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Male | 27

Why Am I Experiencing High Heart Rate and Sweating?

I am feeling high heart beat with little bit sweating

Answered on 23rd May '24

It requires urgent medical intervention through visiting a cardiologist so as to find out any heart problems and other underlying medical conditions.

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

Hello i am 26 years old year and galf ago i got fat i am now around 120kg but i excersise i still got stomach not to much for my hight 193 cm since i got fat my balls doesnt hang anymore as they used to hang they are always more close to the body even in warm temperatures they rarely get that loose like they used to be before i got this big i am no fat fat but more bodybulder fat i never used any medications or supstances what is happening is this normal?

Male | 26

Seems normal... still more information is needed to help you with suitable solutions... 

Get yourself evaluated for best advice.. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What What will be happen if blood is coming from the mouth of a childern while headstand in fighting

Male | 11

Blee­ding from the mouth is concerning for kids, possibly indicating internal injury. It may occur whe­n upside down or scrapping. Don't let them e­at or drink. Gently rinse their mouth with wate­r. Persistent blee­ding beyond ten minutes re­quires medical attention imme­diately. A doctor must examine to rule­ out serious issues.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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26 years and have been feeling tired and weak and also my heartbeat is faster

Male | 26

It looks like you could have a condition named anemia. Anemia might give you a sense of being tired, weak and having a fast heartbeat. This may occur when the body doesn’t have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen. To start feeling better, you might need to consume more iron-rich foods such as spinach and beans. In addition, make sure that you rest enough and stay hydrated. If these signs persist, seek medical attention promptly.

Answered on 29th May '24

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I ate only soaked (in cold water) row soya chunks. I read these are harmful to health. Can you pls let me know how they are harmful? And What should I do now?

Male | 33

Consuming only uncooked soya chunks can be­ detrimental. You may experience difficulty in digestion, possibly causing abdominal distress, bloating, and gas. Cooking soya chunks adequately facilitates easier absorption of nutrients. If consumed raw, indigestion may occur through stomach aches, gas, or bloating. Drinking enough water assists in flushing out problematic substances. Closely monitor yourself for any abdominal disturbances following raw soya chunk ingestion.

Answered on 27th Feb '25

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If I have procted sex with prostitute still I get hiv infection ? After 30 days 4th genration test is negative also after 60 days rapid test is negative today's 84 days completed pls suggest needful

Male | 40

Even if you utilized a condom, there is still a chance of getting the virus. It is suggested to get tested frequently, even when the results are negative. It is better to see a specialist and have in depth discussion on preventive measures.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I came from hot sunny day and from evening I'm feeling nausea and head and neck pain It's night I just vomited now feeling my stomach light and ok But I still have neck and full head pain

Female | 37

It sounds like you may have a headache and feel sick to your stomach because you were out in the sun too long. We can get ill from overexposure to sunlight and it may cause our heads to hurt as well. While throwing up might help some, I doubt if your neck and head will stop aching. Drink lots of water, rest somewhere cool — don’t go back outside where there is more heat! If your headache doesn’t go away or gets worse, you should see a doctor.

Answered on 27th May '24

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No history of diabetes, blood pressure or heart problems. Had chills then a fever for 2 days (once a day). Took azithromycin for 3 days. On the third day results showing C-reactive protein 193.07?

Male | 83

Your symptoms point to an infe­ction. Elevated C-reactive­ protein usually signals your body combating one. Since you've­ taken azithromycin, keep drinking fluids, re­sting, and complete the antibiotics. Howe­ver, if the feve­r persists or new issues arise­, promptly see a doctor. 

Answered on 28th June '24

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I am manjula i have thakavali for 15 years i have take scan but they told that nothing migrane but daily i have headache so i take pain cleaner in medical shop without prescription

Female | 38

Migraine can be corrected with acupuncture treatment
take care 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am suffering from dry cough last 10 days

Male | 59

Dry cough for 10 days needs medical attention. Possible causes: VIRAL/bacterial infection, allergies, ASTHMA, ACID reflux.. Other symptoms to look for: fever, sore throat, chest pain, wheezing. Treatment varies based on cause: cough suppressants, ANTIBIOTICS, antihistamines, inhalers. Drink warm fluids, use a humidifier, avoid irritants, seek medical advice.... 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I m suffering from cold abscess right side neck recurring. I have already taken 6 months ATT medicine from 4 Agust 23 to 2 Feb 24 during medical treatment second episode on December 23 and 3rd episode mar 24 post stopping medicine of Att . At present now 4 rth episode on 15 Aug 24 . Every time operated and drained. My question ❓ 1 it is happening due to TB . 2 I take medicine that is right for me . 3 if it is right than why recurring. 4 every time all tests regarding tb negative 5 . Only first time at jun 23 AFB seen in test on basis my doctor recommends Att medicine to avoid further happening in life but I m not found that thing. 6 I start again Att course for treatment. Or any other things. Plz tell me

Female | 34

It sounds like you're dealing with frequent cold abscesses on your neck.

1. A recurring TB infection could be the cause, even if your tests are negative.
2. While ATT medicine is the correct treatment for TB, the infection may return if it isn't completely cleared.
3. Following the full ATT course as prescribed by your doctor gives you the best chance to eliminate TB bacteria and prevent further episodes.

It's important to stick to your medication and stay in close contact with your doctor for better management of the condition.

Answered on 25th Sept '24

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Hi I am very out of shape and 115kg weight I dont move at all but tomorrow I have a flight and today I cleaned my entire apartment and stood and did physical for 12 hours. I also have sleep apnea. I stood and did around house so much without a break and Im qlso on my period nad didnt sleep well for days. I have mobitz II sometimes too. Im worried that I will die from overexertion

Female | 24

Doing more than you can afford, especially with your weight, sleep apnea, and heart problems, can be dangerous. Overexertion symptoms are fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain, and dizziness. First of all, take it easy and take plenty of time to relax, drink water, and avoid strenuous activities. Alternate between working and taking a break as your energy and effectiveness wanes and waxes. 

Answered on 13th June '24

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Speech delay in my child. And unable to understand things

Male | 3

Your child would probably experience speech impairment and fluency issues. It would be a good idea to see a pediatrician first, who will, in case of necessity, refer you to a speech-language pathologist for more extensive evaluation and treatment. It is highly suggested to have early intervention.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I m getting fever after 2 month with low grade temperatures

Female | 32

Your body temperature rise­s a bit. Infections, sometimes, linge­r causing fever to come and go. Tire­dness or weakness might accompany this. Re­st well and drink plenty of liquids. But, if feve­r persists or intensifies, se­e a doctor. They can identify the issue­ and provide proper treatme­nt.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

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i am 31 years old I have high blood pressure this time I'm cough and cold can use cofryl syrup

Male | 31

Coughs and colds are annoying, especially with high blood pressure. Cofryl syrup is not a good choice since it has some ingredients that might raise your blood pressure. To relieve your cough, you can try warm drinks and rest. But if your cold becomes worse or does not go away, it is better to see a doctor.

Answered on 4th Oct '24

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Diet plan for weight gain

Female | 20

Regularly e­ating full, nutritious meals will help you gain weight he­althily. Nuts, seeds, avocados, and healthy fats provide­ calorie-rich nutrients. Yogurt and nut butter make­ great snacks. Aim for three me­als daily, plus snacks in between. Incre­asing daily calorie intake this way supports weight gain. Don't forge­t to drink lots of water too.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I’ve been feeling really tired/sleepy and just completely out of it for just about a week and i’m not sure why

Male | 18

Constant exhaustion for se­ven days is challenging. Various factors contribute to pe­rsistent fatigue. Insufficient re­st or heightened anxie­ty sometimes deple­tes energy. Consuming nutritious me­als and engaging in physical activity may alleviate this condition. Howe­ver, if lethargy persists, consulting a healthcare professional is advisable­s.

Answered on 25th July '24

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I have common cold, stomach pain,my mouth tastes bitter, severe lower adominopelvic pain. What could be my possible diagnosis?

Female | 19

This symptoms indicate viral infection or food poisoning. Consult with your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment

Answered on 23rd May '24

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