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Female | 35

Why do I have severe sharp pain in my feet fingers with ESR 90mm, CRP 6.7 mg/l, Haemoglobin 9.6, and WBC 14,000?

My ESR is 90mm ,CRP is 6.7 mg/l Haemoglobin 9.6,WBC14,000 Having severe sharp pain in the feet fingers

Answered on 23rd May '24

According to your test results and symptoms; your body may be dealing with inflammation. I suggest that you should get evaluated and treated by a rheumatologist now. A rheumatologist is a specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to joints, muscles, and bones. 

79 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

I woke up sick and I don't know what it is or what to do about it. My symptoms are sore throat (painful, especially when swallowing), runny nose, and frequent random stomach aches. This began yesterday morning and I think I am getting worse today.

Female | 117

It SOUNDS like you have a common cold. Rest and hydrate.. Over-the-counter medicine can help . CONTACT a doctor if symptoms worsen or don't improve in a few days. Remember to DRINK plenty of fluids and get plenty of REST.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My mother age 53 yrs she suffering chills,and feaver last 2 hours how to take precaution that cure's

Male | 35

Infections are fought by the body when it has chills and a fever. Let her know to keep warm by drinking lots of water and resting with blankets while taking acetaminophen if she has a temperature. If more than 24 hours pass without relief or other symptoms show up, make sure that she gets checked out by someone who works in healthcare. 

Answered on 22nd June '24

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My friend take 100mg Seroquel without Prescription and alcohol and pass out. Should I worry?

Male | 40

Yes, you should be concerned if your friend is using Seroquel (Quetiapine) without a prescription and drinking alcohol. This pair can cause severe adverse reactions that include dizziness, confusion difficulty in breathing, and even coma.He needs emergency medical treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Does height supplements will work for me, I am a 14 year old boy.Iam currently 5.2 feet and my father's height is 5.2 feet and mother's height is 4.8 feet. I have hit puberty early like 11 or 12. Can I grow to 5.7 feet with daily exercises and necessary food

Male | 14

So, I would refer you to a pediatric endocrinologist for a thorough evaluation of your chances of reaching the normal height. But exercise and a good diet are vital for growth, the use of height supplements is not recommended showing that they are not effective. The specialist can suggest a combination of other interventions that best suits you in terms of your needs and potential growth.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Smoker addictive for few years

Male | 17

Cigarette addiction is strong because of the nicotine that smokes contain. You may be irritable, anxious, and have strong urges to smoke when you try to quit smoking. This is quite natural as your body is used to nicotine. The best strategy for smoking cessation is the aid of family, friends, or even a support group. You could also consult a healthcare provider who would be able to provide you with techniques you could use to quit successfully. 

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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can i know exact location

Female | 27

Clinic Address Dr Aparna More’s Health Bliss Clinic , A2-Shop no 4, Highland Gardens, Dhokali , Thane west, 400607

Answered on 10th July '24

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Can i smoke when i have typhoid? I am stable now and not getting any fever. I am going through injection course and it ends today.

Male | 19

It's better if you refrain from smoking immediately after recovering.. Let your body heal as smoking can weaken your immune system more.

Answered on 13th June '24

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I am 33 Male. Since few months I am noticing, I feel feverish in the morning when I wake up and at night, when I am about to sleep. Nose are not block, but sill cough symptoms are there. I feel tried for entire day as well. I am very much worried if it is indicating towards HIV? Because I have been seeing this symptoms on internet and also took clinical help from a local doctor, so he said blood test, although I am not able to read full, but I can see it's written ICTC. Why it is written ICTC there? :( I am a virgin, I am very much worried. Please help me.

Male | 33

The feverish feeling, cough, and fatigue you're experiencing could stem from various causes, such as infections or allergies. ICTC refers to Integrated Counselling and Testing Centre, which is where HIV tests are often conducted. It's great that you're seeking help. Since you've seen a doctor, it's vital to follow through with the recommended blood tests for clarity. These tests will provide more information and help rule out any serious conditions. Continue to prioritize your health, and don't hesitate to contact a healthcare professional for guidance and support.

Answered on 11th Jan '25

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My mom is having high and low fever since 3 days and the symptoms are fever chills nausea headache bodypain

Female | 45

Your mom's symptoms may re­sult from flu or bacterial infection. Rest, stay hydrated, and eat light me­als. If symptoms persist or worsen, see­k medical attention. This ensure­s proper care and recove­ry. High fevers with body aches ofte­n indicate illness requiring profe­ssional treatment. 

Answered on 1st July '24

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I wanted know my medicine prescription correctly

Male | 63

Each prescription addresses specific symptoms, which could range from pain relief to managing chronic conditions. Causes underlying these symptoms can vary widely, from infections to long-term health issues. Always take your medications as directed and discuss any side effects or concerns with your healthcare provider. Regular follow-ups can ensure that your treatment remains effective and tailored to your needs. If you have lingering questions or uncertainties, it’s wise to reach out to a medical professional for clarification. 

Answered on 8th Jan '25

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I experience hot flashes, dizziness and body weakness too often

Female | 24

Consultation with a healthcare provider is necessary to establish the etiology. A gynecologist can be of assistance with the menopausal symptoms while a general physician can determine other conditions causing those signs.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi. How to reduce uric acid levels. Any tablet. My uric acid levels is 7.2 (range:

Male | 43

This range is quite high and serious. The first step to lowering uric acid levels is to exclude high purine foods like red meat and sea foods and alcohol. Eating a diet with whole-grain cereals and foods rich in vitamin C could be much more effective. Please see a specialist for prescription

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Koi adami 2 ya more than 2 injection ko mix kr ke oral hi pi le tho kya hoga

Male | 20

Consuming or drinking more than 2 injection mixtures is quite harmful. It can lead to a variety of symptoms including stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and even difficulty in breathing. Such a situation occurs since the injections are specifically designed to be inserted into the body in a certain manner. If this happens, call the emergency services and get help right away. 

Answered on 25th July '24

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How can l stop the spread of dengue ??

Male | 25

Dengue­ is an illness mosquitoes spread. High fe­ver, headache, body pain, and rash are­ symptoms. Stop still water where mosquitoe­s breed. Use re­pellent, wear cove­rings. These can preve­nt mosquito bites, reducing the risk.

Answered on 26th July '24

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I have taken 8+ paracetamol in 24 hours. When I realised after the last two I threw up them 10 Mins after taking them. Will I be okay

Female | 26

Taking a high dose of paracetamol can be dangerous and harmful to your liver. Vomiting after taking medication may reduce the amount of the drug absorbed by your body, which can be a protective mechanism. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Symptoms: Headache, blocked nose, abdominal pain, sleepiness

Male | 17

The symptoms you've listed can be treated depending on their cause. For a headache, consider hydration, rest, and pain relievers. For a blocked nose, use saline spray and humidifiers. Abdominal pain may be relieved by rest, small meals, and consulting a doctor if severe. To combat sleepiness, ensure good sleep habits and moderate caffeine intake.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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