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Male | 20

Pilonidal Abscess: Surgery or Antibiotics

Hi, I am suffering from pilonidal abscess. I have been given antibiotics to take but would surgery be the better option than to leave the cyst , surgery then antibiotics is what I assumed. Asking as my cyst is very painful.

Answered on 23rd May '24


71 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1305)

Why is fever in evening time daily

Female | 50

Fever occurring early in the evening every day can be symptomatic of many types of medical illnesses. It is important to see a doctor, an internist, or an infectious diseases specialist, for the right diagnosis and management of the underlying cause. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Cold and feverish, phelm slightly

Male | 61

A cold makes you fe­el sick, with fever and a drippy or stuffe­d-up nose. Sometimes you cough up thick mucus too. Viruse­s often cause colds. Rest lots, drink liquids, and take­ medicine for symptoms. 

Answered on 26th June '24

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I was bitten by a dog an year ago. I visited the doctor and he said it isn't dangerous and I should get 5 injections. But I only got the 4 of them, well I wasn't very worried about it because I thought It is okay but a few days ago when I shared this story with my fellows. They started to give me weird thoughts like you should've gotten all the injections. Its going to kill you etc and now I am starting to get really worries. Well, should I consult the doctor again and get the last injection or what should I do can you please give me any advive

Female | 17

Dog bites can introduce­ harmful bacteria. All recommende­d injections after a bite are­ crucial. They prevent pote­ntial infections. Missing the last dose raise­s risk for later infection deve­lopment. Your consultation and final injection ensure­ health. Consult your doctor and complete the­ process.

Answered on 9th Aug '24

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I have a fistula how can I get rid of it She came back to me now a year later She tormented me for six years

Male | 45

Fistula surgeries are carried out by a proctologist or any physician in colorectal surgery. To start, you should call a specialist and visit for a diagnosis of your type of fistula. Missed therapy will lead to bacterial infections that can cause abscess and sepsis and all these could be fatal for the patient.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Tt injection lgwaya tha 1.5 month ago wo dard ho rha h

Female | 24

The inje­ction may ache temporarily since ne­edles can hurt muscles a bit. This discomfort typically re­solves itself in days. Icing or gentle­ massage may help. Howeve­r, consult a doctor if ache­s persist extensive­ly.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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Bukhar aa raha he baar baar tin din Sr

Male | 36

You've had a fe­ver returning for three­ days. Fevers often happe­n from illnesses like colds or flu. Othe­r fever signs are chills, body pain, he­adaches. To feel be­tter, rest lots. Drink plenty liquids. Take­ over-the-counter me­ds like acetaminophen to cut fe­ver. But if fever pe­rsists, see a doctor.

Answered on 26th June '24

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Cold and influenza difficult in breathing

Male | 50

You need to go to the doctor immediately if breathing becomes difficult due to cold or influenza. These conditions may be responsible for swelling and congestion in the lungs, making breathing difficult. Patient must seek advice from pulmonologist or ENT specialist for correct diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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the best method for tapering off diazepam at the current dosage level of 10mg per day

Male | 69

If you are using diazepam in an amount of ten milligrams a day at this point and you want to taper off, doing so should be done under the supervision of medical personnel. Withdrawal symptoms after sudden diazepam cessation can be quite intense. So gradually, you should decrease your dosage according to prescription by the doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I woke up sick and I don't know what it is or what to do about it. My symptoms are sore throat (painful, especially when swallowing), runny nose, and frequent random stomach aches. This began yesterday morning and I think I am getting worse today.

Female | 117

It SOUNDS like you have a common cold. Rest and hydrate.. Over-the-counter medicine can help . CONTACT a doctor if symptoms worsen or don't improve in a few days. Remember to DRINK plenty of fluids and get plenty of REST.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can I take the tacky and Benadryl together

Female | 18

Don't take Tums and Benadryl together. Tums can help with heartburn or other stomach problems, while Benadryl might be used for itching caused by allergies. However, if both drugs are taken simultaneously it may result in side effects such as dizziness, sleepiness and confusion. For better performance without health risks ensure they have been taken few hours apart.

Answered on 8th July '24

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I felt light headness and lost consciousness for few minutes . My BP is always 110/ 60 with pulse rate of 55 with BP medicines and nitrocontin 2.6 . What should I do

Male | 86

kindly get an ECG done. Consult a Physician 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 38 years old women.I am having soar throat initially.So I took Azithromyxin tab 500mg.That only 2 days I took.Now I am having cough and cold,fever also early morning from 2days.I am taking Augmentin 625tab,Sinerast tab,Rantac from 2days.Today I have taken Cefodixime 200mg tab along with these medicines.Whenever I had early morning fever I used to take sinarest tab.I had started periods also.I not feeling well.

Female | 38

You can take acupuncture for your current problem. pl avoid cold n sour foods,  try ayurveda  

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Dog has bite me 15 days ago intake tetnus nd anti rabies vaccine now today he again bites should i take vaccine again

Female | 26

If you have already got a tetanus and anti-rabies vaccine after the main bite, you should be fine. A second vaccine may not be necessary, but it's important to watch for symptoms like redness, swelling, pain, or fever. If any of these develop, seek medical attention immediately.

Answered on 21st Aug '24

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was cleaning my belly button with ear buds. the cotton from the earbuds is stuck deep inside my belly button.

Male | 27

You may experience some tenderness or pain around your belly button. To solve this problem, attempt washing the area gently with warm water and soap. If the cotton wool is still stuck or causing discomfort then it is advisable that you see a doctor immediately.

Answered on 29th May '24

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I am suffering from weight loss and hair loss from 6-7 months. Do I have cancer?

Female | 42

Weight loss and hair loss can happen for many reasons, not just cancer. But if you are concerned about it, you should have the concerned tests taken in the hospital. Other causes may include being stressed, feeding on an unhealthy diet, and thyroid problems. To assist in this area, ensure that you eat a balanced diet, manage your stress levels, and get enough sleep. Make an appointment to see your doctor and find out what is wrong!

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Ingrown toenail disease.Pus comes out from inside

Male | 27

The ingrown toenail can be an extremely painful process that takes place when a toenail grows into the skin instead of over it. This may signify an infection if pus is coming out. A visit to a dermatologist will be necessary for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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