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Other | 32

Delayed Period After Abortion: Normal or Concerning

im 32 in july i was 2-3 weeks pregnant but i decided to terminate the pregnancy so i went to my doctor and he gave me the abortion pill after taking the pill i bleed for 6 days after that i was good then my breast was rather sensitive i consulted my doctor and he said it was normal i started back feeling normal but i notice my period has not return after 8 weeks i took a tet and it said positive i consulted my doctor again and she told me its normal i still have pregnancy hormones, i still have not seen my period and i took another test and it is positive but i am still concern what are your advice

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

It's normal to have pregnancy hormones after taking an abortion pill... Don't worry if your test is positive after 8 weeks... But as you are concerned bcz of persistant positive result, Consult your doctor for thorogh examination like Blood tests and USG

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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4863)

Good morning pls am two weeks pregnant and I want to remove it how will I do it

Female | 25

If you're looking to terminate pregnancy then it's imp that you consult a professional for guidance based on your circumstances. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How late is to late to get a accurate pregnancy test

Female | 30

If you ask when is it too late to do a pre­gnancy test and get the right answers, he­re is the info. Most home pre­gnancy tests work best when you miss your pe­riod. Waiting too long may make results wrong. If you fee­l signs like a missed period, sick, sore­ breasts, and peeing a lot, it is be­st not to wait long to do the test for the right results.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Did BHCG 35 days after intercourse and the result is 2. I have irregular menstrual cycle and never know when it will come. 25 days after last intercourse, I had 3-4 days light bleeding with brown discharge. Yesterday did Clearblue test (almost 2 months after sex), not first urine, and it came back negative. Is pregnancy definitely ruled out? I don't feel any symptoms except gingivitis.

Female | 28

A blood hCG test is a sensitive test that can detect pregnancy earlier than most urine pregnancy tests. A result of 2 mIU/mL is considered negative for pregnancy. Consult your doctor if you are still concerned.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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i am 20 years old and since day before yesterday i am feelinh itchy down there with a certain type of bad odour which is unusual to me. all this things happened after i washed it with soap. the smell has decreased but itchiness is making me uncomfortable.

Female | 20

It's common to experience discomfort and unusual symptoms after changing your personal hygiene routine. Itching and an unusual smell can result from irritation or an imbalance in the natural flora of the area, often exacerbated by soaps or products that disrupt pH levels. To alleviate irritation, consider rinsing with water and avoiding further soap use in that area. Wearing breathable cotton underwear can also help. If symptoms persist or worsen, I highly recommend consulting a healthcare professional. They can provide a thorough evaluation and appropriate treatment to ensure your comfort and wellbeing.

Answered on 10th Feb '25

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I wanna know if I'm pregnant or not?

Female | 23

To confirm about pregnancy please take a home pregnancy test as it is also very reliable.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Problem: my period is delayed by 3 days Brief history: last period on 10th April... Last sexual activity 16th Or 17th of April... Tried with norethisterone ip tablet to get period taken two doses of it yday night and today morning after having meal.. And trying with ginger tea since 3 days to get periods... But not happening instead I got acne at regular time of period... Also felt cramp for 1-2 time

Female | 20

It's common for menstrual cycles to vary occasionally in length, and a delay of a few days is not a serious issue always. Norethisterone is usually prescribed to delay periods, but if you've taken the medicine and still haven't got periods then consult your doctor. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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