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Male | 18

Why Does My Inner Muscle Contract Causing Chest Pain?

i have severe chest pain and my inner muscle contracts and forms a hole on my upper breast area but it relaxed to normal

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

You see­m to have intense che­st agony and muscle spasms creating a hole ne­ar your chest. These indications could come­ from angina, where your heart lacks blood. Re­lax, breathe dee­ply, remain calm. If pain worsens or continues, imme­diately visit the closest hospital for urge­nt care.

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Questions & Answers on "Heart" (206)

I am 41 years of old,male, I am feeling chest pain for many days, having bp of 150/100, now left arm pain ,back pain light headache is coming and going, consult doctor taken ECG carried out blood test telling that no problem,because of High BP you have this problem, but pain is consistent, what to do

Male | 41

Get 2D echo, TMT done. Consult a cardiologist.. Dr Dhananjay Zutshi, cardiologist. 9855844417.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have problem tht .some times my heart beat start running fast . I feared that I will die I become restless . It started sweating. My whole body become cold . I saw to a psychtharist who told me it panic attack . And started medicines . When a episode again came i saw a physician who did my ECG and found my pulse rate 176 he said it is PSVT . He started medicines what i do . I m very confused . What is it whom i believe . And what I do . Pls help .


Thanks for your query
"As" per your clinical history is concerned please attach your report -(CBC,ECG,TSH) to confirm diagnosis.

Hope that helps,
Dr sahoo (9937393521)

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi doctor my name is Lakshmi Gopinath I have two hand pain and heart pain in two side.what is the solution.

Female | 23

These signs may indicate a condition known as angina which occurs when the heart muscle does not receive enough oxygen. This results in discomfort or pressure around the chest; it may also radiate down the arm, up into the neck or back. If these are the symptoms you’re experiencing, then it’s important to get medical help right away because angina could mean that there is something wrong with your heart. Treatment options for angina include medicines, and lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet, and getting regular exercise; sometimes surgery or other procedures might be necessary too if they can help improve blood flow to the heart. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi Doc, My name is Bobby Sarraf, i am having headache, high BP, sweating, Breathlessness, pain in top back of left shoulder.

Female | 49

Your symptoms can indicate a high blood pressure that causes headaches, sweating and shortness of breath. The pain in the back of your left shoulder is muscular strain. Yet, one should consider the visit of a doctor maybe cardiologist to uncover any substantial underlying conditions and receive appropriate treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I m 37 my left hand is paining form past 1 week the upper side of my chest is also paining I had consult doctor and had done E.C.G for two times but the report is normal but pain is still continue in the same manner doctor had given medicine and had told to use and see for a month.

Female | 37

It is possible that a more serious underlying condition causes the pain that you are experiencing. For this reason, it is important that you continue to follow up with your doctor to ensure that the pain is not caused by something more serious. Your doctor may recommend further testing, such as an MRI or CT scan, to better understand the cause of your pain. It is also important to watch for any other symptoms that may have developed since the pain began, such as shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chest pain, or palpitations. These symptoms may indicate a more serious problem.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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my clestrol level is 218 and it is on borderline, should i take medicine, if i should take medicine, suggest me medicine

Male | 46

you should seek the opinion of a cardiologist on any such issues concerning your cholesterol levels. If you have an overall good health and medical history, the doctor might prescribe medication for your levels to decrease. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have pain in my chest but x-ray and blood test, and mucus test are okay. What can happen to me?

Male | 21

Experiencing chest pain despite normal X-rays, blood tests, and mucus tests can have several possible explanations. It might be related to musculoskeletal issues, anxiety, acid reflux, or other respiratory conditions not easily detected by these initial tests. If the pain is related to heart issues, a cardiologist may be recommended for a more specialized evaluation.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What would it take for me to be able to have a lead pellet removed from the lymph node so rounding the main aorta of your heart. With MRI results show ing to be a sixteenth of an inch from said aorta. The incident had happened in the summer of 1998. I'll be 40 in a couple of months. I'm sick of being afraid to breathe.

Male | 39

I know you are worried about the lead pellet that is close to your aorta. In such situations, only a specialist can determine the best course of action. The closeness to such a life-saving place is really indeed severe. Chest pain, breathing problems, or exhaustion are some of the symptoms to look for. Seeking medical help right away is vital for a proper assessment and the recommendation of treatment options.

Answered on 20th Aug '24

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Should someone be concerned if their doctor states in their file after an echocardiogram that "a left superior vena cava is not present"? Is this a good or bad thing?

Male | 5

The absence of a left superior vena cava is a rare anatomical variation where the vein is not located in its usual position. It is generally considered a normal variant and not inherently good or bad. While it usually doesn't cause health issues, it can bring challenges during certain medical procedures.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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