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Female | 23

How can I treat earwax buildup at home?

I cant hear properly for last 7 days (left ear) I think, its because of heavy ear wax. I once had this problem. So i guessed it. Now what should i do?

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

Ear wax buildup blocks sound. That could explain he­aring trouble. You hear worse in one­ ear. Also, ear fullness, and discomfort too. Try e­ar drops first, and soften the wax. If that doesn't work, see an ENT specialist. The­y can remove the wax safely.

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Questions & Answers on "Ent Surgery" (297)

What is pansinusitis? Normal or not?

Male | 55

Pansinusitis pertains to a condition that involves all the paranasal sinuses, according to inflamed sinuses, which is most often a result of an infection, an allergy, or nasal polyps. Common symptoms include face pressure or pain, congestion, a decreased sense of smell, and a thick nasal discharge. Although the presence of these symptoms is a quite natural thing, one should ask a doctor if they remain as such or become worse. The treatment generally consists of decongestants, nasal sprays, and eventual antibiotics. Additionally, keeping oneself well hydrated and using a humidifier can be supportive of the recovery process. If still you have any issues, talk to a healthcare provider. 

Answered on 26th Dec '24

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Heavy Tonsillitis and headache and cold cough and fever

Male | 27

Tonsillitis is caused by both viruses and bacteria. To feel better, you need to get adequate sleep, drink lots of fluids, and use over-the-counter painkillers. It is good to try gargling with warm salt water as well to relieve the sore throat. Severe or unbearable symptoms then visit a healthcare professional. 

Answered on 26th Nov '24

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I have stuffy and runny nose since 3 weeks, have been using decongestants that provided some relief, but since last 3 days it is worse, continues runny nose all day, at the same time the nose is stuffy and heavy. Mucus from runny nose is mostly clear. In the morning I might cough out some yellow mucus.

Female | 37

You may have sinusitis or a sinus infection. Stuffy and runny nose with clear mucus are common symptoms of sinusitis. The yellow mucus that you cough up in the morning is a sign that it may be bacterial. To relieve congestion, try applying a warm compress across your face and seek medical attention for further assessment.

Answered on 6th June '24

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I am a 54 yr old female . I got tinnitus and earache last year. The earache remains, stinging, sharp deep pain every day. No infections seen or other symptoms. I only got a clicking jaw this week. Ear was cleaned of excess fluid and was neurotic last year. I had been given lots ear drops over mths as thought was infections but consultant told me no infections. I think it may me nerve pain. Pain relief don't help much. What can I do to relieve the stinging, burning feeling

Female | 54

The like­ly cause of this is nerve pain. Pills for othe­r pains won't help this. You need to se­e a ENT specialist who deals with ne­rve pain. They will find the right tre­atment for you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Kon sa hospital ent children ke liye best hai

Male | 12

You can visit us if you are in the Bangalore location.

Answered on 11th June '24

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I'm having nasal congestion, and there is swelling on septum wall deep in nose become of allergy

Male | 24

You appear to be coping with nasal congestion and your nose is swollen due to allergies. A situation when your body reacts to things like pollen and dust may cause your nose to feel stuffy, while the inside of your nose may get swollen. This may block the airways, thus making it difficult to breathe. You can try saline nasal spray to clear your nose and avoid things that trigger your allergies. If it continues, you should visit an allergist who will assist you in finding a suitable treatment for your allergies.

Answered on 19th Nov '24

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Answered on 22nd July '24

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