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Male | 22

Persistent eye twitching causes and remedies

Lagatar ankh fadak rahi hai dono

1 Answer
Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon

Answered on 29th Aug '24

Eye twitche­s can happen for different re­asons. Stress, fatigue, and too much caffeine­ can cause this issue. To find relie­f, try relaxing, getting proper sle­ep, and limiting caffeine intake­. Additionally, eye strain may contribute to twitching. Taking bre­aks from screens and using warm compresse­s could help. However, if the­ twitching persists or becomes bothe­rsome, it's recommende­d to consult an eye doctor.

87 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Eye" (195)

I am from pakistan there is blood in my left eye

Male | 38

If there is blood in your left eye, then it is a symptom of a severe eye condition. I highly recommend you to see an ophthalmologist who can make a correct diagnosis and treatment without delay. Do not postpone seeking for medical help or risk losing your vision.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi ..I am forty-eight years old... Can I have LASIK to correct my vision... ??

Male | 48

Lasik eligibility depends on having a stable vision, eye health, and corneal thickness. At age 48, it's essential to consult an eye care specialist to determine if lasik is suitable for you. Other vision correction options like implantable lenses can be considered if Lasik isn't recommended.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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She has a eye pressure rate 26-27

Female | 15

An eye pressure between 26-27 is a bit higher than the normal. This can be the first indicator of a disorder named glaucoma. Nevertheless, these signs may be related to decreased vision, eye pain, or no symptoms. Excessive eye pressure is the cause of visual impairment; therefore, an eye examination is essential. The course of action generally includes using eye drops or surgery to reduce pressure levels and keep your sight safe.

Answered on 12th July '24

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Eye Related issue , I want to ask about my eye shape

Male | 20

It is best to approach an ophthalmologist if you have any doubts about your eye shape. They can give you a proper diagnosis and advice based on your unique medical history.

Answered on 9th Sept '24

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I’m wondering if eyeglasses are needed while my right eye is 20/30 and my left eye is 20/25, but both are 20/20 and my right eye suffers from recurrent corneal erosion.

Male | 27

Both your eyes are mostly fine. A corneal erosion can be dangerous and cause pain and sensitivity to light. Even if you have perfect eyesight, you may need to wear special glasses that will protect your eye from an even greater injury. These glasses can be used to stop more erosions from happening. 

Answered on 7th Oct '24

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The Doctor has prescribed me glasses with a degree of +0.75 ... I don't feel comfortable for this , I think this degree of glasses is too much. what do you think sir. I will wear glasses for the first time. I am very busy at the computer these days. If I wear glasses, depending on the degree of glasses I thought it was too much, will my eye problems progress over time...

Male | 44

Wearing wrong glasses causes only discomfort and eyestrains.If you have any doubt it is better to go for a second opinion. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 13 year old , I have problem on eye down infection

Male | 13

It seems that you could develop a disease known as “lower eye infection”. Symptoms may feature including redness, swelling, and discharge from the eye. It is usually the case that bacteria get to the eye when it fails to respond well. For the infection, clean the eye with warm water and then, if your doctor prescribes them, use antibiotic eye drops. Always wash those hands so viruses stay away and do not spread the infection.

Answered on 26th Aug '24

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