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Male | 65

My father is regularly complaining of one side tightness and uneasyness.

Answered on 23rd May '24

These symptoms should not be ignored.. It could be caused by underlying health issues, like muscle strain, nerve compression, cardiovascular problems, neurological conditions, or digestive problems. A doctor can conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the exact cause and provide appropriate treatment.

70 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1305)

My husband is an IV user and his left arm has a bunch of open sores and it's swollen and appears to be infected. 3 days ago he started to get b head aches but he refuses to see a doctor. Is there anything at home I can do for him

Male | 50

Your husband's arm is in a bad state. The open sores and swelling could be a sign of an infection. If he's also experiencing headaches, things could get worse. Infections can be spread quickly! At home, you can help by cleaning the sores gently with warm water and soap, then covering them with band-aids. But he should see a doctor as soon as possible because infections can be dangerous.

Answered on 7th Oct '24

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Sir I have been suffering from Nightfall/Wetdreams for 8-9 years.

Male | 28

If you are concerned about issues related to nightfall/wet dreams and their impact on your life, you can start by consulting with a general practitioner or a family medicine doctor. They can provide an initial assessment and refer you to a specialist if necessary.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Lukeoplakia in my inner side mouth

Male | 23

I would suggest you to see an oral surgeon or ENT specialist for a right identification of the condition. Leukoplakia is a white or grayish patch that forms in the tongue, mouth and gums. It may be due to irritants such as tobacco or alcohol. A professional can suggest the best treatments, based on how serious it is.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What is that cause of pain in the left hand side of the chest ?

Male | 50

The possible reasons for the pain in the left hand's chest side can vary and can be due to various disorders. A quite probable influence is the occurrence of gastric acid reflux which can be accompanied by discomfort and pain in that solitary region. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi. I am 28 years old male.. I have an issue which is giving me sleepless night. I had sexual intercourse with am old friend of mine (without using protection). 1 week after having sex with her, I start to feel sore throat, slight headache which later lead to swollen lymph nodes ( i have a slight Difficulty in breathing after having the lymph nodes) but no fever and rash. Went for test but i was HIV negative (the test was not up to 2 weeks after having all this symptoms). What can be the cause?

Male | 28

The symptoms you mentioned such as a sore throat, headache, and swollen glands can be signs of many things, not just HIV. It’s great that you took the test and even better that it came back negative. These signs are sometimes caused by an attack of virus or bacteria. It would be best if you went to see a doctor or other healthcare provider who will give you a proper diagnosis and prescribe medication for treatment. 

Answered on 30th Sept '24

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Hey, im 15 but one of my cats recently got sick and died, it was 34 days ago, i live in Tennessee kingsport, the cat recently doed and foamed at the mouth but 2 days before death he was drinking water and climbed into the water bowl, my grandother said it was because he was poisoned, shes seen poisoned cats before, amd ive not fwlt good for 5 weeks but my aunt said it was probably covid, shes a nurse and she asked a bunch if her doctor friends if they thought i had it and she said they laughed, so i can rule out rabies right? My indoor cat has been acting somewhat odd and he ate something feom me, but i only have 2 ranies symptoms that can also be caused by covid, fatigue and enlarged eyes, please give me good news, thank you

Female | 15

The foaming mouth sounds bad. Cats don't ge­t rabies if they're inside­. Poison may cause foaming. You should take your cat to the ve­t, to check what's wrong. I'm glad you're being care­ful about your health. If you feel unwe­ll, you should see a doctor too. It's smart to be safe­ about illness.

Answered on 19th July '24

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Assalamualaikum. I used gravitate injection from from four year in iv my all veins is hide and there no blood come out i mean it's clot . Doctor give me some advice because it made me very distrub. And im going to saudi . Im wory about my medical.

Male | 25

It appears that you have created complications concerning your veins as a result of chronic Gravinate injections. This can result in vein occlusion and other conditions. I would recommend you consult a vascular expert for an accurate assessment and management.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I was bitten by pet dog small scratches and one bite but no bleeding doctor recommended me 5 doses but staff nurse tell me no need 5 doses just 3 doses enough can 3 doses better for me? And one more question can eat nonveg during vaccination and can I take alcohol after complet course .and how many days to take alochol after vaccine

Male | 28

you should follow your doctor advise but if you are worried, you can have a second opinion also. Rabies can be fatal, and prompt treatment is crucial. So it is advisable to avoid alcohol for at least 48 hours after completing the full course of vaccinations.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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After abortion pills ...i have swelling and itchiness on legs and hands..should I take anti allergy pill

Female | 23

If you're experiencing swelling and itchiness in your legs and hands after taking abortion pills, it could be due to an allergic reaction. Do not take anti-allergy pills without consulting a doctor. Instead, seek medical advice promptly to assess the cause of your symptoms and receive appropriate treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Male | 30

Bedwetting is a problem that some people experience even in adulthood. It can be caused by reasons such as having a small bladder or not waking up when the bladder is full. In some cases, it happens because the body produces too much urine at night. To manage this, you can try limiting drinks before bedtime, setting an alarm to wake up and use the toilet during the night, or using a special bedwetting alarmTalk to a doctor, and they will help you with it.

Answered on 30th Aug '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have got into the habit of drinking Mountain Dew. How to stop it?

Male | 22

Drinking too many sugary drinks like Mountain Dew could lead to problems such as gaining weight, having decayed teeth, or even damaging your heart eventually. To quit, attempt changing over to water or other healthy beverages. Besides, reduce the quantity of Mountain Dew cans or bottles you buy so they are not easily accessible when needed most. 

Answered on 28th May '24

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10 days ago I started having diarrhea and cramps, I couldn’t explain why because I was careful with what I ate. During the first days it was bad I had to wake up early in the morning to go to the toilet. On 7th day I started doing the following: - drinking a lot of mint tea - taking 5 drops of liquid propolis every day - took a teaspoon of cocoa raw once - ate toast and bananas and soup and rice only - no sugar for 2 days - taking one Imodium once a day Now it is the 10th day since I have this problem. Compared to the beginning, I no longer have diarrhea that wakes me up. I only feel the need to go once a day but the stool is still a little too soft. The main issue is the stomach ache and cramps which seem to be stronger than in the beginning. Nauseous in the morning after eating breakfast but didn’t throw up. Otherwise I feel fine - full energy, no weakness, no dehydration. If it’s worth mentioning I have an irregular sleep schedule where I sleep at 4-5 AM and wake up around noon every day (still 7+ hours of sleep) I noticed that before this issue started, I did the following things the day before: - started eating sunflower seeds - started taking vitamin D - ate persimmons for the first time this year - ate Cadbury chocolate for the first time I stopped all of them on my 7th day

Male | 24

Considering your symptoms, you may have a gastrointestinal infection or food poison. you consultyour doctor to evaluate your symptoms and prescribe an appropriate treatment. In the interim, remain hydrated and stick to a bland diet.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I take anti depressants. Now I have high fever 100.5, can I take dolo 650 while being on anti depressants

Female | 24

Dolo 650 can help lower your te­mperature. It's a common feve­r med. Follow dosage instructions carefully. If fe­ver persists or new symptoms arise­, see a doctor. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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i have a sore throat, fever and muscle pain

Female | 16

According to your symptoms it could be a viral infection you're suffering from. A general practitioner or an ent specialist would be ideal for carrying out a thorough examination and diagnose your condition. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Rixol syrup এবং mebel ds tablet একসাথে খেলে কি প্রবলেম হবে?

Male | 18

There is a potential drug interaction between Rixol syrup and Mebel DS tablet when these two are administered together. It occasionally gives rise to symptoms such as discomfort of the stomach, nausea, and dizziness. It is best not to use them at the same time if this is not advised by a doctor. In the case when you notice any strange side effects after taking both of them, you should immediately stop and contact your physician for directions.

Answered on 30th Nov '24

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Diarrhoea, blood in stool, polymorph 74 in blood

Female | 42

Could be an Infective or Inflammatory diarrhoea. Needs treatment depending on other symptoms like fever, improving or worsening of diarhoea. Further Imaging of abdomen depending on patient condition. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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