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Male | 69

I am v v baburao from kakinada,aged 69 years . My legs are randomly jerk at night. Whenever drifting off to sleep but suddenly wake with a jolt and jerk of the body. It is since one week. I am having by and use medicine and also having gastric problem. I am using medicines for them prescribed by doctor. I feel slight numbness in left leg from knee to palm and some times pain in calf muscle.

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

Hello Mr. Baburao.You would need evaluation for the jerks that u get in your legs. It could be a spine-related problem. You would probably need a spine MRI.

67 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

I'm 17 years old. I'm having sleep problems.i can't sleep properly in night, it's almost took me 2 hours to sleep even after closing my eyes. And in day time , my eyes started to burning

Female | 17

Seems like you might have insomnia, that is the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep. If you can’t fall asleep at night this can cause tired eyes that burn all day long. Stress, caffeine and use of screens before bedtime are some common reasons why teenagers suffer from this condition. Establishing a night time routine, avoiding caffeine and switching off the screens before going to bed may help improve your sleeping patterns.

Answered on 11th June '24

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Why does my mind feel clear and I got tap water up my nose is my mind feeling clear a symptom of the brain eating amoeba?

Male | 15

Getting tap wate­r in your nose won't give you brain-eating amoe­ba. When water ente­rs through nostrils, it brings sensation of mental clarity due to te­mperature differe­nce. However, that amoe­ba is very uncommon, causing severe­ signs like intense he­adaches, fever, and disorie­ntation. Avoid letting water ente­r the nose, especially in warm fre­shwater regions. But fee­ling refreshed afte­r accidental nasal water entry doe­sn't indicate the presence­ of that frightening amoeba.

Answered on 25th July '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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Headache in brain and negative feelings

Male | 26

You may get headache from many factors: stress and dehydration among them. Intense feelings may lead to other headaches, for example, anxiety and depressions. Talking to experts is important to help you identify the cause and get the proper treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 48 years old and suffering from carpal tunnel from past 6 years. Earlier problem was not so much but now I am feeling numbness in my right hand while writing or doing any particular work. Should I go for surgery? Is there any physiotherapy after surgery and after how long I can do writing work as I am a teacher

Female | 48

You should go for surgery if your symptoms are very severe and make it difficult for you to do your everyday activities. Yes, after surgery, physiotherapy is done for better flexibility and strength. When can you resume writing and other work depends on the type of surgery you had and other things. It is important to listen to your doctor and start writing only after consulting him. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm from the country and all waste water accumulates in a septic tank. My parents don't usually call that truck home to dump the contents, they take care of it by dumping all the liquid in their own garden on a corn crop. Indeed, we do not actually eat the corn, but we do eat the rest of the nearby plants. But the birds they have, and from which we consume the eggs, consume some of that corn. I am very concerned about my physical health, especially my brain, and my fear is that I may have ingested substances from detergents/toothpaste over time, such as fluoride, which I know is neurotoxic, or other strong substances, etc. . . The usual analyzes always turned out fine for me. I drew their attention to these things and they told me that there are other people who do the same thing and apparently nothing happened. Should I worry/do something about it? I'm thinking that maybe those substances in the detergents and everything that gets there affect the nervous system, the brain. The plants in the garden show no signs of damage, probably because the detergents contain substances similar to fertilizers. Also, I'm wondering if from the feces, if some guest is infected with some parasite, and they then end up on the soil, can I also get them through the plants and affect components of my SN? Does all this accumulate in them? I can't stop eating food/eggs from home because I just started college, I have 6 more years until I can choose what and when to eat, have my own salary. I was thinking that for my own peace of mind, I would have a brain MRI this year to make sure everything is ok, as well as the usual urine test, which he can arrange for from the GP. Do you think it's okay?

Male | 18

While it's natural to worry, it's unlikely that the small amount of substances from detergents or toothpaste in the water would cause significant harm to your brain. Eating the food grown in the garden is generally safe, as plants can filter out harmful substances. It's encouraging to know that your health reports are okay. Getting a brain MRI and urine test for peace of mind is a proactive step, and it's okay to do. 

Answered on 11th Sept '24

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I have nuero mylities optica NMO DISEASE, is nmo disease affect pregnancy???

Female | 26

NMO disease is an illness that damages the spinal cord and the optic nerves. During pregnancy, NMO can have diverse effects on an individual. Some may see an improvement in symptoms, while others might experience worsening. This issue is so far unresearched, and we still haven’t got concrete answers to how childbirth affects NMO. Discuss any worries with your doctor to keep yourself and your baby safe.

Answered on 14th June '24

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Hi what causes fatigue , chest pain , pressure in my head , weakness in my left arm and leg , irregular heartbeat , I have bad dental and a lump at the base of my skull , low blood pressure

Female | 30

From what you describe, carotid artery dise­ase could be causing your issues. This condition blocks blood ve­ssels in your neck. It can lead to tire­dness, chest discomfort, head pre­ssure, and left arm/leg we­akness. The irregular he­artbeat, poor dental health, and skull base­ lump may relate. Reduce­d blood flow from the blockage could cause low blood pre­ssure. To properly address this, se­eking medical evaluation and tre­atment is vital.

Answered on 26th July '24

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Head pain problems back said too painful my self

Male | 36

Your head hurts and your back too. This can be a result of nervousness, worry, and you might not even notice your sitting or looking at a screen. Give yourself time to walk around, stretch, and perform relaxation methods. You can also apply a warm compress to the painful areas and exercise walking Somewhat slow, easy walking, and jogging are also good for the body. And if the pain is still there, let a specialist examine it.

Answered on 26th Dec '24

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