Female | 64
Why is my Creatinine Rising with IGA Nephropathy?
I am a 64 year old female who was diagnosed with IGA nephropathy in 1992. I am now Stage 4. My creatinine hovers around 2.38 and my GFR is 23. I do not have protein spillage or blood in my urine. I have lost 124 lbs over the last 12 months with the assistance of Zepbound? Please help me understand what is causing my Creatinine to continue to rise? Could the Zepbound be causing this? I eat 1200 calories a day and stay within my sodium and potassium goals. I run 3 miles a day. But my kidneys are continuing to worsen. Please help me understand what else I can do. What is causing my creatinine to continue to rise? Should I get another kidney biopsy since my last biopsy was 32 years ago? Thank you so much for your help.

General Physician
Answered on 7th June '24
Considering your circumstance with IGA nephropathy, it is usual that creatinine levels may increase as kidney functions get worse. Also, rapid weight loss may affect kidney function. It is good that you are committed to eating right and exercising, but running 3 miles every day could strain your kidneys more. You should talk about these worries with a nephrologist. A further kidney biopsy might be able to tell what is happening to your kidneys now.
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Questions & Answers on "Nephrology" (129)
Hello sir/mam, i have pain over left side abdomen from last 3 days, severe in morning and subsides as the day passes, fever, no burning sensation. Xray KUB is normal, Usg shows small renal cortical cyst and tiny calcific foci, features suggestive of pyelonephritis. Dr. gave me IV ceftriaxone for 10 days. Pain is still there after 2 days of treatment.What should i do for the cortical cyst ?
Male | 25
You have been experiencing pain in your left abdomen and have undergone treatment for pyelonephritis. An imaging scan showed that a small renal cyst slightly off the cortex in the kidney is the possible cause of some of your symptoms. Briefly, such cysts are usually benign and do not require treatment unless they grow or cause symptoms. In your situation, please continue to receive the necessary treatment for the infection, and they will also check the cyst to be sure it is not causing any inconvenience.
Answered on 8th Aug '24
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I am 48 years old. There is albumin (protein)+1 present in my kidneys. I am experiencing a fever as well as pain in my back. I have hypertension and diabetes as well.
Female | 48
According to what you have said, it may be a sign that there is an infection in one or both of the kidneys or even some sort of damage if the protein in your urine is accompanied by other symptoms like fever, backache, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Having protein present within urine isn’t normal at all, especially when taken together with these other signs. So you must see a nephrologist as soon as possible to have this checked out.
Answered on 11th June '24
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Dialysis patient in one years
Male | 34
For a dialysis patient unwell for a year, it’s important to stay alert to symptoms like fatigue, swelling, or difficulty breathing, as these may indicate the dialysis isn’t working effectively. This can happen due to missed treatments, not taking medications, or poor diet choices. It's essential to consult the dialysis team to address these issues and adjust the treatment plan for better health.
Answered on 9th Dec '24
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I have removed 9.5mm ureteral stone 3 months ago and doctor advised to do a songography usg abdomen pelvis after 3 months. i was diagnosed with 1 stone in Right mid calyx - 4mm 1 stone in left mid calyx - 4.2mm 1 stone in left lower calyx - 3.4mm
Male | 34
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Mera ckd stage5 hogya hai kya steemcell therapy ho sakta hai?
Male | 32
You've gotten to the fifth stage of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Your kidneys barely work at this advanced stage. Exhaustion, swelling, and chills frequently occur. Hypertension, diabetes, or other illnesses can lead to this condition. Stem cell treatment isn't typically used for CKD. Discussing treatment choices with your nephrologist is highly recommended for Stage 5 CKD management.
Answered on 11th Sept '24
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2 kidney fell in 4 yers dayalisis ready
Female | 36
In cases like these, a person may need dialysis, to have their blood cleansified. This is possible when the kidneys are not functioning completely or are too weak. Some of the signs of the problem are a person being very tired, joints getting painful, and having the same problems with urination. It is a great point for them to visit a nephrologist to get the correct treatment.
Answered on 7th Oct '24
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Firstly, approximately 20 years ago, I experienced a significant shoulder impact while playing football, resulting in a sprain that extends from my neck to the back of my shoulder. Whenever I engage in physical activity, particularly on the injured right shoulder side, I feel a burning sensation accompanied by heat. Additionally, I've noticed that my right hip appears elevated since the injury. In a previous scan, I discovered a left-sided disc prolapse. Moreover, I occasionally experience sprains in the middle of my back. I have not been taking any medications for this issue as previous doctors have been unable to identify the problem. I am concerned about the long-term implications and would greatly appreciate your expertise in evaluating and providing guidance on the appropriate course of action. Are there any specific tests or examinations that you recommend to better understand the underlying causes and potential treatment options for my shoulder, hip, and back issues? Furthermore, I recently discovered that I have kidney stones in both of my kidneys. I do not have diabetes or high blood pressure, and I am not diagnosed with arthritis. Additionally, I have been informed that I have elevated uric acid levels. Considering these multiple health concerns, I am wondering if blood tests or any other diagnostic tests would be beneficial in identifying any potential connections between these issues and guiding the most appropriate treatment plan.
Male | 44
To address your musculoskeletal concerns consult an orthopedic specialist. They would recommend imaging studies, physical therapy, and medications as needed. For your kidney stones and elevated uric acid, seek guidance from a urologist nearest to you or a nephrologist who can perform diagnostic tests. I suggest to follow certain dietary changes, and monitor your kidney health. Open communication with your specialists for a tailored treatment plan for your multiple health concerns.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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hydroniphrosis problem in 2 years baby.before piroplust right kidney work 50%.Ufter piroplust 3 month latter right kidney work 15%...what to do in this sictution
Female | 2
The baby has a condition, hydronephrosis. This is swelling in the kidney from blocked urine flow. It can cause pain, fever, and trouble urinating. Since kidney function decreased, the baby needs more tests like ultrasound or a scan to find the blockage. Treatment may involve a procedure to remove the blockage or medication to improve kidney function. Following the nephrologist's advice for proper care and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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What type of disease is this symptoms, 1.swollen legs and hands 2.internal joints pain 3.feet and finger pain 4.smelly urine when peeing during swollen legs
Female | 27
Swelling of the legs and hands, painful joints inside your body, and also hurting feet and fingers can be caused by a condition called Rheumatoid Arthritis. The immune system gets confused and starts to attack the joints which are the reasons for the pain and inflammation. Smelly urine during swollen legs might be a sign of kidney problems. Enough water intake and medication are the ways to manage symptoms.
Answered on 23rd Sept '24
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30 year old, creatine and urea level high, diarrheas, from past 4 days. Back ache.
Male | 30
you need to visit emergency department if your bp is more than 180/100 and having symptoms like headache for properly evaluation and management of your condition. This could be hypertensive emergency and needs immediate ecg and bp lowering medication to avoid possible complications.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Right nephrolithiasis. - Findings s/o clot in POD & right adhexa and moderate hemoperitoneom. Wo falnt UPT eve status possibility of ruptured right adnexal estopie needs to be considered unless proven othervise. DVD rupture hemorthagic cyst. Minimal eterogenous collection within endoeterial cavity likely blood clot
Female | 35
The symptoms are similar to a clot that is apparently located in the right lower stomach according to your description. These are a variety of factors such as a burst cyst or it's possible that the right ovary is affected. The common signs that may occur are pain, bloating, or abnormal bleeding. It is necessary to perform additional tests for identification and then plan the appropriate treatment accordingly.
Answered on 12th Dec '24
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Kidney stone Left right both
Male | 22
Kidney stones might develop on one side of the body or both. They are similar to small stones that grow in a person's kidney. Signs include urine containing blood, having a problem urinating, and pain in the back or side. Causes may result from not drinking enough water and eating too much salt. To cure this condition, one may need to take a lot of fluid or use particular drugs; in some cases, an operation might be necessary to remove the stones.
Answered on 8th June '24
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Getting chills, have moderate high blood pressure, 104 pulse rate. DIALYSIS PATIENT.
Male | 45
You may experience chills due to elevated blood pressure and rapid pulse. As someone undergoing dialysis, these signs could indicate infection or dehydration. Drink plenty of fluids and maintain a suitable diet. Contact your nephrologist right away for guidance and examination.
Answered on 15th Oct '24
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Şu anda 20 yaşındayım yeni biyopsi oldum sonucuma bakarmısınızIKLAMA: 7yaşında nefrotik sendrom tanısı alan ve tedavi gören olgu, albumin düşüklüğü sebebi ile biyopsi alınma kliniği bildirilen olguya ait HE detayda, 20 adet glomerül izlenmiş olup, 2 glomerülde global skleroz izlenmiştir. Diğer glomerüller irili ufaklı çaplarda olup, Bowman aralıkları açık olarak gözlendi. Glomerüler bazal membranlarda hafif kalınlaşma bazı glomerüllerde mevcuttu. Ancak tüm glomerüllerde mezengial hücre artışı-matriks artışı gibi bulgular izlenmedi. Glomerüler alanda izlenen bulgular spesifik olarak izlenmezken,interstisyel damarlardan (orta çaplı damarlarda) bir tanesinde duvar kalınlaşması, lümen daralması gibi vasküler basınç değişiklikleri lehine yorumlanabilecek bulgular izlenmiştir. Detayda ilave olarak interstisyel fibrozis (%20-25) iken; interstisyel alanda köpüksü histiositler ve lenfoplazmositlerin de eşlik ettiği ksantogranülomatöz pyelonefrit morfolojisi izlendi.Tubuler alanda patoloji izlenmedi. Sayfa 1\ 2
Dişi | 20
The biopsy results can be interpreted that you may have some changes in your kidneys. The findings suggest that there is a thickening in the walls of some blood vessels and areas of fibrosis. These alterations can be attributed to a condition called xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. This condition is mostly caused by a severe kidney infection. Proper treatment may involve the use of antibiotics and close monitoring of a nephrologist to manage the condition.
Answered on 12th Aug '24
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Male | 54
A kidney transplant is a major surgery that aids people with kidney problems. Symptoms such as fatigue and sickness might be the signs of kidney problems. The reasons can be illnesses or injuries that damage the kidney. Kidney transplant may be a costly affair as it includes many medical procedures. Nonetheless, some areas might provide free services; still, it is essential to find out more from local healthcare providers.
Answered on 4th Dec '24
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I was having stomach ache, that's why I found kidney stones on ultrasound, what should I do to remove it?
Male | 58
For kidney stones, drink plenty of water daily as it can help small stones pass naturally. Avoid high-salt and high-oxalate foods, like spinach and nuts, which may make stones worse. Please consult a urologist for proper treatment options based on the stone's size and location.
Answered on 28th Oct '24
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Urine culture albumin-p resent in tracces,,,,ka matlab
Female | 33
If your urine has trace amounts of albumin, it means a small amount of protein got into it. This might show your kidneys have trouble or infection. It could cause swelling, frothy pee, or feeling tired. Make sure to drink lots of water, eat healthy, and skip salty foods. But if this goes on, you should see a nephrologist so they can check it out and treat you right.
Answered on 5th Sept '24
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hi I am thapelo In 2019 december I grew something like a brick the I 've been experiencing it untli now 2024 I went to hospital 2019 they gave me respidal till now nothing has removed and then in 2020 I suspect a kidney removed because it was on the left and then with the sex organs I could feel them I dnt know what to do my life is stuck need to get to university and finish off my studies need help.
Male | 24
Several things might have caused the growth you noticed like a tumor or cyst. So you need to see a nephrologist who can properly evaluate what’s going on with your body and give a treatment plan to help ease these symptoms.
Answered on 6th June '24
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I'm 22 year old female... I have 5.6mm kidney stone.. how can this remove without surgery
Female | 22
Managing a 5.6mm kidney stone without surgery is possible in some cases. Symptoms may include pain in the back or side, difficulty urinating, or blood in urine. To help pass the stone, increase fluid intake, particularly water, and consider dietary adjustments, like limiting salt and animal protein. Over-the-counter pain relievers can provide relief. Sometimes, medications called alpha blockers may aid stone passage. However, it’s vital to connect with a nephrologist for tailored advice and to monitor your situation.
Answered on 13th Feb '25
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Yes I have contacted urologist again but he won't help me with the kidney stones 6mm ,what can I do ?
Female | 73
Suffering 6mm pads can be extremely painful and bring medical complaints like very strong back or side pain, hematuria, and wanting to pee often. The leading causes are dehydration and a diet that is excessive in salt. To facilitate the movement of the stones, you should consume plenty of water, limit your intake of salty foods, and take the medications a nephrologist may recommend. If the pain gets intense, you have to go to the hospital ASAP.
Answered on 23rd Oct '24
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