Female | 82
In 2020 ultrasound showed a complex ovarian cyst on one ovary measuring 3cm. The other cyst was normal. There was followup after three months with u-s and mri that showed no increase in size. No further follow ups. I read that complex cysts are at risk for malignancy, particularly for older women, and require monitoring. Wouldn’t that mean every six to twelve months? So my other questions are if EVERY complex cyst should have monitoring? And is it recommended to have oophorectomy and possibly hysterectomy assuming good health with no preexisting conditions? Thank you.

Answered on 23rd May '24
Complex ovarian cysts can have a risk of malignancy and usually require monitoring. Whether to undergo oophorectomy or hysterectomy should be based on the characteristics of the cyst, overall health, and personal preferences. You must consider what your doctor suggests.
36 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Cancer" (367)
I am 75 yr old and I have recently discover that I have pancreatic cancer . Because of my age I want to go for an easier treatment like targetted treatment for cancer which doesnot include needles and surgery and chemo
Female | 75
Pancreatic cancer is a terrible sickness. It may give you symptoms such as stomach aches, weight loss, and jaundice. Cancer is a condition that occurs when cells in the body grow too much. For treatment, targeted therapy might be an option. It can fight cancer with no needles or surgery. You should talk to an oncologist for more details.
Answered on 3rd Sept '24
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I want to get treatment in Tata Memorial ,Kolkata. it is free of cost or How much maximum amount should I have to get full treatment of stage 1 skin cancer?
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My nephew has a form of cancer in the form of a lump above the rib cage, which has now affected his lung. Is there a cure for this type of cancer? The doctors said that he needs marrow so what you think please answer me quickly.
Male | 12
Without knowing more about the type and stage of cancer he has, it's difficult to say much about his particular case. Bone marrow transplantation is done to treat some types of cancer, particularly those that affect the blood and bone marrow, like leukemia and lymphoma. So if the doctors have said so, you must follow. If yoou're cncerned you may take a second opinion from oncologists in India.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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can lymphoma cause erectile dysfunction?
Male | 41
Lymphoma can cause erectile dysfunction in some cases. This may occur due to the cancer itself, or as a side effect of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. It is important to discuss any sexual dysfunction with your doctor to determine the underlying cause and potential treatment options.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My father has secondary liver cancer and his condition is deteriorating every day. We can't see him like this. Please advise the next course of action.
Male | 61
Secondary liver cancer where is the primary. After the PETCT whole body and biopsy further decision to be made
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Before my father had a chest wall tumour surgery, the report indicated spindle cell sarcoma,grade3 ,9.4cm on the chest wall. The resection margin is close to the tumour ,pathologic stage 2. They advised immunohistochemistry for futher definitive categorization of tumour. What treatments do you suggest?
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello, my aunt was diagnosed with a brain tumor after a bad fall on December 31st. We were advised that surgery would be impossible due to her age and other considerations and she would be unable to undergo chemo, therefore she will be treated solely with steroids. We are not sure about this hence would like to go for a second opinion. She has diabetes also. We are from Kolkata.
Please consult medical oncologist so that he can prescribe you proper line of treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Three years back I was diagnosed with Colon cancer and treated for that. I was cancer-free after the treatment. But recently, I had to do a CT scan for a non-cancer purpose and then the doctor said there is a spot. So he asked me to have some other tests. Then one tumor was discovered during the PET scan, it's a new one. It's a particularly aggressive malignancy, and I'm losing a significant portion of my liver. And I'll have to go through chemo once more. I feel numb to thinking about the trauma I have to go through again. Can you please help with a doctor for a second opinion?
Male | 38
You need to consult a medical oncologist so that he can guide you for the proper treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My wife has gone through stage 2nd Stage of breast cancer in 2019 and operated on the right breast. Then went through 12 cycles of chemotherapy. According to the reports, Doctors said she is now cancer free. But we are very confused as we are asked to visit hospital every year for check ups. We are in a dilemma now. She is still very weak and has not overcome the hassle yet. Is there any chance of regrowing cancer? Is that what the doctor suspected and asked for a checkup every year?
Even after complete treatment of cancer there is remote chance of recurrence or cancer coming back . This is the reason that patient has to be on regular check up with oncologist to detect any recurrence early.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hi, I want to know about Palliative Chemotherapy. Recently, my aunt was suggested this treatment by her Oncologist when she was diagnosed with 3rd stage Pancreatic Cancer. I wanted to know if this is a specific stage-based treatment or is it given for all kinds of cancer?
Palliative chemotherapy is a treatment that is designed for terminal cancer patients to prolong their survival and ease symptoms of cancer, but does not cure disease. It can be administered in a variety of ways with the most common being:
- Orally: Pills taken by mouth.
- Intravenously (IV): Infused through a vein.
- Topically: Applied to the skin.
Consult Cancer Treatment doctors in Mumbai, or any city nearer to you. Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My name is Deval and I am from Amreli. My sister in law has been diagnosed with liver cancer. Every member of our family is traumatized. Please suggest a good hospital near our location.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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There is 19 months old girl from Ethiopia. Diagnosed with Hepatoblastoma. Completed 5 cycles of chemo. Referred abroad for surgical resection and possible liver transplant. We are planning to take her to India. Where is the best surgical oncology center in India? How much it will cost us? What is your advice? Thank you!
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My father is suffering from cancer. He has esophagus stage 4 and lungs also affected . Now blockage are increasing and able to take liquids only. He is able to roam little bit. We are taking some ayurvedic medicine which are not working well. what are the options we have to treat him. Can we go chemotherapy to control disease.
Male | 74
Menstruation Disorders: Symptoms, Causes & More
Menstruation disorders – the menstrual cycle (menstruation) is a condition indicating a change in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. This disorder occurs in almost all women, the cause of their development can be both physiological and pathological disorders.
Before treating menstruation disorders, it is important to undergo a series of examinations, the results of which will help the doctor determine the main etiological factor and prescribe the necessary therapy.
Causes of menstruation disorders
The main cause of menstrual irregularities is considered to be hormonal dysfunction in women, which entails an unstable manifestation of bleeding. This condition can be conditionally divided into 3 main groups:
- Physiological – climate change, frequent nervous overstrain, inappropriate nutrition, menopause
- Pathological – gynecological diseases, chronic pathologies of internal organs and systems that have a negative impact on the work of the pelvic organs
- Medication – taking hormonal contraceptives, glucocorticoids, anticoagulants, anticonvulsants that can affect the menstrual cycle.
Violation of menstruation in women after 40 years is most often associated with age- related changes in the reproductive system. At this age, the depletion of the ovarian follicular reserve occurs, and the frequency of anovulatory cycles increases. Such changes in the female body are initially caused by irregular periods, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, then menopause.
In young girls, menstruation disorders is often associated with uneven maturation of the hypothalamic-pituitary and ovarian systems. Less commonly, congenital or acquired syndromes, chromosomal disorders, or reproductive system abnormalities can be the cause. Regardless of the cause, the treatment of the failure of menstruation should be carried out under the guidance of a gynecologist.
Symptoms of menstruation disorders
Depending on the etiological factor, menstrual irregularities can manifest themselves in different ways, therefore, a classification of clinical manifestations has been derived in gynecology, including:
- Algodismenorrhea – accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, nausea, headaches, menstruation failure
- Dysmenorrhea – an unstable cycle, manifests itself sharply without accompanying symptoms
- Hypermenorrhea – profuse flow of menstruation with a normal duration
- Menorrhagia – the cycle lasts up to 12 days with profuse bleeding
- Hypomenorrhea – scanty spotting
- Polymenorrhea – the interval between menstruation is not more than 21 days
- Oligomenorrhea – short periods with a duration of 1 – 2 days
- Opsomenorrhea – rare discharge at intervals of 1 time in 3 months.
In addition to the main clinical signs, there may be other symptoms that worsen a woman’s well-being and quality of life:
- Increased fatigue
- Irritability
- Decrease or increase in body weight
- Pain in the lower back or lower abdomen of varying intensity
- Nausea
- Frequent headaches, migraines.
All of the above symptoms should not be ignored by the doctor, who, after the results of the examination, will be able to determine the cause, make the correct diagnosis, choose the necessary therapy, and give recommendations.
How and what to treat
When a woman has a menstrual disorder, the doctor will necessarily prescribe a number of instrumental and laboratory tests:
- Ultrasound
- Histological analysis
- Colposcopy
- Flora smear
- Dad test
- Analysis of blood, urine
- Infectious screening.
The research results will help the doctor get a complete picture, determine the cause, and, if necessary, select drug therapy.
Treatment for menstrual irregularities directly depends on the cause, concomitant symptoms and characteristics of the patient’s body. If physiological reasons are the cause, it is enough to normalize the regime of the day and rest, monitor nutrition, and avoid physical and psychological stress.
When the cycle is disrupted due to infections, inflammatory processes of the ovaries, antibacterial drugs, uroseptics, hormonal drugs, physiotherapy, vitamin therapy are prescribed. Herbal medicine is prescribed as an aid. The choice of any drug always remains with the attending physician, who will select the required dose and duration of administration.
To regulate menstruation, doctors often advise to follow a diet, to exclude contact with any provoking factors. If the failure of menstruation occurs due to damage to the cervix, the woman may be prescribed surgical treatment.
Treatment and Prevention Tips
In order to avoid menstrual irregularities, doctors in the field of gynecology recommend women and girls to monitor their health, not to self-medicate. Every woman must follow certain rules, as well as have the necessary information:
- Girls’ periods should begin at the age of 10-14 years
- Keep a menstrual calendar
- Visit a gynecologist at least once every 6 months
- Timely treat all gynecological diseases
- Not to self-medicate, uncontrolled intake of medications
- Balance the menu
- Lead an active and healthy lifestyle.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 45 year old woman.my hysterectomy occurs 1july 2024. Endometriod adenocarceno figa 1 found in my reports . Please suggest me how I deal with this situation.
Female | 45
A cancer disease that can attack the cells of the uterus is endometrioid adenocarcinoma. Typical symptoms include odd bleeding, which happens, don't remember any episodes of having this kind of bleeding pain in the area specified and changes in your period. The main factor responsible for the disease is unknown, but hormonal changes may be one of the causes for it. The treatment includes surgical, chemical, and radiation as the possible resolution. It's important to follow the advice of a oncologist.
Answered on 31st July '24
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Hello sir i have 4 year old son and he has pinio blastoma tumor can we give him immunotherapy and what is the success rate of immunotherapy and what will be its cost
Male | 4
Your son got diagnosed with pineoblastoma, a brain tumor type. This affects mostly kids. Headaches, throwing up, eye issues, and feeling wobbly happen. Immunotherapy may help his immune system against the tumor. It works sometimes but not always. Side effects exist too, and costs matter. Your son's oncologist knows best about this treatment option.
Answered on 2nd July '24
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In November I was diagnosed with two lumps in my breast and under my armpit in the lymph nodes, grade 2 cancer. Shared this news only with my elder sister. I am terrified. I am only 29 yrs. Please suggest a reputed doctor in Guwahati and give me an approximate idea of the cost of treatment.
Female | 29
please consult surgeon after truct biopsy send these test -ER,PR,Her-2neu,Ki-67 test perform whole body PETCT.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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What is the AML blood cancer and is it very serious issue and what exact treatmnet it requires to get recovered?
Male | 45
It's a type of blood cancer that affects the bone marrow and blood cells. It is considered a serious and aggressive form of leukemia. Treatment aims to achieve remission, which means having no signs of leukemia in the blood and bone marrow. The treatment plan includes chemotherapy, stem cell transplant, targeted therapy, and supportive care. Recovery chances vary based on individual factors,
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Food pipe Cancer is safaring lase 1 month's
Female | 63
If someone is experiencing issues with their food pipe, it could indicate a serious problem. Symptoms like difficulty swallowing, pain, and unexplained weight loss may be signs of esophageal (food pipe) cancer, especially if these symptoms are new or unusual. This condition occurs when cells in the food pipe grow abnormally. It’s essential to see an oncologist for an evaluation. They can perform tests to identify the issue and recommend the best course of treatment.
Answered on 8th Nov '24
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Badly i need a good suggestion for my father who is affected in a brain tumor.Some of Doctors suggested me to operation or some are not.In this situation i Don't understand what can i do.
Male | 55
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am detected with rectum cancer . I have a tumor at the tip of my anus and doctor has advised a surgery colostomy. I have got a PET SCAN done. The conclusion report of the pet scan says The known hypermetabolic primary rectal neoplasm involving mid and lower rectum. Small sized mesenteric, mesorectal and presacral lymph nodes with no significant FDG activity. Otherwise, no hypermetabolic distant metatases. I would like to know What stage is my cancer in? 1. What will be my lifetime changes after doing this surgery? 2. Is it safe to come to India during this time (COVID pendamic) to do the surgery? ( I stay out of India) 3. How long do I have to be in the hospital and in India for after care treatment ? 4. Will I need a radiation after my surgery? 5. What will be the total cost of my surgery? 6. I would like to get an appointment at your hospital for the surgery. Kindly guide me with my queries.and let me know when can I get an appointment in your hospital.
Male | 60
Oncologist can determine stage after clinical examination and reviewing of the pet scan images. he will need more details to stage the patient .
Answered on 23rd May '24
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