot find one singular case that is similar to mine. The only thing that pops up is articles about small penis length, when I’m actually trying to figure out why the length has never grown and what i can about it. Do u have any knowledge about this

Male | 18

Since you are worried, it is suggested that urologist should be consulted for a detailed diagnosis and treatment plan. It could also be a birth defect, hormonal dissonance or some other medical comorbidity that causes the condition. Thus, one should consult a specialist in the field.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Left testicle shrunk and not having any idea what is happening. Wishing for more info.

Male | 14

It requires immediate visitation to a urologist. The cause of the disease may be injury, infection or testicular cancer. This underlying cause needs to be diagnosed by a medical practitioner 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

How to get rid of urine infection quickly

Female | 25

Urinary tract infections are often accompanied by symptoms such as a burning sensation when urinating, a need to urinate more frequently, and cloudy urine. These infections, regularly attributed to bacteria that penetrate the urinary system, are the ones that appear to be normal. To get the pain out, make sure to drink more water so that you can bathe the bacteria. OTC aspirin may bring you comfort. It is however very imperative to see a urologist for a proper diagnosis, maybe an antibiotic if needed. They can give you the right plan and the best course of action to get you back. 

Answered on 27th Dec '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

I am wondering if I have peyronie's disease please help. Male doctor only please

Male | 19

It is advised that you seek a urologist who has a specialty in Peyronie's disease for an accurate diagnosis and adequate intervention. Seek medical advice promptly to ensure early diagnosis and treatment since that would limit the progress of complications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

My sister, who is 30 years old, has been complaining of UTI and bellybutton pain for several days. The pain occasionally radiates to her lower abdomen. Is this a typical symptom of UTIs, or should we be concerned about a more serious condition?

Female | 30

send her abdomen ultrasound report initially

Answered on 3rd July '24

Dr. N S S Gauri

Dr. N S S Gauri

Male 27, I have an urgent feeling to pee with low fever , muscle weakness and dirrhea for two days now after having sex (with a condom) but there was also oral sex

Male | 27

Since your symptoms, it is possible that you have UTI or STI. For proper diagnosis and treatment of the situation, it is advisable to see a urologist or an STD specialist. Medical treatment must be sought immediately to prevent additional difficulties.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

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