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Male | 24

Can high-protein diet and creatine help CKD treatment?

My father is suffering from CKD stage V now my USG report is showing ADPKD MY question is i recently joined gym for my body transformation fat to fit for that goal i have to eat 2 grams per body weight of protein is it good for my kidney also i want to add creatine supplement can i add that supplement

1 Answer

Answered on 3rd July '24

The function of the kidneys worsens when you eat large amounts of protein, and the kidney problems become more severe. The extremely high rates of creatine supplements can make the kidneys unable to function properly. Before you start any regimen, consult with your doctor to figure out the best approach that is right for your body. 

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Questions & Answers on "Nephrology" (129)

My wife is on dialysis since dec 23,She is regular on dialysis machne thrice a week. She is not well all the time but she has to rush in emergency for treatment like vomits episodes of 20-30 any day;I want to seek that she is hardly in normal health. Will it possible to get fully fit, can she be away from high b. P. Will she be transplanted kidney.

Female | 56

The purpose of dialysis is to substitute the function of the kidneys when they fail to perform their job properly. Nausea and vomiting could be due to her current state of health. To boost her health, besides the medical team's directives, taking medications regularly, and eating a balanced diet are also necessary. A kidney transplant might be a possible alternative in the future, but it is the best option for her doctor to make the decision. 

Answered on 23rd Oct '24

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I have removed 9.5mm ureteral stone 3 months ago and doctor advised to do a songography usg abdomen pelvis after 3 months. i was diagnosed with 1 stone in Right mid calyx - 4mm 1 stone in left mid calyx - 4.2mm 1 stone in left lower calyx - 3.4mm

Male | 34

So you need to workup the cause for stone formation. The stone can be removed multiple times still you need to treat the cause it is happening.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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30 year old, creatine and urea level high, diarrheas, from past 4 days. Back ache.

Male | 30

 you need to visit emergency department if your bp is more than 180/100 and having symptoms like headache for properly evaluation and management of your condition. This could be hypertensive emergency and needs immediate ecg and bp lowering medication to avoid possible complications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Kidney stone problam i have 3more stones

Male | 31

A sharp pain in your side might signal kidne­y stones. Back or abdominal discomfort occurs, too, with pain during urination. Risk factors include dehydration, salty die­t choices, and genetic pre­disposition. Drinking ample water preve­nts stone formation. Lifestyle adjustme­nts plus medical guidance facilitate the­ passing of any existing stones bothering you.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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ckd progression can stop or slower by taking the medicines

Male | 52

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is when the kidneys don't function properly. Symptoms are fatigue, swollen ankles, and trouble sleeping. CKD can be progressive and it may get worse over time. To delay the effects of the disease you can use the medicines your nephrologist has prescribed. These medications not only help the kidneys but also alleviate the symptoms. It is important to stick to the prescription and follow the right instructions to prevent the drugs from causing more damage to your kidneys.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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Is nic showing on a bloodtest

Female | 17

When getting a blood test, it may show if someone has too much 'NIC' in their system. This happens when people eat too many things with salt or if their kidneys are not working well. If you feel thirsty and tired all the time, or if your feet and legs swell up - those could be signs that something is wrong because of too much 'NIC'.

Answered on 31st July '24

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Male | 54

A kidney transplant is a major surgery that aids people with kidney problems. Symptoms such as fatigue and sickness might be the signs of kidney problems. The reasons can be illnesses or injuries that damage the kidney. Kidney transplant may be a costly affair as it includes many medical procedures. Nonetheless, some areas might provide free services; still, it is essential to find out more from local healthcare providers.

Answered on 4th Dec '24

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Şu anda 20 yaşındayım yeni biyopsi oldum sonucuma bakarmısınızIKLAMA: 7yaşında nefrotik sendrom tanısı alan ve tedavi gören olgu, albumin düşüklüğü sebebi ile biyopsi alınma kliniği bildirilen olguya ait HE detayda, 20 adet glomerül izlenmiş olup, 2 glomerülde global skleroz izlenmiştir. Diğer glomerüller irili ufaklı çaplarda olup, Bowman aralıkları açık olarak gözlendi. Glomerüler bazal membranlarda hafif kalınlaşma bazı glomerüllerde mevcuttu. Ancak tüm glomerüllerde mezengial hücre artışı-matriks artışı gibi bulgular izlenmedi. Glomerüler alanda izlenen bulgular spesifik olarak izlenmezken,interstisyel damarlardan (orta çaplı damarlarda) bir tanesinde duvar kalınlaşması, lümen daralması gibi vasküler basınç değişiklikleri lehine yorumlanabilecek bulgular izlenmiştir. Detayda ilave olarak interstisyel fibrozis (%20-25) iken; interstisyel alanda köpüksü histiositler ve lenfoplazmositlerin de eşlik ettiği ksantogranülomatöz pyelonefrit morfolojisi izlendi.Tubuler alanda patoloji izlenmedi. Sayfa 1\ 2

Dişi | 20

Answered on 12th Aug '24

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Cardiac or diabetes and issues is proteinurea

Male | 67

If someone is having problems with their heart or diabetes and is also having protein in their urine, this may mean there could be damage to the kidneys. The signs of this illness are the puffiness of the body, the appearance of bubble-like urine, and the presence of hypertension. This can be caused by increased sugar levels or high blood pressure in the blood. Eat healthy, control your blood sugar, and take medication as directed.

Answered on 26th June '24

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