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Female | 29

How Do I Know If I Am Pregnant After Ectopic Pregnancy with Irregular Menstrual Cycle?

Hi. I had 8 months back resulted in ectopic pregnancy. My periods was normal after that. However, since January my cycle is not right. I usually had 28-30 days of cycle. In January I got periods on 35th day. Feb was 30th day and now I am due on 5th March. Didn't got my period yet. One strange thing is also happening that when I wipe after poop I see a lil blood spot. This only happens around my period since 2-3 times. Currently I am having leg pain since 5 days. Feeling nauseous also. The reason for ivf was low amh. Got only 4 eggs in ivf process. Please help what should I do next

1 Answer
Dr. Mohit Saraogi


Answered on 23rd May '24

Your gynecologist should be consulted on this, as you experience irregularities in your menstrual cycles after ectopic pregnancy. It might be post-wiping blood because of hormonal changes or as a result of infection. Leg pain and nausea could be caused by almost anything, therefore a thorough investigation must be done. It is vital for you to not neglect seeing your doctor without delay.

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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4875)

Please opine how to proceed regarding the following Gyencologist MRI with Gadolinium report: Technique: MRI pelvis with IV contrast. Comparison: No previous similar study. Findings: The uterus is enlarged and retroverted, measuring 9.3 x 9 x 8.3 cm. there are 3 subserosal pedunculated fibroids, the largest arising from the anterior fundal region measuring 5.6 x 6.2 x 7.2 cm, the second lesion seen arising from the left lower uterine/cervix junction measuring 5.5 x 4.5 x 4 cm and the third fibroid seen at the right lower uterine/cervix junction measuring 4.7 x 2.5 x 2.3 cm. There are multiple intramural fibroids, around 6 lesions, the largest seen at the left fundal region measuring 2.7 x 2.7 x 2.7 cm and the second largest lesion seen at the right fundal region measuring 3 x 2.7 x 3.4 cm. These fibroids demonstrate low T2 signal intensity without diffusion restriction. Postcontrast demonstrate hypoenhancement relative to the myometrium. The endometrium measuring 0.8 cm in thickness and junctional zone measuring 0.7 cm in thickness. There is posterior fundal ill­defined focal subserosal lesion measuring 4.4 x 2.8 x 2.8 cm with an ill￾defined margins and intermediate low T2 signal intensity in addition to internal subcentimeter tiny foci of T2 hyperintensities could represent adenomyoma. Both ovaries are  unremarkable and containing a few follicles.  No ascites or enlarged lymph nodes. The rectosigmoid junction is compressed by the  enlarged uterus. Trace pelvic free fluid noted,  likely physiologic. Urinary bladder is moderately compressed anteriorly.

Female | 47

Answered on 19th Aug '24

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I am 23 years old... mother of one.... I keep having backache.... and last month period colour was almost purple in colour ... and this month right after my period ended I'm having spotting again.... also I have lower abdominal pain.... I get dizzy sometimes after meal ..... my vagina feel like it's tearing ever since childbirth what shall I do.....

Female | 23

These might be symptoms of different problems. Hormonal imbalance and infection could be suggested by purple periods and spots. Lower stomach pain can be caused by various things such as infection or endometriosis. If you feel dizzy after eating any food, it may mean that your blood sugar is low. Any tearing sensation in the vagina might have been caused by the impact of childbirth on your muscles. Make sure to see a doctor who will examine them internally and treat them accordingly. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I missed my period, feeling weak, tired and moody everyday. What's wrong with me

Female | 21

Missing period + weakness, tiredness, moodiness = Possible pregnancy.. Other reasons: stress, weight changes, hormonal IMBALANCE, thyroid issues. Consult a doctor for a pregnancy test and further EVALUATION.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello Please I need help have done pregnancy test And it’s negative And have not seen my period I don’t know what wrong and I’m scared

Female | 20

MISSING PERIODS can be due to several reasons... STRESS, weight gain or loss, excessive exercise, and HORMONAL IMBALANCES are common causes... Certain medications and medical conditions can also lead to missed periods... Visit a medical professional for a checkup and advice on your situation...

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have been on birth control for 2 years now and I did it on Saturday night but the guy came in me a little bit should i take the morning after pill

Female | 19

When you don't use­ birth control perfectly, pregnancy risk rise­s. The morning-after pill preve­nts unwanted outcomes if taken within thre­e days. Missed periods, nause­a, sore breasts? Those pre­gnancy symptoms won't show up if you use this pill on time.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

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I’m 42 and I haven’t had a period in 3 months and the 3 before were lighter shorter but very crampy . 12 months ago I was having heavier, longer and more painful periods. I had an ultrasound, an internal ultrasound and a Pap test which all showed everything is normal. Recently I saw an OB GYN. I asked if I could be perimenopausal. She asked if I get hot flashes and when I said no she basically brushed off the question. I don’t get hot flashes and know that not always a symptom. I do have more facial hair, mood swings, sleep problems, night sweats and obviously irregular periods. She did a biopsy of my uterine lining. She did not ask if there was any possibility that I could be pregnant first. I am most likely not as my boyfriend has retrograde ejaculation and does not ejaculate when he orgasm. Her solution was to put in an IUD which I have not had done as of yet the appointment to do so is coming up. I understand that IUDs can lessen painful heavy periods that can occur before menopause. But as I am not having periods or any signs of a period would there be any benefit to this? I have heard many horror stories of IUDs and I’m just trying to make a good decision.

Female | 42

According to your symptoms, you are most likely having perimenopause. Women are told that menopause is only certain and official after 12 consecutive months without menstruating. It is suggested that you have a discussion with a gynecologist in regard to your symptoms and worries. They can make the decision for you whether an IUD will be suitable for you

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 21 and i got pregnant. I missed my periods for 41 days. Is it safe to take abortion pills?

Female | 21

In that case discuss your options and determine the safest and most appropriate course of action for your situation. Your doctor can assess your pregnancy, and provide guidance on the safest and most appropriate approach, which may include medical abortion if you're within the gestational age limit.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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