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Female | 14

Why has my period lasted 1 month?

My period is not stopping since 1 month

1 Answer
Dr. Himali Patel


Answered on 14th June '24

You might be dealing with a problem called abnormal uterine bleeding. This means your periods are lasting longer than they should. It can be the result of hormone imbalances, certain medications, or medical issues like a polyp or a fibroid in the uterus. Your treatment can involve medication or procedures to stop the bleeding. Visit a gynecologist for further treatment.

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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4863)

What is the meaning of blow mentioned points Urinary bladder is partially filled. Endometrial thickness is measuring approx (12) mm. bilateral adnexa unremarkable.

Female | 22

partial filling of urinary bladder is one of the most frequent cases identified through routine ultrasound scanning. The normal changes of the menstrual cycle may cause endometrial thickness to be about 12 mm, or it can require further investigation by a gynecologist in some cases. A positive finding is that the bilateral adnexa are unremarkable:. Other questions or concerns about such findings must be addressed by asking your gynecologist to assess them in detail.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I think I have vaginal thrush (itchy and cheese like discharge in my vaginal). What medication can I use to treat it? My 15 months old son has oral thrush (white patches in his mouth that leaves injury when I try to wipe it). What medication can I use for him? I would also need to treat nipple thrush because I'm still breastfeeding him.

Female | 32

You and your son might have thrush, a fungus infection caused by Candida. Vaginal thrush could make you feel itchy and produce a discharge that looks like cheese. Typically, you’ll be advised to use antifungal creams or tablets. Treatment for oral thrush in your son can involve antifungal oral gel or drops. To avoid transmitting the infection back and forth, both of you might need treatment for nipple thrush. Make sure you take all the medicine prescribed for you to fully recover.

Answered on 11th June '24

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Can I take abortion pills now that my period is 7 days late and I could be pregnant? Is there such thing as "it's too early to take the pills?" If so, when should I consider taking them and could I be affected incase I took the pills whilst iam not pregnant?

Female | 41

If your period is late by 7 days and you suspect pregnancy, one thing you should make sure of is that you are certain about it before taking the abortion pills. It's better to wait until at least 1-2 weeks after your missed period to start taking the pills. Taking them too early may not work at all or, if you're not pregnant, could even be dangerous for you. If you are not sure, it's best to do a home pregnancy test first to make sure.

Answered on 26th Aug '24

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Can i eat dates in my first trimster pregnancy?

Female | 35

Yes, consuming dates during your first trimester of pregnancy can be a healthy choice. Dates are a good source of natural sugars, dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They also provide nutrients like potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B6, which can offer various health benefits during pregnancy.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Aoa mjy 2 3 mah s periods nai ho or dr kh ri hay k pait m pani tahali hay m kia kro jo yh htm ho jay m bht preshan ho mdcn s b frk nai pr ra

Female | 22

Not having pe­riods for 2-3 months and feeling bloated may se­em concerning. This situation could result from hormonal fluctuations, stre­ssful circumstances, thyroid-related issue­s, or other underlying causes. Se­eking medical assessme­nt is crucial to identify the root factor. Meanwhile­, adopting stress-reducing practices, maintaining a nutritious die­tary regimen, and ensuring ade­quate hydration may help your menstrual cycle­ regulation. 

Answered on 19th July '24

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So, I have been to a urogynecologist and she thinks I have an overactive bladder. I have had this sensation like I'm leaking. I feel like I leak while I'm standing, sitting, or bending really much at any time. Well, today I had to go to the bathroom and when I pulled down my pants white stuff went on the floor. But, When I urinated in the toilet it was yellow. I am wondering if the leaking feeling I have is just a discharge. I did go to the er for back pain and they said I have sciatica.

Female | 23

What you saw on the floor as a white substance may be discharge, but it is vital to eliminate other possible sources. I would recommend that you visit your urogynecologist for an accurate diagnosis and the appropriate treatment plan.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello My periods are missed for 15 days when I checked in prega news it showed light pink at t but I don't have any symptoms please suggest.

Female | 27

There are several causes of missed periods, such as pregnancy, stress, hormonal disorders or any other underlying illnesses. Tests and procedures can be done by a gynecologist, who also gives the necessary treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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