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Female | 30

Could Lower Abdominal Pain and Bleeding Indicate Pregnancy?

I am a 30 year old female on the 5 year implant and only done 4 but found out 2 days ago that I am pregnant. I have had lower abdominal pain and bleeding since then.

1 Answer
Dr. Nisarg Patel

Social Obstetrics And Gynecologist

Answered on 23rd Oct '24

Bleeding and lower abdominal pain can signal something called ectopic pregnancy, where the fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus. This is a potentially life-threatening condition that requires emergency medical assistance. If your health is at stake, don't postpone your health investigation. Seek assistance from a gynecologist immediately.

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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4875)

i tried to make an appointment with my gyno, but they were all full. Just to clarify english is not my first language so i can't describe everything the best. I'm over here dying of pain, I'm drinking pain meds just so i can function somewhat normal. I'm an 18 year old girl that's been sexually active for around 2 years or so with one partner and this is the first time that this happened. I can say that the pain started a few weeks ago while having intercourse and i felt a pain in my vagina during certain poses( missionary) but as soon as we switched that stopped so i ignored it. We just avoided it and everything was fine, until it started to burn while peeing. After that we had one intercourse during which everything was okay but the intense pain started later and it calmed down in a few mins. Day after that i woke up in the middle of a night because of the pain. Everything felt sore, was burning and itching. Especially around the opening (don't know what else to call it) and i couldn't touch that part, there even was a bump on it . Curiosity got the best of me so i looked with a mirror and i kinda stretched my vagina so i can se inside of it and everything inside was covered in white small chunks (size of rice) and they were really sticky. Also, it smelled funky, but not like fish and there were practically no discharge. Since it was the weekend i couldn't do anything because no one is working. It hurts to stand,sit, walk, litterally anything. I was barely moving. That lasted until yesterday, when i woke up i went to pee and i found a big piece of something on my underwear and it was yellowish green colour. I touched it and the only thing that came to my mind that it was like a piece of toilet paper or something like that . After that the pain reduced, it hurts sometimes and while peeing. I looked with the mirror again and there's no more white chunks and nothing hurts when i touch, also the bump is gone. Is it possible that somehow a piece of paper got inside of me while having intercourse, that he pushed it in with his penis? That it got stuck and came out by itself? If not, please tell me what to do, or how to ease the pain. Btw, gyno isn't working till monday????

Female | 18

Answered on 30th May '24

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I missed my period, feeling weak, tired and moody everyday. What's wrong with me

Female | 21

Missing period + weakness, tiredness, moodiness = Possible pregnancy.. Other reasons: stress, weight changes, hormonal IMBALANCE, thyroid issues. Consult a doctor for a pregnancy test and further EVALUATION.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm three months completed pregnant in NT scan I found intermittent tricuspid regurgitation what it is is baby in problem

Female | 26

Intermittent tricuspid regurgitation or TR) is sometimes found during prenatal screening tests like the NT scan. In many cases, it is considered a normal variant and may not pose significant health risks to the baby.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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LIVER: Is normal in size (15.5 cms) and echotexture. No focal lesions are seen. No dilatation of intra-hepatic biliary radicles present. Portal vein is normal. Common bile duct is normal. GALL BLADDER: Is distended. Normal in wall thickness. No calculus or mass. PANCREAS: Visualized head and body appears normal. Rest obscured by bowel gas SPLEEN: Is normal in size (9.9 cms) and echotexture. RIGHT KIDNEY: Measures 9.2 * 3.7 cms. Normal in size and echotexture. Cortico medullary differentiation is well maintained. No calculus, hydronephrosis or mass. LEFT KIDNEY: Measures 9.9 * 3.6 cms. Normal in size and echotexture. Cortico medullary differentiation is well maintained. No calculus, hydronephrosis or mass. URINARY BLADDER: Is distended. Normal wall thickness. Few echogenic particles noted in the lumen. No obvious calculus or mass. No vesical diverticulum present. UTERUS Measures 8.3 * 4.3 * 5.8 cms. Normal in size. Small hypoechoic lesion of size 8.5 * 5.5 mm noted involving the posterior myometrium - possibly fibroid. Endometrial thickness measures 5.6 mm Right ovary measures - 52.7 * 19.6 * 42.2mm volume- 22.8 cc Left ovary measures - 45.5 * 23.2 * 44.4 mm, volume - 24.5 cc Both ovaries are slightly bulky in size and shows mild increase in stromal echoes with multiple small follicles of size 3-5mm. No dominant follicle noted in either side. No adnexal mass lesion seen. No free fluid in POD. Both iliac fossae appear normal and there is no obvious evidence of bowel mass or bowel wall thickening present. IMPRESSION: Few echogenic particles in the urinary bladder lumen. Suggested urine routine correlation Small uterine fibroid. Polycystic appearance in both ovaries. Suggested follow up & clinical correlation

Female | 32

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I’m 25old, i hv a problem of sores that appear and go on my virgina and another problem is i feel a lump inside my virgina is isn’t painful.What could be the problem am so scared?

Female | 25

Sores could be due to a sexually transmitted infection and the lump could be a cyst or another type of growth. Don't be afraid . schedule an appointment with a gynecologist to get proper treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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5 year pcos problem kaise thik hogi

Female | 25

PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects many women of reproductive age. While there is no cure for PCOS its symptoms can be managed effectively through various approaches through medications, diet & nutrition,lifestyle modification, etc. Consult your doctor for proper course of medication.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Why I m getting uti after every periods. I have completed antibiotic coarse 3 times . But again it comes back. I got 3 times uti within 4 months

Female | 34

You're de­aling with frequent UTIs after your pe­riod. Bacteria cause UTIs by ente­ring your bladder. You might feel pain or burning whe­n urinating. You may need to pee­ often and urine may look cloudy. After me­nstrual flow, bacteria can enter the­ bladder more easily. Drink ple­nty of water. Pee afte­r sexual activity. Wear cotton underpants. The­se steps can help pre­vent UTIs.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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I hady intercourse on April 25 had two months normal periods these month the date was yesterday but missed can it be pregnant

Female | 28

Women may start to think that they are pregnant if they miss a period after a regular cycle of two months. Additional common symptoms that a woman might have are morning sickness, painful breasts, and being overly drained. Under the circumstances of no protection used during the sexual act, pregnancy will be a possible risk. If you are the one who is pregnant, you will find that out with a home pregnancy test.

Answered on 22nd July '24

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I am pregnant and 2nd month is running. I have no symptoms of pregnancy except fatigue and have white or yellowish discharge. Is everything normal

Female | 31

Blackheads are small bumps that form when hair follicles get blocked by dead skin cells and excess oil. This can happen due to excess sebum, hormonal changes, or improper skin care. To reduce blackheads, use a gentle exfoliating scrub and a non-comedogenic moisturizer. Always clean your skin well to avoid irritation and prevent the urge to squeeze blackheads.

Answered on 19th Sept '24

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