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Female | 55

Can Depressed Individuals Overcome Persistent Sadness and Insomnia?

i am depression patient. i feal all time sad and pasttimes bad memories. i can’t stop that and i can’t sleep peacefully and properly. i can’t focus on my present life. i try to live happy but i can’t do that. how can i out from that situation

1 Answer
Dr. Vikas Patel


Answered on 3rd June '24

Feeling sad constantly and having flashbacks of the bad times is not easy. This could be a sign that one is suffering from depression. The inability to sleep well and concentrate are also widespread symptoms of depression. Knowing that one is not alone and that there is help is vital. You can manage these emotions by therapy or taking drugs. Speaking to a mental health professional will help you know what to do.

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Questions & Answers on "Psychiatry" (492)

Sans fulna, ghabrahat hona , haf badh Jana andar bechaini hona

Male | 75

It seems like­ anxiety may be the cause­. Feeling nervous or trouble­d happens. Your breathing gets tough. Anxie­ty arises from stress. Or it could stem from ge­nes. Some medical issue­s can lead to it too. But you can manage through technique­s like relaxation. Regular e­xercise helps. 

Answered on 25th July '24

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Hello i had a panic attack yesterday and my hands and feet were going numb also my mouth so i went to the ER they did 2 syringes in my stomach of Aqua then they did one behind of diazepam i am a regular smoker and i wanted to smoke could i? If i cant should i buy a no nicotine pack?

Female | 16

The numbness of hands, feet, and mouth is the result of decreased blood flow in panic attacks. The effect of smoking on the body can make people suffer from panic attacks. Given the fact that you were prescribed diazepam at the ER, smoking might hurt it. Stay away from smoking as it is better for you. If you are in bad shape and have to, you can try a no-nicotine pack. 

Answered on 26th Aug '24

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Hi I'm taking esomeprazole, lisinopril, lipitor, citalopram and ropinerole. I want to know if I can take anti sweat tablets

Female | 59

It is possible that sweating contributes to the discomfort, and any medications may interact with each other. The adverted drug might also negatively affect the efficiency of other medications that you are taking. It is vital to communicate with a doctor. They will give advice or suggest something else if necessary to manage your situation. 

Answered on 11th July '24

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Several months ago, I experienced a sudden and strong fear in one of the cafes, to the point that I felt a squeeze in my heart, pain, and a very strong palpitation, as if it had reached my stomach. I had to cough to relieve the palpitations and suffocation. Days later, I quickly became afraid of the simplest, even daily, situations, even if a simple emotion caused me strong palpitations and suffocation. And the tremors and coldness of the extremities. I read about diseases of the adrenal gland and became very afraid. The condition increased with great fear. I now cannot stand leaving the house and am very afraid of any feelings, even if the feelings are happiness or good feelings and also i get dizzy when i stand up too fast is it possible that there is something dangerous with the adrenal gland?

Female | 19


Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi I am 29 years old and a female I have acute insomnia and don’t have the funds to find out which medication can make me sleep, I’ve tried Adco zolpidem (I need to take 3 to sleep, and it doesn’t keep me asleep) and dormonoct and neither have worked. Please advise me on what medication is the strongest and will help me sleep through the night

Female | 29

You're going through ataxic insomnia. Insomnia is the condition of the person who finds it difficult to sleep. It may occur due to stress, worries, or illnesses. Because Adco Zolpidem and Dormonal Act have not worked for you, I would recommend the try of melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that the body naturally produces and it is responsible for controlling the daily and monthly rhythms. It is over-the-counter and besides, it might also help you in getting a full night's sleep.

Answered on 4th Dec '24

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dr . i use risperidone now i stopped it. after risperidone i use tryptophan and tyrosine supplements but problem is my serotonin and dopamine level not increase it decrease my neurotransmitter level .this problem come i use risperidone haloperidol drugs. i use herbal (mucuna pruriens ,5htp) and amino acid supplements for neurotransmitter it same my serotonin dopamine level decreased. dr why it happened ?how to it cure. ?

Male | 23

Addressing issues related to neurotransmitter levels requires consultation with a psychiatrist or neurologist. Discontinuing medications such as risperidone and haloperidol can lead to a drop in serotonin and dopamine levels. Additionally, the use of supplements like tryptophan, tyrosine, 5-HTP, and mucuna pruriens may also affect neurotransmitter levels. It's essential to consult a specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment of any potential imbalances beforehand.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My son aged 25 was learnt to be under your treatment.I neither know for what illness nor have his prescription.He is aggressive and wouldn't co-operate if I call him for consultation with you along with me and his mom although he said to have consulted you.The boy is confined to his room and is hostile towards me for reasons unbelievable.His mother, my wife was under Dr vijayakumar's treatment from 2000 for over a period of 10 years.Now she consults another psychiatrist as she was on a transferable job. I am 62 years old and my wife 56 years.She had taken VRS from Bank job six months ago. My son is only child and a pampered one.His behaviour isn't acceptable although he would appear normal. I am worried how I could manage to give him treatment through you as he is aggressive and may also leave home

Male | 25

Aggression and hostility may be symptoms of other problems such as anxiety or depression. It is very important to handle the situation with empathy and patience. Supporting him through the process like by advising him to reach out to a psychiatrist, can be helpful. The main approach to the matter is to allow him to freely express what he feels, thus he will be able to share his issues. 

Answered on 27th Nov '24

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I have been suffering from mental problems for 22 years. This is the result of excessive study and researching day and night on various topics. At first severe headache lasted for 2 years. My mind was weak. I could not stay in one place for more than 5 days. I used to run away from home aimlessly. I used to come back again. My sister wanted to get lost in the forest. I wanted to commit suicide. I tried thousands of times but failed. I drank poison once but I survived. The biggest problem was that I could not study. But I had an indomitable desire to study. I did not sleep all night. I used to get very angry. I haven't talked to Karo for 1 year. I haven't even left the house. Finally, I got some relief by dropping my studies. But sometimes this problem bothers me. Anyway, after seeing the doctor, I started tuition. After 7 years went by, but the problem did not go away, I was having a lot of problems in getting students. Not working. Not forced to work hard. Left tuition and started working in a company. It gave me some relief. Sleeping. Now my humble request is, what should I do to get fully healthy? So that I can teach tuition again and spend the rest of my life in peace. Please advise me.

Male | 36

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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What would happen if I take 3 yellow betapam pills at once

Female | 19

Taking 3 yellow be­tapam pills at once is extreme­ly risky. Betapam treats anxiety disorde­rs. But overdosing can induce seve­re dizziness, exce­ssive sleepine­ss, and dangerously slowed breathing – a se­rious overdose situation requiring urge­nt medical attention. Neve­r exceed your doctor's re­commended dosage.

Answered on 14th Aug '24

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I think I’m depressed. I can find the courage to get up and do anything

Female | 22

It seems like you may be going into depression symptoms. Consultation with a psychiatrist who has the required skills for the diagnosis and treatment of your psychological condition is indispensable. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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